
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Rage and Realization

I woke up and looked at the clock then jumped out of bed instantly. I looked at my phone and saw three missed calls from Mae and groaned loudly. I rushed to get ready for the date I had with her. I ran out of my room. "How could I oversleep? She's gonna be giving me the ultimate silent treatment!" I ran into the living room and saw Mae sitting on the couch.

Mae looked back and raised her hand. "Hey." She said in her usual monotone way.

"Ah...hey. You were here the whole time?" I asked.

"Mmm...pretty much. I had a feeling when I woke up you'd oversleep. I simply took it upon myself to come to my boyfriend's house and wait like a good girlfriend." Mae said.

"Eh..? D-Don't say things like that." I sighed and crossed my arms. "Anyway let's go. We can catch a train to Asamaki."

"Or I can drive." Mae held up her car keys.

I looked at her then smiled a bit. "That can work too."

Mae nodded as she looked at me.


I looked out the window as I sat in the passenger seat. I looked at Mae and she was laser focused on driving. "What made you want to go to the museum?"

"I need to see something to confirm my theories. I have questions about the monsters I feel like only a museum could answer." Mae answered.

I noticed she was more talkative than normal. "You're really interested in monsters all of a sudden. Strange, but I guess it makes sense. I would say you could ask me, but my knowledge only goes as far as to what I was told."

"Mmm." She nodded and stopped at a red light. "I always wondered if there was any old MHF gear as well. The First Class of MHF existed 20 years ago. I wanna see every monument from 20 years ago."

I smiled and looked out the window. "Then let's see everything from back then."


We made it to the museum and got out the car after she parked it. She walked towards the entrance then I followed her. She began to walk faster, causing me to speed up the pace of my walking. Something or someone had caught her eye and she began to go into a light jog. I followed her and she grabbed the person's shoulder. The woman turned around and looked at Mae.

The woman had long white hair and red eyes. She had a very innocent look and she was really cute. She wore Iwakita's academy uniform, so immediately I assumed she was just a girl Mae knew...but I was wrong. This woman was not a student...

She looked at me and smiled then closed her eyes. "I must be in the way. Please allow me to get out of the way." She walked off past us then gently grazed my hand as she walked by me.

Mae looked back and watched the woman then looked forward. "She had a really off aura about her, but let's continue."

I looked at the piece of paper that was in my hand. It read, "Rooftop of Iwakita Academy, 2 PM". I looked up from the paper then noticed Mae walking forward. I followed her and looked around the museum with her.

"The Statue of Apeiron...or the replica of it. Apeiron is known as the first monster to ever appear in Japan. For a monster that's been around for so long...so little is known about her." Mae said. She looked at me. "What do you think?"

I looked at the statue and placed my hands in my pockets. "She...kinda looks like my biological mom. It's interesting to say the least. I wasn't aware of there being a first monster to be honest."

"Mmm." She nodded and looked at the statue again. "I want to know all I can about her. She is very interesting. Hopefully I'll get all the answers I need from here."

She walked away from the statue then went to some other item. I followed behind her and looked around more. I looked at the first MHF Battlesuit and stopped walking. Mae looked at me and stopped as well.

"The White Savior. Somehow it survived all those years. They must've done a lot to keep this one as clean as it is. I can even see myself from the paint." I smiled.

"Commander Himeko Amaya. She worked with the MHHQ..? I can only imagine why she quit. Hard to believe it's the same Himeko who wore this Battlesuit." Mae said then looked at me.

I looked at Mae and she walked forward. I followed behind her and kept looking around. I felt like I should be knowing something since we are here. Something that is important.

"Yoshida, do you want to know why I joined the MHF?" Mae asked.

"Why did you join the MHF?" I looked at her.

"I joined because I grew a hatred for Monsters. Did you know, humans can also turn into monsters when they come into contact with one? My parents became monsters and I had to kill them. I don't know what monster they met, but I swore on that day that I would eliminate each and every monster that I saw. That's why I've been learning so much about Monsters, but...now seeing how much danger my desires could place Japan under and seeing how you can keep them under control, I think I understand them a lot better." Mae said.

"Better understanding of monsters...You know I've had contact with two monsters. Does that mean I'm going to become a monster?" I asked.

Mae just looked at me. She walked to me and held my hand. "Even if you did. It wouldn't make me think of you any differently."

I blushed and looked at our hands. I looked back at her then nodded. "Right.."


Mae and I left the museum and I walked her to her car. "You're not getting in?"

"I actually have somewhere I need to be, but I'll definitely be catching you later." I said.

She nodded then got in her car. She started it up and I waved, seeing her off. She waved back then drove off. I began to make my way to Iwakita Academy then my phone buzzed.

{Warning! Level 5 Threat has appeared at Iwakita Academy! All citizens, stay inside your home until the situation has been settled!}

"What the..?" I looked up and remembered the note. I looked at the time and it was 2 PM. "That woman.."

I ran off to go to Iwakita Academy.


I made it to the rooftop and saw the woman along with multiple MHF units surrounding her. On the roof with her was Orimi and my eyes widened. She was laying on the roof, seemingly looking like she was beaten. I looked at the woman.

"Don't you want to save your sister, Yoshida? These people hurt her when all she wanted to do was talk to me. Can you believe these...monsters..?" The woman looked at me and gave a sinister smirk. "Just say the word...and I'll kill them all right now."

I went straight to Orimi and checked her pulse. I gave a sigh of relief when I noticed she was still breathing. I looked at the MHF units and glared. "That's where we are at now..? Hurting the innocent for wanting to make peace with monsters..?"

"Yoshida Asato, go home." A male said then pointed his gun at the woman. "She had it coming when she tried to fight me."

"She was only human dammit! She's my sister! My little sister!" I yelled and panted.

The man's scouter began to beep as he looked at me. "What the..?"

The woman looked at me and noticed my growing anger.

I grunted and held my head as I held my sister's body in my hand. "You..hurt my sister!" I yelled and my eyes shined blue with purple pupils.

"C-Commander! Are you seeing this..?! Yoshida he's-" The man said into his communicator.

"Shoot him." Ochiyo said into his earpiece.

The man took aim at me then fired an Anti-Energy laser at me. The laser hit me, but I took no noticable damage from the laser. My body seemed to absorb the laser.

"Don't tell me.." The man looked surprised. "All units fire!"

The woman snapped her fingers and time for all the MHF units stopped. I growled and smoke came from my mouth then she crouched down to look at me. "Just say the word...and they will all disappear."

"No...They hurt my sister. I'll make them pay!" I yelled and the roof began to crack.

The woman rose an eyebrow as she smirked then stood up. "Let me have your sister. I'll make sure she is safe."

She took Orimi from my arms then I stood up. I took my katana from the scabbard that was worn around my waist. My Battlesuit appeared around my body as soon as the gauntlet was activated from wielding my katana. She walked to the side then resumed time. The lasers from the MHF's attacks made contact with me and caused a huge explosion on the academy roof.

"Nngh!! What the hell was that?!" Himeko yelled as she looked at the ceiling. "Mina, activate the cameras!"

"Mina is on it!" Mina said then pressed a button, activating the cameras.

The smoke cleared and the units looked surprised. I was standing there in perfect condition. They yelled and fired more attacks at me.

"Commander! Have you gone mad?! Yoshida, he's awakening his Monster Aura! You do realize he is the son of Apeiron right?!" Yasuo yelled. "Let me take him on! Let me kill him and Orimi before it's too late!"

Ochiyo just watched and crossed her arms.

"Shoot his heart!" The man yelled.

One of the lasers struck through my chest and I coughed blood then fell to my knees. They stopped firing at me and looked at me. My hair covered my eyes. My heart stopped beating for a while then the monster aura around my heart began to restart my heart then I gasped for air.

"What..? He can resurrect?!" The man asked in shock.

"Oh my..~ Is that what you Asato Siblings can do?~ You can also resurrect yourselves with your Monster Aura?" The woman smirked.

"I guess...It's my turn to attack now.." I said then stood up. I held my hand out and summoned an Abyssal Void.

"That's...the Abyssal White Monster's power. Why can he use it?" The man said then felt his life force being drained. He groaned loudly and his skin began to become pale.

"Die.." I said then snapped my fingers and the void released a powerful energy beam at the MHF units, causing an explosion in the sky.

"Commander!" Yasuo yelled.

"I told them to not interfere. That Time Eater Monster or whatever she is...We can't combat that monster and all Orimi wanted to do was to befriend her. Whoever that new monster is, we have no choice but to watch." Ochiyo said. "I'll let Himeko deal with Yoshida."

"You...you just let over 25 units die...by that Human Monster!" Yasuo yelled. "Why?! I could've stopped them!"

"No you wouldn't. Not even Yoshida knows what's going on with his body. You don't know the first thing to his power! All you will end up doing is dying if I had sent you out there. The Arjé Energy is more than just Monster Aura. It's Primordial Energy. Fools like you wouldn't even be able to come close to understanding how dangerous that energy is." Ochiyo said as she turned to Yasuo.

"Why...are you taking his side on this? He killed people!" Yasuo yelled.

Ochiyo turned away from him. "And so did we. We hunt monsters, we hunt and destroy. You don't realize...that we have killed no monsters, but we have managed to assist in the deaths of many! 20 years ago...we injured a total of 20,000 people! 20 people amongst those injured died and the numbers are still counting. We have failed in what we have made this organization to be! We only hurt people...other humans like us. Yoshida had shown us that monsters are more humane than us. We rush into the battlefield out of fear. Fear of the Apeiron Incident happening again. We've put more people in danger than we've saved them. We even tried to kill Yoshida and Orimi...two innocent people. What does that make us..?"

Yasuo grit his teeth and glared at Ochiyo. "You're pathetic. You don't deserve your title."

"Then have it." Ochiyo tossed Yasuo her badge then walked down the stairs. "Maybe you could run this place better than I can....Commander."


I had calmed down and fell to my knees. My eyes stopped glowing and my Monster Aura vanished. The woman walked to me and looked down at me. "What was that..?"

"So...you are that woman's child. No wonder you are the topic of choice with the other monsters and alternates. You are a hybrid.." The woman said.

"Who are you..?" I asked.

She crouched down and gently placed Orimi in front of me. "I am the Time Archon, The Wielder of the Tempus Infinitum. I am Bachiko Seta. I used to be human like you."

I looked up at Bachiko. "What..?"