
Unexpected Encounter

Late in the evening Garthy was sitting by her favorite spot, she was so engrossed in thinking that she didn't realize that it was late. " aaah " she sighed gathering her stuffs in a small backpack she decided to walk home.

After walking for a while she noticed that she was being followed and not by a single person but a small group ( OMG!!!!! )she thought before she could increase her pace she was already surrounded,

" hey pretty how about we spend the night together, if you satisfy me well I might pay you cutefully...what do you think ?" Garthy was on wits end seeing that the guy was coming close " you-you do-don't come close am warning you this is illegal am Going to call the police" she said as her back hit a hard surface.

" hahahaha did you hear that, hahahaha she said that she will call the " POLICE " come babe my father is the chief inspector at the police station, uh now tell me where you will run to knowing that the police won't help uh tell me?"( oh Lord of mercy why didn't you tell me that it was already late that I have to go back home uh ) she thought noticing that the guy didn't stop approaching she was terrified " you don't come close am warning you or else..."

" or else what " asked the white haired lad,

" or else am going to beat the f**king hell out of you if you dare to lay you filthy hands on her." said the deep voice sending chills down the spine of every one present.


did the the wind. Turning their heads from where the voice was coming from only to meet a calm looking man, with folded arms, cladded in black, with a nose mask and a pair of furiously silver eyes.

" hey this is not a movie where the hero tries to save the heroine okay now get your ass out of this place" said the white haired lad ( oh my goodness it's him ). But the stranger seemed unfazed he was scanning the scene in front of him as if he was calculating how to make his move.

Seeing this the white haired lad was furious " I'll fucking kill you today" said while unsheathing his dagger as he charged forward. Garthy was on wits end she didn't want some one getting involved in her mess,

" Noooooo !!! please please please leave him alone " she said while acting as a shield for the silver eyed stranger " he got nothing to do with this please just leave him alone leave him out of this I beg you".

Gerant was stunned never in his life did he think of a woman shielding him ( Woman you surprise me ).

despite all the pleading the white haired brat was determined to take harm Gerant because he disturbed his moment he kept charging with full force this time,

" NO!!!" Garthy shouted as the dagger neared instead of running she turned around hugging Gerant's muscular body.

Gerant was going to have an heart attack because the woman's surprises ( woman you amuse me ) despite knowing that a dagger is charged at him he was too engrossed in starring at the woman tightly hugging him while shivering

" aaaaaah " the white haired lad shouted before the dagger pierced Gerant he held the dagger with his bare hands without tearing his gaze from the woman who buried her face in his chest. Garthy waited for the pain to be inflicted on her but nothing happened, slowly lifting her face only to meet a pair of silver eyes looking at her with so much love and affection, the couple got lost in each other's eyes.

Gerant snapped back to reality because of the sharp he felt from his hand and felt that he needed to do something

without much thinking he took Garthy to his car laying her down carefully and said before leaving " I will be right back just give me a few minutes " he said while brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear, and nodded obediently.

The moment he closed the door his expression changed 180 degrees the caring face was now replaced with an emotionless, frosty looking face with his pupils slightly constricted making him look deadly.

Before the group registered what was happening he was already in front of the white haired brat " I only ask once and for all " Gerant said while the dark aura was evolving around him.

" yo-you don't do anything stupid am a member of the vipers don't do anything funny am warning you they will not let you off " the white haired lad was scared to death

hearing his rival from the underworld his face darkened even more ( Julian cole how dare you ? uh looks like you have grown wings in tiny period of time how manly of you )

gerant was so furious he wasn't someone who gives a chance for his enemies to strike and what he hates the most is sneak attacking.

since he didn't have time to deal with this mess " get the police and come to ****street in five minutes or else you will hear it from me," Gerant phoned his assistant.

within five minutes a dozen of vehicles was heard in no time the police reached the crime scene. Gerants assistant was in cold sweat, locating his boss " Bo's what is the matter," his said nothing he only threw him a recording drive and said while walking away " deal with it " with that he went to his car and drove off.


The drive was silent " miss " Gerant called but there was no response because she was too traumatized to even listen to what he saying, gerant sighed he gently park the car by the roadside the turn to look at the woman beside him before tapping her on the shoulder

" miss " he gently called.

Garthy only responded with tears streaming down her face as turned to hug the man beside her.

Gerant was taken back to the response the woman gave him he stupefied arguing whether to hug her or not.

" Please just for a few minutes just a few minutes," Garthy pleaded

" okay " gerant agreed and decided to console the broke woman by parting her back.

After sometime Garthy was only whimpering when she came to her senses she realized that she has made someone's shirt wet with her tears she slowly lifted her head only to meet a pair of silver eyes starring back at her.

Lost in each other's eyes gerant broke the awkward moment " are you okay now " he asked, and Garthy nodded.

" now do you mind sharing your address with me ?" he asked.

" sure, it's the early bird apartment on Street ******" she answered back while composing herself

poor Gerant was a little bit disappointed that Garthy had to leave his embraced ( poor me no one ever told me that embracing a person would be this cute )

The drive continued Garthy was busy starring gerant before her eyes settled on his hands " OMG !!! " she screamed

" what happened to your hands?"

" oh this? it nothing it's just a scratch it will heal in no time "

" are you insane? who said that this just a scratch? can't you see that the wound is deep, huh? " without waiting for a response " come on hurry you need to get your wound treat," she said ( how can he be so reckless hmmph ).

" yes ma'am " Gerant replied with a chuckle other than his family no one would even dare to think of nagging him, but somehow somewhere he found it funny being nagged by Garthy.