
1-3: Trapped

Gavin yelled out "I found something!" It was a memory of Shaun and Gavin playing in a park together, they looked to be about 10, I said "But if were 22 right now, would our past selves even remember?" He looked at me "It's our only chance, you can do it right?" I looked deep into the shard and then there was a bright flash of light. Suddenly I was standing in a sand pit with two other kids, who looked as if they just saw a ghost.

"You... did you j j-"

"No wait! I, it's not bad, I'm not gonna hurt you, why would I, I am you." My younger self looked at me "Are you, like, my future self?" "Yes, exactly! I just needed to tell you, DO NOT GO TO SLEEP ON 10/7/18, okay?"

He nodded and I closed my eyes, and I was back in the world of glass. "I guess I didn't listen to myself..."

Damn, were we ever gonna get out of here? We at least learned time was slower when we were in here, so at least we didn't have to worry about dying to soon.

Just as Gavin was ready to have another fit, the ground below us started to shake, then split. We fell to our knees and tried to stay together, but we ended up on opposite sides. I looked forward to see that the ground we were on would eventually merge together again. Before me was a castle of some sort, and before Gavin was... something? Gavin sighed, "Okay, here is what we're gonna do, well meet up at the end, look for memories of us that can help us get out of here, recent memories, check the monuments too, that's usually where the important ones are." And with that we split ways for who knows how long.

Play I've heard it said by Combatplayer

Shaun and Gavin's story will now be told separately, 1A chapters will follow Shaun and 1B chapters will follow Gavin.