
Chapter 07: The truth

We were all at the MRI room and I laid at the bed ready to go inside the small chamber. I was quite nervous but the lady came to me put her hand in my forehead and said " Don't worry son, it will not take much time."

The bed started to move inside the MRI machine. I was little scared at first but soon I realised that nothing was happening to me.

The machine started to make some noises and soon I got out of the machine. The lady was still standing at the other end of the MRI machine.

" Soon we will get your report son, then we will see what is actually wrong with you."

"So what will I do till then."

"Follow me." and she she started walking out of the room. I followed the her to a room. The room looked quite big. It had a couch at the one side of the wall and a transparent table was placed right in front of it. I went towards the table and touched it. it was soft yet hard. I asked her " what is this ?"

" It is called glass table." She replied.

She stood at the other side of the wall where a table was placed and two chairs at one side of the table and one at the other. Something was there at the table, which I had no idea about. The lady took out a bag from under the table and started searching something. I sat on the couch. The couch really felt amazing. it was very comfortable. The lady took out something from her bag and came towards me.

"Here son, take this and see for yourself what is Mahabharata."

It was a book where a chariot was made which was pulled by four white horse's and it's charioteer and the man behind him reminded me about the most threatening war of kuruksetra. My hands started to tremble while taking the book.

"Are you ok son ?", the lady asked

"I.....I am...fine " my voice became little shaky.

" I don't think you are fine son, let's take you to your room " she went to the table,picked up a tool which had a rope attached to it and started talking in another language. In no time a man came inside the room with a wheelchair, by which I was brought to the MRI room earlier. I held the book in my hands and sat on chair. The man behind me started pushing the chair from behind. My room was at end of the long corridor.

Soon I was at my room. The man helped me to get in the bed. I sat on the bed and looked at the book. The image that was there in the cover of the book reminded me about Arjuna and lord Krishna. Till that moment, I only remembered the last encounter of mine with lord Krishna at the camps of Arjuna and the other brothers and what happened to me at that moment. I was looking forward to meet Arjuna after the end of everything that was happening with me. I opened the book and started reading the Sanskrit texts that were there in the book.


It was dusk and the door of room opened. The door did opened earlier but I was so much into my book that I barely noticed. But by this time I completed the whole book and everything was clear to me. After reading the book, I felt like my whole world just flipped upside down.

As I lifted my head, I saw the lady entering the room. My eyes had lots of tear in them. She noticed and like a concerned mother she rushed towards me and grabbed me in her arms. I put my hands around her and started crying like baby.

" What happened son ? Is everything ok ?"

I was so much shaken by everything that I read in the book that my tears didn't stoped. I wrapped her tightly for a very long time.


She was sitting in front of me and I was sitting at the bed. She had something in her hand which was just brought to her by the man who brought me to my room earlier.

" Are you ok, son ?"

I didn't replied to her question.

" Lets she your report son, so that we can have the complete knowledge of your mental condition."

She opened a thin book that the man brought and started to look at it. After analysing everything that was there in the book she looked at me in complete shock and said, " Your MRI reports are normal. Which means that you don't have any internal injuries. Which means that you are, who you are telling you are. The man who was cursed by lord Krishna to suffer till the time he gets incarnated once again, the man with the divine curse, Aswathama." Her eyes were wide open as if she has seen a ghost and I sat there with my heart shrank because all my hopes were lost.

I finally realised that I was far beyond my own time.

The lady stood before me in complete shock, she didn't knew whether she should believe in what she is seeing or not. She folded her hand in namaste and started to bow before me. I held her before she could bow and said " I don't disserve your kindness. For whatever I have done The divine curse suits me better." She asked me to tell everything that happened to me.

We both sat there and I told her everything that happened in the war of kuruksetra and how I was cursed by the god for the crime that I committed. Her eyes filled with tears. she came towards me held me and said " Son, don't feel like this. You realise your sin that's all that matters. I know that you are not that person anymore and soon the lord himself will understand it and he will set you free from your miseries. Just remember this son, you are not alone anymore. I will always be there for you and treat you as my own child."

" I don't know if I deserve any kindness. A man who's spirit is broken is no man. He becomes a living corpse who just exists to see the end of himself. But for me, there is no end." my eyes were full of tears with lots of them rolling through my checks.

" Son.." she called me, with a soft voice. Her voice had a sense of empathy towards me ".. everyone who is there In this world deserves kindness and everything that he needs to be happy. Everyone in this world

have done something which will haunt them. But still, they live to face them. You are a warrior, stand above your misery and face your deeds, accept it and become a better person. I believe that each and every soul can be saved and soon, you will be saved too. Till then find a beautiful cause to live for."

Her words touched my heart. It gave me a sense of relief and made me realise that this could be my second chance to make everything right and make up for my mistake, so that I could get salvation.