
Endless Infinity Gojo Satoru x OC

You may think that the life of sorcerers is a life everyone wants. But, the more closer you look, the deeper you dive into this world, the more you realize the darkness this life carries. Betrayal, death, loss, broken hearts... Amati Tanaka has learned that the hard way. Little did she know when entering Jujutsu High, that the life she loved, the moments spent with her friends, would one day vanish by acts of betrayal and death. Alone, she leaves Jujutsu High, travels away and builds her own life. But, she couldn't stay there permanently. About ten years later she returns. The only person left for her in Tokyo was Gojo. And little did she know he needed her, all these years. Just like she needed him. _________________ I DONT OWN JUJUTSU KAISEN. This is merely a fan fiction. This story holds everything. Action, entertainment, and romance. Hope you like it!

Anime_dreamer2324 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 18

Gojo Satoru


"Why'd you come back?"

He wishes he didn't ask it like he was boiling in rage, because Amati suddenly seems to regret everything—he can see that just by looking into her tired eyes.

She was always transparent with her thoughts and emotions, and she could sometimes hardly hide them.

She opens her mouth to speak, but then she closes it.

"Why are you here?" Gojo asks, slower. He crosses his arms.

She clenches her jaw and looks down. "I get why you're not happy at all to see me." She says quietly, looking back at him. "But don't worry, because I'm going back."

Gojo's heart drops, because he doesn't understand.

"Listen." Amati says, her voice hallow. "I came back for one thing. I know no one will accept me back in Jujutsu High, that's why I won't bother to try and stay."

"Then what makes you think I'll accept you, why'd you talk to me?" He hates himself for saying such a thing, but his inner emotions are a churning storm. He can barely keep it all in.

Amati hugs her arms. "You're still an ass." She mumbles. "The only reason I talked to you was because you would be the only one to understand why I came back."

Gojo doesn't know what to reply, but thankfully she continues talking.

"I'm here to tell Suguru something. Get it off my chest. And I'll leave."

His eyes twitch. "What?"

She nods.

Is she crazy? Doesn't she know... well... she doesn't make sense at all. How does he tell her... how does he tell her that... "Suguru... he's..."

"Dead. I know." She says without a pause, but she says it through her clenched teeth. "Take me to where you buried his ashes. That's all I need."

Gojo stays silent, words and memories and questions running around in his head...


He clenches his teeth. "I... When did you..."

"Yaga Sensei told me." He notices how she clenches her hands into fists. "The day... the day it happened."

He bites the inside of his cheek and looks away.

"Where?" She asks again.

He winces, closes his eyes. "I... didn't cremate..."

"What?" He hears her ask, misbelieving.

"I didn't want anyone from Jujutsu High to take his body." He looks back at her.

Her mouth is open. "This is... But you—"

"We still made a gravestone for him." He interrupts. "At the back of Jujutsu High."

Her fingers twitch and she looks down, nodding. "Take me there, then."

He shakes his head. "You're not allowed inside unless you talk to Yaga Sensei."

"But he would—"

"Let me rephrase that. I wouldn't let you in. Unless I see you ask permission myself."

Her eyes widen. "Why?"

"You really think it's okay to disappear ten years, come back, thinking I'd help you like nothing ever happened?"

She hardens her jaw, her eyes dropping to the floor. "I never expected you to treat me like nothing happened. I already told you, I know why you're not happy to see me."

"That doesn't explain anything. You did exactly what he did to you. He threw your one year relation ship like nothing. You threw our three year friendship like it was nothing either." He steps back. "And you still expect me to help you just after one simple meeting."

He turns around, ready to leave, but she grabs his sleeve.

"Satoru, I don't want forgiveness. I don't want anything from this world. I promise, I'll visit Suguru's gravestone and leave. Please you can't just throw this request like this! You know what Suguru was to me!"

He looks at her over his shoulder. Her eyes are full of desperation. It even hurts to look at her.

But... it's not easy for him either.

"You came back so suddenly and spoke to me like it's only been a week. You may not be affected by your ten year disappearance, but I am." He says.

"I know, Satoru, and I'm sorry! But I—"

"Sorry will not change the ten past years. Leave. Leave right now."

Her grip over his sleeve loosens and she steps back. She looks down at her feet, her hair covering the sides of her face. "Letting you go was the hardest thing I've ever done, you know." She whispers, her voice thick.

"But you did it and succeeded."

"Please just listen to me!" She yells, falling to her knees, begging. "Please, Satoru! Please, let me visit the gravestone! I promise I'll leave afterwards! But please, just this one thing."

A lonely tear falls down the side of her face.

"I can never forgive you for this." He says.

"I know..." she puts her head in her hands.

The sleeves of her sweater slide down her wrists.

And, Gojo then notices them.

The marks.

Pink marks starting from her wrists to her forearm.

His eyes widen and his breath hitches.

But she lowers her hands, the sleeves hiding the marks. She looks up at him. "Will you let me?" Her voice cracks.

It took a while for Gojo to regain his focus. "Tomorrow." He says. "Come to Jujutsu High. Ask Yaga Sensei's permission. That's it." He turns around.

"Asshole..." she mutters, still on her knees, nails digging into her palm.

"Call me whatever you want." Gojo says, "But I wasn't the one who did wrong ten years ago."

He takes one last look at her and leaves.




idk what to say

ugh my head is always blank at author notes.

I hope you weren't annoyed at Gojo tho

Understand that he felt betrayed by Amati leaving him. He never expected it, and he waited for her to come back

10 years isn't short.

Literally about 3,650 days. :')

I mean, imagine your best friend leaving you without a word. Ten years later you see her/him.

But of course Amati... you'll understand why she stayed that long away and why she never thought of coming sooner.

So stay tuned for next chap tmr😭
