
1-1: Losing touch

"Hello? Hey, are you even paying attention?"

Noah opened his eyes to... woah. Who... where... it's almost as if he completely forgot who he was...

"Um, this is this dumbest question, but who am I and where are we?" The boy in-front of him stares in confusion. "Uh, dude, are you on something?"

What was going on? Everything was wrong... or was it just him?

"Please answer the question, I really need to know."

He rolled his eyes. "Ugh, your name is Shaun, we're at my house. Were you really not paying attention this whole time? Do you understand how devastating it could be if we fail?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, I was paying attention, but I guess I got lost somewhere along the way..." He had a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Just pay even a little bit more attention, especially since we're trying to coordinate my visit!"

"Uuh, visit? Who is coming over?" The disappointment turned into annoyance.

"Bruh are you kidding me, do I have to give you a whole rundown on how this works?"

He just kinda looked at him.

"Oh my god, tonight when I fall asleep, you'll wait 2 hours after I fall asleep and then wake me up so that I don't get trapped, okay?"

Trapped? Trapped where? Oh, yeah, that place. The world of memories. That was the only thing he could remember, they hadn't given it a name, but essentially it displays memories of the past, present, and future as fragments, and more recently they'd been finding memories of the future, so they had been searching for more, hoping to learn more about what the future had for them.

"So, it's not until the afternoon, what do you wanna do?"

"I think imma take a nap until 9, then I'll sneak in and we can start. I don't wanna pass out while you're in doing your visit! Er- I kinda have something to do... Anyways, you can still go to sleep at 9 and I'll come to wake you at 11"

"Alrighty, it's a plan. And if you plan on napping, make sure to set an alarm right next to your ear at full blast."

Shaun headed home in a hurry, but by the time he got there, it was already 8, not much time til he had to go. He still didn't have anything to do, so I set the alarm and took a nap.

It usually woke him up.


[Play Fairytale by chitose]