
1A-10: I'm not a mind reader... but I can be

After a few minutes, Issac had finally made enough stairs to reach the castle. Running up the spiral staircase, he wondered was awaited him at the top. But he didn't need to wonder for long, but eventually, Lucas came down the stairs to him.

"Let's go."

"And you aren't gonna tell me where you went yesterday?"

Lucas didn't say a word more to him, he just continued to descend down the stairs, not waiting for even a second. When they both reached the bottom, Issac asked again.

"I seriously don't want to talk right now. Just give me some space."

"No... no! I won't! You can't just disappear on me and then not tell me what's going on!"

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot. It's always about you, isn't it? Sad Issac is fucking sad again. Maybe just give me the space I need, okay?"

"... wow. I get that you were the cool kid with all the cool friends and the cool parents, but seriously? Fuck you."

"I came up to you when you had NO ONE, and this is how you're going to talk to me? I'm fucking dead and you still have the audacity? Great, see you."

Lucas began to walk away, but Issac wouldn't let him. He wouldn't let him leave him again.

"I'm sorry..."

"For being selfish."

"Yes... and this. I WISH I KNEW WHAT HAPPENED!"

Lucas's eyes widened, but it was too late. In a matter of seconds, a fragment flew past his face, cutting his cheek, and stopped right between Isaac's eyes.

"This is your last chance, either you tell me now, or I'll find out for myself."

"What... the fuck?! Why can't you just think about how I feel for one fucking minute?!"

"I am... this is why I have to do this. I'm sorry."

Lucas rushed towards Issac, but it was too late. In a flash, all was revealed to him. Issac looked towards Lucas, and then he sighed.

"I can't believe you want to leave me again."

"I... I never chose to die!"

"I'm done, I'm leaving. See you later."

Lucas blinked, and suddenly Issac was gone. He had awoken in the world he could never be apart of again.

"God fucking damn it!"

After a few seconds of hiding, Navio came out of hiding.

"I, uh, heard everything. I had a feeling things would turn out this way. That's why I brought you this."

Navio handed Lucas a fragment. He hesitated, but then grabbed, and peered through it.

*This is... the day I died?"

"You can go back and prevent yourself from dying."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?!"

"Well, I can't guarantee what consequences will come from you undoing your death. Some things have to happen, and I feared if you were to go back, something terrible might happen. Also, I forgot. So I'll let you decide what you want to do."

"... I know what to do. Take me back."

"Very well, good luck though."

"Thanks, I'll need it."

Lucas focused on the glass, the images inside began to completely devour his view. The light cut through him, tearing him apart, splitting him into sections, but he wouldn't give up. He wouldn't just do this for himself, Issac had so much going on that he didn't deserve, right now he needed a friend, not some ghost.

"Wait for me Issac, I'm coming..."

"I'll tell you this once more before you completely disappear, this action will have consequences, wether you come back to revert this choice or not. May God help you..."

Play Arcahv by Feryquitous