
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Super Beach Bash! [3]

The next day, I woke up to feel someone in the bed with me. I looked to my right and noticed it was Orimi. She was turned the other way, with her back facing me. I sat up and turned my body to sit on the edge of the bed. I had forgotten I told her she could sleep with me last night. I got my phone off the charger and checked the time.

"7:31 AM..." I said to myself then looked on the floor, grabbing my shirt. I set my phone on the nightstand then put my shirt on.

Orimi sat up and looked at me then placed her forehead against my back. I looked back at her. "I hope sleeping together wasn't weird for you big brother...I don't know what came over me last night."

I smiled and shook my head. "It wasn't weird since we used to do that all the time as kids."

"But it felt really different this time. It didn't feel as though we were siblings.." She said then sat up and held my shoulders.

"Orimi.." I said.

"I will be honest with you big brother..I always have these embarrassing feelings and thoughts for you. Even last night you kept full composure.." Orimi said then slid her left hand down to my hand. She leaned her head against mine. "Is it that you're playing hard to get with me, or not see me as someone of the opposite sex?"

"We can't do this as one we are siblings and two we are blood related. Our relationship will fail." I said.

"You're thinking of the lustful portion of it, but what about romantically? No other woman would fit as a suitable partner. I know all of your likes, dislikes. I know how to cheer you up when you're sad. We...we belong together." Orimi said.

I blushed and closed my eyes. "Where are these feelings blossoming from? These irrational feelings."

Orimi looked at me, blushing. "So you have no desire to be with me..?"

"It's not that I don't want to be with you. It's the fact I can't be with you in the way you want me to be with you. I'm your brother. You're my sister. Our love can't go beyond sibling love." I said then opened my eyes to meet her gaze. "I only did what I did last night because you wanted me to. I could never do that on my own accord."

"If I asked you to do it again, would you?" She asked.

"If it'll make you happy. I have no issue doing what you ask, but I have my own boundaries. Nothing beyond kissing." I said.

She smiled and hugged me from behind. "Got it!"


I walked outside and noticed Karasu standing outside by herself. I walked down the stairs to her and stood beside her, getting the gentle breeze. "Morning."

Karasu looked at me and smiled. "Good morning." She stood closer to me.

"Why are you standing alone?" I asked.

"Just wanted some fresh air also I was just thinking about last night. I didn't think things would turn up so quickly like that." Karasu smiled and looked out into the distance.

I looked out into the distance as well. I leaned against the rails and closed my eyes letting the wind brush against my face. "Me neither, but we now know about Himeko's wild and drunk side." I chuckled.

She nodded and giggled. "She has something planned for us today as well. She said more fun activities will be planned so I just wonder what it will be."

"Knowing Himeko, it's going to be something crazy." I said.

And I was not wrong...It was something crazy...

"We're doing what now?" I asked.

"A beach fight, but with no holding back! It's a way for the monster girls to let loose. We have all this open area, why not let them play around for a while?" Himeko smiled.

"You're something else, Himeko." I said.

"I'll pass." Tsuki said as she hid under her umbrella.

"I won't pass. I want a rematch against Bachiko." Namiyo said.

"Ahh...I don't think I wanna join this." Orimi said and hid behind me. "I can't fight."

"Mae!" Rimuri yelled and pointed at her. "You're mine. We will fight for Yoshida's love!"

"Huh?" I looked at Rimuri with a dull expression.

"You do still love me right, Yoshida? I don't mind you kissing other girls just as long as you shower me with kisses in the end!" Rimuri stomped in place and blushed.

"Not happening. Yoshida is my boyfriend. He's not gonna choose some side chick over the main." Mae said.

"What's a side chick?" Rimuri asked.

"She basically called you the second best." I said. "And why are you two still fighting over me?"

"Y-Yeah! Big brother is mine!" Orimi said.

"What have you started, Himeko?" Ochiyo asked.

"After last night I heard the girls talking amongst themselves about who will get the whole day with Yoshida next. It sparked the idea of this, not to mention now that Orimi is being true to herself maybe she would want to prove herself to the others." Himeko smiled.

"It sounds smart on paper, but for it to play out...Uhh...yeah no it's not gonna work out." Ochiyo said.

"Alright everyone! To smooth things out, we will play this in a tournament style fight. Whoever is the winner, gets to spend the entire day and night with Yoshida. This would also give me a chance to rank all the monster girls and measure their power." Himeko said. "We need things for the database. Mina would you do the honors?"

"Mina pulling up the randomizer now." Mina said then a holographic screen appeared.

"Alright your opponents are shown on the screen but before we start, Rimuri, Karasu, Bachiko, Tsuki, Orimi come over here for a second. I will record you using your monster aura. Each category will be ranked out of 500." Himeko said. "You will be scaled on Strength, Defense, Agility, Recovery, Intelligence. I need this for the database so I can help make better battle suits for the MPT later. You first Rimuri."

Rimuri nodded then placed her hand on the pad and her monster aura appeared around her hand.

{Acquiring Information on Rimuri...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Rimuri

Type of Aura: Abyss Energy

Overall Threat Level: 5

Strength: 286

Defense: 218

Agility: 94

Recovery: 321

Intelligence: 101

Overall: 1,020

Ranking: C

"Huh...for your incredible strength and defense you lack agility. C rank isn't bad but it's very average. Next is Karasu." Himeko said.

Rimuri got out of the way and Karasu placed her hand on the pad. Her monster aura appeared around her hand.

{Acquiring Information on Karasu...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Karasu

Type of Aura: Avian Energy

Overall Threat Level: 3

Strength: 102

Defense: 413

Agility: 312

Recovery: 90

Intelligence: 210

Overall: 1,127

Ranking: C

"Your Defense, Agility, and Intelligence made you slightly better than normal form Rimuri. It'll be too risky to rank the Abyssal Princess form of Rimuri. Over all good stats but still only above average. Bachiko you're next." Himeko said.

Karasu walked off and Bachiko walked forward to put her hand on the pad and her monster aura appeared around her hand.

{Acquiring Information on Bachiko...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Bachiko Seta

Type of Aura: Temporal Infinitum

Overall Threat Level: 5+

Strength: 100

Defense: 100

Agility: 500

Recovery: 500

Intelligence: 500

Overall: 1,700

Ranking: B

"You severely lack attack and defense, but your Omni Time Manipulation makes you the fastest, smartest, and allows you the have the greatest recovery out of the bunch. Your B ranking is deserved. Next is Tsuki." Himeko said.

Bachiko walked away from the tent and Tsuki walked forward to place her hand on the pad. Her monster aura appeared around her hand.

{Acquiring Information on Tsuki...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Tsuki

Type of Aura: Nega Aura

Overall Threat Level: 2

Strength: 92

Defense: 390

Agility: 81

Recovery: 91

Intelligence: 192

Overall: 846

Ranking: D

"Mmm...I understand why you rank so low. Your true abilities only show when you activate your Dark World ability. You do have very high defense and good intelligence, so don't feel too bad." Himeko smiled. "Alright, Orimi. You're next."

Tsuki retreated to her umbrella and Orimi walked forward then placed her hand on the pad. Her monster aura activated then her aura appeared around her hand.

{Acquiring Information on Orimi...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Orimi Asato

Type of Aura: Cosmic Energy

Overall Threat Level: 5

Strength: 319

Defense: 300

Agility: 312

Recovery: 500

Intelligence: 412

Overall: 1,843

Ranking: B

"I mean she is the direct offspring of Apeiron so it makes sense. Plus Orimi at full power can control elements to an immeasurable scale. Unlike Yoshida, she can't use all her powers at once, but she does also have a Heart Restart ability like he does." Himeko said. "Data has been saved and we shall rearrange the opponents accordingly."

Mina pressed a button the the names began to randomize. She pressed a button to stop the names then the first match was Orimi against Bachiko.

Orimi looked determined and looked at me. "Wish me luck big brother!"

I smiled and nodded. "I do wish you luck as you will need it." I chuckled, sitting under the tent.