1 Sunday night's June 13 2021

Lay me in my bed. I start to led my consciousness leaking out of my body.

There's rain. Big rain like an infant crying for mother. Standing on that rooftop I can feel enormous heavy drops onto my shoulders.

It is dark. Thousand of constellations were created by tall buildings around me.

Someone is lying down on my feet. He is the protagonist?

- Owl in position, over!

Another sound coming out of his ear-pod.

- Rats in position, over!

I see, I'm in the midst of some kind of police action. Maybe! What this guy snipe at? The construction building in front of him.

Can I take a closer look? Yes, I can. This world is created by my mind, I can do anything.

Details starting to gather, that building appears around me. 7 floors. 30 men. They look like homeless people, but with guns, and organization.

Ah, maybe this is a trading scene between 2 gangs. And the police ambushing them.
