
End of the World: Global Castratrofe

James goes back 10 years into the past, when the end of the world has not yet begun.

WriterFan · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

[02] "Evolved"

James looked at the list of manuals, evaluating his options. "System, show me the most comprehensive training manual available with the discount."

The screen adjusted again, highlighting a specific manual:

[Celestial Demon Immortal Body (Murim): 50,000 points (5,000 points discounted)]

[Grade: Divine]

[Creator: The first celestial demon and founder of the divine cult of the celestial demon]

[Description: A training technique that focuses on improving the endurance, speed, and regeneration of the human body]

'Murim?... Divine Grade?' wondered James doubtfully.

'I didn't know the system could have Chinese novel techniques...'

'I didn't know that the system could have Chinese novel techniques.... 'To become an evolved or an awakened, as some called them, you had to be able to resist the virus in your body and redirect it into your chest to create a core that concentrated all the virus and converted it into energy'

"I want to buy the Heavenly Demon Immortal Body technique" James said decisively, but immediately remembered his current situation.

He currently had no points.

James frowned, his mind working quickly to find a solution.

He knew he had $17,000 in his bank account, but that was all the wealth he had accumulated over the years. Converting some of that money into points might give him the edge he needed, but he also needed to use those points very cautiously.

'I will choose a technique yes or yes and buy the low-level subway shelter. That will give me a sum of 15,000 points.

Assuming that the points conversion is 1:1, that is, if I convert my $17,000 into points I will have 17,000 points. Subtracting what I want to buy, I would be left with $2,000 or points' With that $2,000 I could have a nice sum of money to make things, James thought, as he looked at the implements in his apartment.

Maybe by selling the things he wouldn't need in the future he could earn a few more points. Besides, he needed a weapon and some protection.

He didn't know if it would be best to buy everything directly from the system.

James thought for a few moments until he said with determination. "I want to trade money for points - how much would I get for $5,000?"

[Every dollar deposited converts to a point. $5,000 would get you 5,000 points]

James nodded. He considered it a significant investment, but if he wanted to have any chance of changing his future, he needed to be prepared.

[Transaction completed. You have 5,000 points]

"Purchase the Celestial Demon Immortal Body technique" James repeated anxiously.

[Purchase completed. 5,000 points deducted. You have 0 points left]

A holographic book appeared floating in front of him.

James reached out, feeling a slight vibration as he touched the glowing cover, opened the manual and began to read the first few pages, absorbed by the detailed information on how to improve his stamina, speed, regeneration and how to create his core.

As he read, the reality of his situation kept settling in his mind.

He had a significant advantage, but time was limited. Two months before the zombie virus outbreak, he had to act quickly.

Several minutes passed as James studied the manual, memorizing every technique and strategy.

Finally, with a straight face, he realized a big problem: the virus had not yet arrived here. So how could he start training if he didn't have the virus in his body?

"System, is there any way to get the virus?" asked James.

[Yes, the system can give him the necessary amount of the virus to create the nucleus and become evolved].

James smiled and said. "Quick, give me the virus."

[Requires 10,000 points]

James' mouth opened and he said angrily. "Damn thieving system!"

Thinking about the pros and cons, even if he had to shed blood and do illegal things to get another 10,000 points to build his shelter, a two-month head start was very important.

In pain and clenching his fist, he said with difficulty. "System, change $10,000 to points and give me the virus."

[Transaction and purchase completed]

A mysterious energy entered James' body, who quickly went into a meditation position, closed his eyes and focused all his attention on moving the virus through his body as the technique said to create his core.

Several hours passed, and night came and went. The sun was peeking through the windows.

James opened his eyes and a smile formed on his face, he stood up and clenched his fist showing his happiness. "I'm evolved."

James looked out the windows, watching the sunrise, and muttered to himself. "Time to get ready."

Although he hadn't slept and was focused on creating his core, he didn't feel tired and knew his time was precious.

The resources were controlled by the government, although it didn't look that way in the light of day.

The government already knew what was going on in Asia and was preparing for the worst, military forces were in hiding guarding the borders, flights from Asian countries were stopped.

He had to do two things: find a way to make money, although that was the hardest part because he was never good at generating money quickly.

"I think I should take out a loan by leveraging my parents' house and then I could sneakily sell the house and get a double reward, although the bank should notice, but if I hide and hope everything is chaos to get back out."

The second thing was to find a good place for his hideout, he had a few ideas of some areas nearby, but New York was one of the first cities to fall.

James after thinking things over for a good while continued his day by asking for a credit, researching places to possibly create his shelter, while circulating his energy at all times to become stronger, and researching and figuring out all the functions and items the system sells.

Thus, time flew by and a week passed.

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