
Endless adventure: A Fairy Tail Fanfic

NBeing reborn into a world where magic exists. Dragons. Wizards. Guilds. Talking cats. Other worlds. Time travel. So much that was thought to be impossible. All of that is suddenly possible. All of that is suddenly her reality. What should one do in such a situation? In the world of Fairy Tail. The guild that treats each other like family. The number one guild. The legendary guild. The guild that produced some of the strongest wizards known. What would one do? Strive. That's what she was determined to do. She was determined to make a dent. A difference. To be useful. To help. She would do what she could. For she was a Phoenix. And she shall rise.

Archer_Phoenix · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 3

Archer stood in the practically empty room of her apartment. She had just said goodbye to Erza. She had to admit she had some fun with the redhead. It was nice to see her happy. Strawberry cake was the way to go. She's gained some trust and made up for her mistakes. Now she was faced with her apartment. She wondered. Why were they called apartments when they're placed together? It makes no sense. Welp, that's life. It never makes sense.

She stepped deeper into her room. There was a sizable closet in a corner. A bedside table by the bed. There was no chairs. There was a plain table in the kitchen area. She wandered into the bathroom. Not bad. The perfect size actually. A bathtub and a shower.

The apartment was sizeable. Just empty. She would have to fill it.

Not a problem.

She threw her closet open and stood in front of it for some time. It may be empty now, but she would fill it with her clothing. She had a lot of clothes. Mostly jackets and hoodies. It's just her preferred style.

The kitchen was empty as well. There was nothing in the cabinets. Nothing in the fridge or freezer. Just an empty kitchen. There weren't even any pots. She'll get to that as well.

She needed a couch too.

"I've got work to do"

And work she did. She was determined to have everything set up by seven, because she planned on returning to the guild. That left her with only two hours. She could work with that. She started with her wardrobe. With the help of her Re-Equip magic she filled the place with her clothes. Most of which she had bought upon waking up in the future. Some were from her time in the dragon age. She smiled when she looked at them.

She had made lot of changes. The biggest being amongst the dragon slayers. Natsu. Gajeel. Wendy. Rogue and Sting. She was with them. She was introduced to them. She trained with them. They all trained together. They were like a little family. She chuckled as she thought back to all the times the boys challenged her to a fight. They lost of course. That only made them want to beat her even more. It helped them grow. Wendy was the logical one of the group. They were all crazy. They needed the one sane person.

She wondered where they ended up.

It mattered not. She would find them and bring them to the guild. She would make sure Fairy Tail had all the dragon slayers. They were all connected now. And she was that connection. They knew each other and their memory had not been altered.

One major change she prided herself on.

The other had to do with the dragons and celestial keys.

Speaking of which. Now that she was here she would need to hunt her keys down. It might not be so hard seeing as she was the one that hid them. But it will be a challenge. They have been hidden for four hundred years. Locating them would take time and magic.

"Much better" she hummed to herself as she stood in front of her hard work. Her wardrobe was filled. Her kitchen looked more like a kitchen and the cabinets were filled. Her bed was neatly made. Her walls were changed to her preferred color with the help of some magic. She did pretty good.

The cool wind hit her as she stepped out of the apartment complex. The night was very calm. It wasn't very dark though. She pulled on her hood as she started her trek back to the guild. She had so much she wanted to achieve as she grew.

She wanted to become an S class wizard. Not just any S-class wizard. She wanted to be a SSS- class wizard. Triple S-class handle the most dangerous and life threatening missions. Like Gildarts. That guy was seriously overpowered. He survived a run in with Acnologia. He deserves respect.

Next to reaching the rank of S-class Archer dreamed of becoming a wizard saint. She wanted to be so strong that another number would be added to the rank. Wizard Saint number Zero. Stronger than what's his name. God Serena. Yeah that's the name. You know someone is really cocky, ignorant and self absorbed when they add God to their name. Yeah. She didn't like the guy. She'll kick his ass one day in the near future. The very near future. He won't know what it him. The only wizard capable of using multiple elements of dragon slayer elements.

She chuckled.

A dragon is nothing compared to a Phoenix.

She'll put him in his place one day.

She just needed to wait. Patience is a virtue.

She arrived at the guild after a nice walk in the cool evening. She guild was busy beating each other up again. She carefully navigated her way to a group trying to stay out of the battle. It was a tiny group of misfits she was interested in getting to know more.

"Hello, mind if I join? "

"Nope, not at all. Take a seat new girl" the brunette grinned and made space for her. Archer took her advice and sat next to her. The girl then proceeded to place cards in front of her. "The name's Cana "

"Card mage? "

"Pretty obvious"

"Are you capable of guessing someone's magic through observation alone? " a tiny girl with blue hair questioned as she pushed her glasses up her face. "I'm Levy by the way"

"Nice to meet you, and to answer your question, yes I can" Archer placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin in her palm as she ran her eyes over the tiny girl. Even she didn't know who she was she could still decipher her magic. "The smart type. Script magic, no? "

Levy nodded eagerly. She was impressed. "Yes"

"What about me? " another small girl. This one with white hair. "I'm Lisanna"

"Straus? " Archer questioned as she glanced at the older sibling who was butting heads with Erza. An interesting scene.


"You use take over magic like her, but it's different isnt it? " Archer said as she casually scratched the young girl under her chin. She chuckled when she sighed in content. "Animal soul"

"Hit the nail right on the head" Cana laughed. "Choose a card"

Archer gazed down at the assortment of cards in front of her. Five in total. She shrugged and picked one up. It was immediately taken from her.

"What does your sister have against Scarlet? "

Lisanna shrugged. "I don't know"

"Why do you call her scarlet anyway? " Cana asked as she read the chosen card with interest. Archer had an interesting fortune.

"Have you noticed her hair? " Archer turned her attention to the mentioned girl. She and Mira did not get along at all. It was very amusing to watch. It was almost hard to believe that she would turn into the sweet girl Archer knew in the anime.

"Yeah? It's red" Cana placed her chosen card face up and motioned for her to choose another one.

"Yes it is. Scarlet to be precise "

"Oh" Levy said in sudden realization. It was obvious all the time. Huh. How had she not realized it?

"What's with you and that color? Your scarf and guild mark are the same color "

"I just love the color. It means a lot to me, believe it or not"

"Oh, tell us more"

"If I did I wouldn't be so mysterious anymore"

"Oi! That's it I am ending this right now! " Gray shouted as he took up his stance. Archer raised an eyebrow in interest. Things were going a tad too far.

"Oh yeah? You think you're brave stripper? " Mira laughed darkly as she started her transformation. A magic circle appearing beneath her. Archer noticed that guild members backing away from the group of kids. They knew what was about to take place.

"Would you idiots shut up! " a familiar blonde roughly stood from his corner as lightning started to spark around him. Laxus. Archer recognized him immediately. She smiled. She liked where this was going. This is what the Fairy Tail Guild is known for. All out brawls that leave the place totaled. She was gonna enjoy this. Or stop it if it got too out of hand.

Erza said noting as a magic circle made itself known beneath her as well.

Archer chuckled. No she laughed. Chaos. She loved it. She lived for it. The sweetness that was chaos. This is why she loved Fairy Tail. No other guild could be like this. No other guild could even dream of being like this.

"This is getting out of control" Lisanna said nervously.

"Ice make.. "

"Satan soul... "

"Lightning dragon... "

"Re-Equip... "

"The possibility of someone dying tonight is very high" Archer stated as she watched the magic charge. "Interesting "

"How do you say that so casually? "

"I wonder who will come out the victor" Archer leaned forward as if she was watching a scene out of an action movie. "I want to root for Scarlet because I think she's impressive. But that would just be me picking favorites "

"If Laxus is joining then so shall I " Freed stood from his seat and activated his magic. "Rune magic... "

"Idiots" Evergreen stayed where she was and watched. "Go off and get yourselves injured. See if I care"

Archer chuckled again. Things were definitely getting out of hand. Maybe she'll join.

She stood up, drawing attention to herself. Her hood was pulled down. Her eyes were glued to the group of kids in the middle of the guild. The urge to join was strong. How long had it been since she took on an entire group?

"This looks interesting" she pushed away from the table and calmly walked towards the group. Her hands found her pockets as she chuckled again. "I'm interested in joining this little scruffle"

"You think you're up for it newbie"

"Oh yes I do" She stood in the middle of it all. "I'll make it interesting for ya"

"We're listening "

"The person who lands a clear attack on me gets a question answered. Truthfully "

"Deal! "

They jumped her simultaneously. She grinned under her mask as she stood her ground. Gray was right in front of her. Laxus and his pal to her right. Erza behind her. Mira to her left.


A ball of darkness came flying towards her the same time a lightning attack was sent her way. On top of that she was suddenly in a rune that stopped her from moving. They were serious here. Gray was ready to bring his weapon down. Erza had her sword raised.

Archer sighed.

"Cancel "

With that one word everything fell apart. The rune broke immediately. The ball of darkness and the lightning attack disappeared in thin air. Gray's weapon melted away. Erza's sword was gone.

"And... Freeze"

At her words her opponents froze on the spot. The guild was silent as they watched with open mouth.

"Perfect " she hummed as she walked towards Laxus. She tapped him on the forehead. She then moved on to Freed and did the same. Next was Gray and Mira. She then stopped in front of Erza. She looked at her and stroked her chin. She snapped her fingers and the girl stumbled into her arms.


"What did you do? "

"Nothing much" Archer shrugged as she held out her hand. In a second she held a sword. It's sheath was a deep red. It's hilt blazing red with a phoenix drawn on it. She gazed at it proudly as she presented it to Erza. "Here you are. "

"What? "

"I'm giving you this sword. Take it"

Erza hesitantly took the sword in her hands. It was light. Surprisingly light. It felt perfect in her hands. She could feel the magic flowing through it.

"It has an armor. I'll give you it later" Archer stepped away from her and placed herself on a table. She brought up a knee and rested her chin on it as she looked at the frozen wizards. "Resume"

And they did. They stumbled to the ground in confusion.

"What the hell did you do! " Laxus shouted as he tried to activate his magic. To his shock nothing happened.

"Yeah, you're in time out for twenty minutes. So simmer down"

"You canceled our magic? "

"No, I just put it in time out" Archer chuckled. "You know the mind is an interesting place. It controls everything we do. Think about it"

"What type of magic do you use? "

"Nothing too special"