
Endless Evolution: Last Star

Originally from the slums, Adam was chosen as a candidate for an experiment to ignite the Spark - an entity that gives superpowers. However, he failed and was thrown into the Dead Lands - the place the world became after the fall of the Last Star, beginning a new era for mankind, dangerous and unexpected. He faced against monsters and dangerous anomalies, sometimes creating artifacts - the miracle of this world. Killing his first monster in deadly combat, Adam became a Phantom - one who could evolve, endlessly moving toward power. Follow Adam on his journey, from fighting monsters and exploring Dead Lands to endless evolution!

Arlemit · Fantasy
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454 Chs

Instead of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (Part 1)

Some nights passed unnoticed, becoming just a convenient time to sleep to gain strength for the next day.

Sometimes, though, so much could happen in one night, in just a few hours, that many busy days seemed pale and dull.

One way or another, every night would end, the darkness would give way to dawn, and active life would begin, some would go to the academy, some to work, and some, went to Dead Lands.

Today, Adam didn't go to any of those places, he stood in front of the massive gates of the Miracle Observatory, waiting for Magnus to let them inside.

"Are you ready?" Silvana asked, looking at Adam, who for some reason, seemed strange to her today. He didn't say anything, only occasionally sighing heavily.

"Yeah..." Adam nodded, scratching the back of his head, "It's just... Last night wasn't what I expected, from Red Feast to my little trip..."