
End of the Magic Era

The world that gave birth to the peak of magic civilization is about to be destroyed. The last survivor returned countless years in the past, that time was the birth of the magic civilization, countless mages were fumbling their ways on that thorny path. He, who came from the end of the era, was treading toward the Supreme Throne

Zhuang Bifan · Fantasy
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1472 Chs


Translator: Shiraishi Editor: TheAlliance

Only those who could be called Prophets among their tribes could have these kinds of soul and mind-related spells. Hoppet could actually use them too?

It was said that fifty years ago, there had been a Raging Flame Beastman Warlock who was a disciple of a Prophet and knew how to use Mind Fog. He only released one Mind Fog in battle, and it was enough to make all the most powerful Archmages lose their sanity, giving the Raging Flame Beastmen the chance to kill at least half of the companions of those Archmages.

'How could Mafa resist? He must actually be overwhelmed. Hoppet is the Tribal Chief of the Fireblade Tribe, so his power is definitely not that simple.'

Just as Thorne was feeling worried, Hoppet waved his staff while chanting a sharp and strange sound. In the Mind Fog, eight monsters appeared, as if created from blood.