
Chapter:1 Gears of Fate takes an Unexpected Turn

In a chaotic darkness, where different energies collide, either forming or formless, like a chaotic universe with looming darkness.

One could observe a soul seemingly fragile and at the brink of fading, but tenaciously and vigorously floating in this darkness. With little of the memory before its death always flashing in its consciousness.

Suddenly their was a disturbance in this continuous cycle, a voice reaches our protagonist who suddenly feels refreshed and its mind or you could say its consciousness awakens and interpret the sudden information stuffed in its soul.

"???: I am glad you have awaken from your slumber my child."

The confused soul looked around, after finding nothing in front of him, he introduced himself to that being. 

"!??!: My name is @$#! and probably you would already know, for such a high level being"

hearing the reply from the soul in front, the being said. 

"You may address me as "CHAOS", my child"

Hearing that name, his thought fluctuated a bit but quickly calm down and said bowing

"My greetings to you're excellency, but I have a big doubt"

wanting to hear his doubts, CHAOS said

"you may speak"

Hearing the reply, he spoke his doubts

"Where am i now and how am i able to speak without a body."

Seeming to understand the souls puzzlement, CHAOS said

"This is the place known as 'Source', it has no beginning and no end, it is the starting and end of everything."

"you are a special case here as during a battle between two beings your world was shattered and of the remains you were the only soul, who was able to survive"

"It seems one of them had a treasure which was formed at the beginning and was at that time was in a dormant state. Because of the huge explosion caused by the destruction of your world awakened it and hooked your soul with it and brought here."

"Since it is the first time ever for a life to come in this dimension, I can fulfill some of your wishes."

"Now as the consciousness of this place, I have the authority to fulfill any of your 6 wishes, as this place is very special the wishes has no restriction, other than gaining the authority here, so you may carefully state your wishes as it would effect your future"

Hearing so much information, it took a while to comprehend his situation and a lot of thinking to maximize his benefits when asking those wishes

He said

"I am very grateful for your consideration in giving me a chance for a new beginning and my wishes are:

1. Making my soul, true spirit, root or anything you call it to be connected with this place(SOURCE),so that I don't have to worry about any high being suddenly killing me. 

2. Making me able to Adaptable to any plane and energy so that, I do not have to worry about incompatible when in a different plane. 

3. I want a library which is stored in my soul, which contains all the knowledge of any plane whether techniques, skills, methods, or life essential knowledge in all fields.

4. I want my body to still be human but it will have all the advantages of different human body structure, whether flesh and blood or spiritual across all planes, like that sea of bitterness, seven chakras, limit gates, 'Dan-tian', meridians, affinity to all elements, etc.

5. A system for keeping check of my information and shields the peeping of a higher being.

6. Attach many sub-systems to my system like world-travelling, appraisal and many more."

hearing the souls answer, although surprised but the 'CHAOS' still said,

"your wishes are interesting, it seems your wishes are rather simple."

"Your first wish is very simple as nourished by Source for many years which closely connects you to this place, so as a bonus you can choose the way you will look and it will be permanent as it will be printed in your very soul and can never be changed and furthermore you could suggest the world you would like to manifest, as any being could not conceive you due to your strong soul."

"But your wish for a system negate this as it could shield the mother from any harm during the pregnancy."

After digesting another wave of information he nodded accepting all the conditions for his rebirth and started designing his body and took care of any minor or major details and finalized it after a long time.

"For my first world, I want to be traversed to Pokemon World as it was my childhood dream to go there and I want you to name me as my past life is meaningless now and I want to start a new journey."

After hearing the name of the world, CHAOS knowingly agreed of his suggestion and replied

"I would be very much delighted to name you, as for your name, I name you 'Tiandi' and your time here has come to an end and I wish you a very brilliant life."

With the end of these words, the soul now Tiandi was wrapped in a cocoon like structure and fell asleep in it.


After a long time

Tiandi slowly woke up from his sleep and begun to observe his surroundings

Tiandi looked around but only to see endless gray gas or a blank space which terrified him.

Perhaps noticing a huge change in his emotions, a cold voice was transmitted to his mind.


[It is detected that their is a huge fluctuation in Master's emotions and it is recommended to meditate to calm down]

Hearing the soothing voice in his mind, Tiandi tried to calm down and ponder over the voice in his mind.

'Oh! Now I know you are the system which I wished for'

"so where am I system and what is this place"

[Master this place is outside the plane where master was supposed to go.]

"so why am I outside that world."

[Master in the extra wish you got you did not specify the looks of your and the world you are going to has many parallel worlds, so you can choose which world you like to go.]

Hearing the cause of him being here, he was relieved.

"System how am I supposed to choose about my looks."

Hearing this, a panel showing his previous life body showed up and various options showed up.

"It seem like the character panel in some games I used to play."

"So I want it like this....."

After some time, adjusting his body details he gazed upon his masterpiece and was very satisfied with it.

Confirming his modifications a new panel opened on the previous one showing rows upon rows of different names.

"Wow! This is some considerable amount and the panel comes with filters."

"Lets first remove some of the dark and dangerous worlds. Some have apocalyptic scenes like zombie-virus, somewhere villain teams won, bio-hazard, etc."

Some amount of worlds were eliminated from the list with his request.

"Lets also remove some fan-fiction and traverser ridden worlds also."

With every request of Tiandi, the list begun to shorten and there were only some names on the list left.

"Well second-type of worlds were the most on the list. Well some game world are interesting but the laws their somewhat restrict actions, like grass encounter, four-moves limit, etc. so they can be removed."

With his words again a large number of names on the list were cleared and he found just the 'Classic world' and 'Customized world' written on the panel.

Seeing those names, Tiandi has the idea about the first and was confused by the second.

"System is the first world, the original world and if it is what about the second."

[Master you are correct about the first world, as it really is the world where 'Ash' travels]

[As for the second world, the list you got previously was just the worlds which have already been formed and this world you can customize its formation how you like and change its pattern.]

"So you mean, you can create a whole world just for me."

[Master you should keep in mind to never underestimate my capabilities as my reach of power is only below my creator.]

[Creating a world is just part of my various abilities and these abilities can only be ever used with your consent. But this rule can be broken when master is is danger of losing his life.]

After hearing this from the system, Tiandi thanked 'CHAOS' in his mind and was very happy as his choice of getting a system was correct.

"System I will keep that in my mind and you can continue with your explanation."

[So I was explaining that you could add some new laws or you could say in game-terms settings.]

With these words a new panel emerged, indicating various settings he could choose from.

'Hmm I have already decided on this.'

"System I choose a 'cultivation' centered world."

[Yes master]

Confirming the instructions from Tiandi, the panel in front of Tiandi faded away and soon a bright spot begun to appear in the endless darkness and suddenly as if enough accumulation has been completed, it exploded and a huge energy begun to gush in the surroundings.

[Protection mechanism has been triggered and time acceleration is carried out to shorten the creation of the world.]

Meanwhile, Tiandi was enveloped in a transparent case protecting him from possible harm. Tiandi was able to see the outside and was marvelling at the scene of a world rapidly forming in his life.


After some time, which felt like only some minutes have passed and a completely new world was in front of Tiandi.

[Master the world has been constructed according to your instructions.]

"Hm, so could you give me a brief description of this new world."

[As you wish master.]

A new panel appeared in front of Tiandi, explaining the information about this new world.

[Pokemon World -Cultivation-]

[This is a 'Beast-tamer' aspect world so one can only get abilities by having a pokemon of one's own and only by forming a strong connection with your pokemon could one access the various energies premating the world like pokemon and use only those energies corresponding to the pokemon type.

Some individuals are able to harness energies without taming pokemon like psychic powers, aura users. There are also some individuals blessed like dragon clan with dragon energy and viridian power.]

"System can I access these powers without needing to form connection with pokemons, as I cannot wait till I get to have my own pokemon."

[Master with system you can easily break this limit and can even use abilities from different worlds without being restricted by the world shackles.]

"Oh, then I am relieved."

"System Let's start and send me to the pallet town with the timeline during birth of Ash and make my family have some connection with Professor Oak."

[Yes Master]

[Initializing the travel in 1,2,3....]

Tiandi lost his consciousness and was wrapped in another protection case which leaped through the world barrier and entered the world inside.

-end of the chapter-