
Endless Change

A bartender and a mafia leader love story. Asaka is a mafia leader who falls in love with Levar, a trans bartender.

We_are_here · Action
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51 Chs


(Asaka Point of View)

Work sucks. My meeting took longer than expected as people kept getting off-topic, but the only good thing I have found out is that the one sells lions so now I know where Frey's lion came from a bit more. I did stop him from showing photos as I was just tired of hearing about it. He did keep mentioning that some look a few looks like cats more than lion cubs which for some reason he hates. I'm sure if I let him show the photos I would see but for now, I have to finish up by deleting the videos for my cutie's coworkers. I go to grab my phone when I realize it is missing. Shit. If someone sees what my darling's name is and what I have sent they might go after him. And I have the tracer app so they will be able to find him. I am such an idiot. 

I immediately go looking for it and I send people out to see if our guests have left or not. I am soon told that they are still there that they have my phone and that they were on the phone with someone. I walk over to them. I grab my phone.

"Why did you have this?"

"You left it unsupervised."

"It was in my office. So I will ask you again, why did you have my phone?"

"I have my reasons."

I pull out my gun and I shot him in the head. I look over to the woman next to him.

"You said no guns and everything we had was removed."

"You trust too easily."

I kill the others before walking away. I tell some of my men to clean up the bodies which they do. I head into the shower room. I lock the door behind me. I clean up all of the blood off of me. I make sure to use hydrogen peroxide to get all of the blood completely clean off of me. Once I am done, I stand in the water for a little bit. My darling would hate me if he saw me like this. I just killed three people because they took my phone. He would be scared of me. I want to hold him close so I know he is safe. I take a deep breath before turning off the water. I turn on my phone. I have a text from my darling asking when I will be home. It is already past noon so I'm sure he is just worried about me. Plus, I'm sure he has already had breakfast and lunch and I did say that I would get home after lunch. Sure now can still be seen as lunchtime but I should still start heading home. "I am coming home now." I text him before putting my phone away. 

I head to my office and I grab my things before leaving. I have gotten my darling a ring. I want to see how he reacts to it. Plus, it has another tracer on it and I do have it so it scans to see how his heart rate is and doing. So if his heart rate gets really high or low, I will know. Plus, I should be able to help him better than I am now if I know where his heart rate is, and then I would know a bit more about how he is feeling. I really hope he likes it. I really hope he does wear it.

I head out to my car and I drive home. I do keep looking at my phone but I don't get any notifications. When I get home, I see another car in my driveway. I immediately run inside. I hear meowing. I head towards it, the door is locked and I can hear crying. I kick in the door, causing some bleeding on my legs but I keep going. Once I can get through, I see my darling underneath a man. The man is naked as he holds him down while my darling just has his shirt on. The man is holding my darling down as my darling keeps struggling and crying. It looks like the man's dick is in my darling. I can feel my anger rising. No one should be touching him but me and he is violating him. How can anyone think this is right? If my darling wasn't there I would shot him in the bed.

The man is looking at me. "Hi there Asaka. I see why you like your little toy but I wouldn't see you as a lesbian."

"Get off of him."

"Him? This is a girl and fuck, she is good at taking dick. You should feel how tight she is. I am so close to being able to fill her up."

I snap at his words. I grab him by the neck and I throw him to the ground. I hear my darling yell in pain. I hate him in pain. I grab my gun that I still have on me and I cave his head in. I watch as the life leaves his eyes. I feel his blood getting all over me but I don't care. I keep going. I feel my gun hit his brain. I know he is dead but I don't care. I will make sure that anyone who finds him will vomit at the sight. Almost as if on cue, I hear vomiting. I look behind me. My darling has just vomited on the bed. He is holding the kitten and shaking in fear. I stand up as I walk up to him but he moves away from me.

"Darling? Why do you look so scared? You know I won't hurt you, right?"

"You just killed someone and you are covered in their blood, how can I know that for sure?"

"I did but he touched you. You were inside of you. I couldn't have done nothing." I walk closer to him but stop at the bed's foot. He looks so scared of me. I don't want him scared of me. "Please, baby. Don't be scared of me. I'm sorry. Please calm down."

He shakes his head. He looks so scared of me. "You are a police officer and you just killed someone."

"Yes, I did. Sometimes that's what I need to do. I will give you some space."

I leave the room with the body and I lock the door behind me. I know I shouldn't but at the same time I can't have him leave. I need him too much. He might hate me but I can make him love me. Plus, maybe if I do get rid of the body then he won't have me as much.