
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Glayze and I searched around then heard a scream. I looked back and noticed a woman being taken by one of the Primordial Monster Hunters. I ran to the Monster Hunter and noticed who the woman was.

"Ms. Chizawa!" I yelled and she looked at me.

"Yoshida!" She yelled.

"Heh.." The woman smirked and stomped her foot down then a rock wall formed in front of me. "This human will taste the might of punishment."

Glayze floated to me then floated up. I took her hand and we were now above the wall. She tossed me to the Monster Hunter and I bellowed and punched the woman's face. She grunted and let go of Ms. Chizawa, stumbling backwards. I landed on the ground and stood in front of Ms. Chizawa.

"What are you doing in Yahoma? Why aren't you back in Fujitori?" I asked.

"I was asked to come by Himeko. I...used to work with her 20 years ago." Ms. Chizawa said and stood up.

I looked back at her then at the woman. She summoned her knives and giggled. Lightning crackled around her.

"Lightning and Earth Manipulation." I said then glared. I held my hand out and summoned a void. I pulled out a sword from the void.

"Yoshida...Your rebellious ways ends now! Apeiron is getting tired of waiting!" The woman said.

"Well I'm getting tired of saying no. Guess we both are getting tired of each other." I said then dashed to the woman and slashed down at her, but she vanished in lightning speeds.

I grunted and looked to my left. She appeared beside me and kicked me away. I groaned as my back hit a building. I was still weak, but I had to protect Ms. Chizawa. I stood up and got in a stance. I dashed to the woman and yelled. I jumped up and frost blades appeared behind me. I sent them at the woman and flew down to her. She dodged all of the frost blades then shoved the knives through my stomach. I groaned and coughed blood. She pulled the knives out of me then kicked me away.

"Yoshida!" Ms. Chizawa hurried to me and sat beside me. She held the back of my head and looked at me.

"Heh...don't worry about me. I'll always come back." I chuckled softly. "I'm just too weak after the fight I had with Bachiko.."

"Rest Yoshida..." Glayze said and stood beside me.

"Well well, look what the cat brought in. If it isn't Kassia." Blyze said and summoned her sword, walking on the scene.

"Hmph. Blyze. Seems like you were too incompetent to finish your mission. I'm here to do my job." Kassia said.

Blyze smirked and closed her eyes. "I haven't started my real mission."

"Real mission..?" Kassia asked and watched Blyze walk to me.

Blyze crouched in front of me and looked at me. "My real mission...to protect Yoshida." She said and looked back at Kassia.

"So it's true. You did betray the Primordial Army. Guess I should report this." Kassia said and pulled out her phone then an earth spike went through the phone.

"We can't let you do that.." Thera said and gave a devious smile.

"We know the truth now. We know where our hearts reside." Astra said and leaned against a tree.

"Our hearts belong to Yoshida! Kassia! You and your army are finished!" Neptuna said and summoned her trident.

Kassia looked at the Elemental Sisters. She smirked and closed her eyes. "I yield for now, but just expect to die as soon as I return." She said as she disappeared into a dark portal then the portal vanished.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"It's gonna be a while before you're ready for actual combat again." Glayze said. "I knew it already but you insisted we carry out the mission."

"Yeah I know..." I said then opened my eyes. "But...I can't rest. Bachiko she's...out there somewhere. She's constantly hunting for her time version. It's too dangerous for me to stop searching now."

Bachiko walked to a clock tower and looked up. "There you are." She smirked and ran to the tower and began to run up the tower. She jumped up then grabbed the ledge of the roof and pulled herself up. She looked at the other Bachiko and smirked, licking her lips.

She dashed to the time Bachiko and landed behind her. The time Bachiko looked up and looked back. "So...you finally arrive. You certainly don't waste time."

"Come with me. Join me and we can finally be complete again! We can finally be whole and destroy everything!" The space Bachiko said.

"Not so fast." Himeko landed on one knee on the roof then stood up. "You aren't doing anything."

The space Bachiko looked back and smirked. "Blazing Moon Himeko. You're the first to find me, but...you're too late!"

She grabbed the arm of the Time Version of herself and smirked. The Time Version of Bachiko looked at her space version and closed her eyes. Himeko got into a stance as she watched the two fuse together and become complete. Bachiko laughed and her fusion finished. She had silver hair and golden eyes. She held her hand out and her monster aura surged powerfully.

"Bachiko...You'd betray us like this..?" Himeko said and glared.

"I'm merely saving you all by killing you all. Restarting everything. I'll destroy it all! The Hierarchy, The Tree of Life and Death! I will become the New Order!" Bachiko smirked and laughed. "You will be the first to see it."

"I'll be the last to see it." Himeko said and her sword shined brightly.

Himeko looked surprised as she was pulled to Bachiko by a powerful gravitational force. Bachiko snapped her fingers.

"Disappear." Bachiko said before blowing Himeko away with a powerful repulsive force of energy.

Himeko groaned loudly as she crashed through multiple buildings. Bachiko placed her hands behind her back and teleported above Himeko. She karate chopped her stomach and sent Himeko crashing to the ground. Himeko groaned and coughed. Bachiko landed beside her then kicked her body to the side and closed her eyes.

"I know your track record. You're more of a threat to me than Naora will ever be. You spent your life making yourself part monster so you could combat Apeiron 20 years ago. You too possess Monster Aura. Lunar and Fire manipulation to be exact. That's where you got your name from. Blazing Moon. Well sadly...it is time for your flame to expire." Bachiko said and raised her hand in the air the a large spike made of spatial energy appeared above Himeko.

Himeko looked at the spatial spike and smirked. She closed her eyes and chuckled softly. "Fuck.." She started.

"Himeko Amaya. You are a great warrior. A great fighter and protector, but even a human as powerful as you who even rivals that of Naora can not defeat me. I bid you a farewell." Bachiko said.

Himeko watched the giant spike crash down and smirked. She closed her eyes and stabbed her leg with a syringe. "I live...and I die for Yoshida and Orimi. I won't die...until I know I've done enough for them. That's why...I will fight on!"

Himeko raised her hand then her monster aura surged powerfully.

"Commander Naora! I'm getting crazy readings!" Melody said into her communicator. "It's coming from downtown!"

"Himeko.." Naora said.

"I'm already on the scene!" Orimi said as she ran down the sidewalk.

"Orimi no! Get away from there!" Naora yelled.

Himeko yelled and her flame aura began to wrap around the spatial spike. Bachiko turned around and felt Himeko's power. The spaital spike exploded and destroyed multiple buildings. Orimi yelled as she was blown away.

"What the hell was that..?" I asked, leaning against Astra for support.

"Whatever that was...could not have been good.." Glayze said.

Himeko stood up and chuckled. Her sword began to be surrounded by flames. "If you believe that I'm down for the count...then my Soul Flame will tell you otherwise!" Himeko bellowed.

Bachiko laughed and covered her eyes then lowered her hand. "Die."

Bachiko sent multiple spatial spikes at her. Himeko blocked them all and dashed to Bachiko. She jumped and spun around, slashing in a circle. Bachiko blocked her attack and grunted then was blown away. Bachiko dashed to her and dragged the blade of her sword against the ground.

"Someone needs to stop Himeko! Her Soul Powers will end up killing her!" Mina said scared. "Someone please stop her...she's a mom to me. I can't lose her!"

"We're on it!" Ochiyo said and flew to downtown as fast as she possibly could.

"Take...me to downtown.." I said.

"You can barely stand on your two feet! You expect us to take you to the battle-"

"It isn't about me anymore!" I yelled. "Hundreds of people will die. Thousands! This...isn't a battle. It is a war! Take me to downtown!"

"Yoshida understand us please! You might be nigh-immortal, but that doesn't mean anything! You can't fight!" Thera said sadly.

"Shut the fuck up." I said and lowered my head. "Bachiko...She is there. Take me there. Someone needs to stop her! Iris is in danger!"

The six women looked at each other then at me. Astra gave in and took me to downtown.

"Astra!" Blyze said.

"What choice do we have?! Bachiko has become complete...We no longer have time to just sit around and wait for Yoshida to recover. This isn't the fate of Earth anymore. It's the fate of Monsters! The fate of the Tree of Life and Death! Understand that...we don't get to pick and choose anymore." Astra said then continued to take me downtown.

Himeko yelled and slashed down, but Bachiko blocked the attack with her naginata. She grunted as she was brought to one knee. Himeko kicked Bachiko away then dashed after her. Bachiko teleported out of the way and kicked Himeko away. She froze time and smirked.

"You have proven yourself to be more powerful than the average monster...but it all ends here." Bachiko said as she walked to Himeko.

Bachiko snapped her fingers and a clone appeared beside her. The clone dashed to Himeko and went for a killing blow and was blocked by Orimi. Bachiko rose an eyebrow and smirked.

"Bachiko.." Orimi said and clapped her hands and time resumed.

"Oh...you've tapped into Universal Levels of Power. Let's see how long you can truly last with your pathetic human limitations." Bachiko smirked and summoned her naginata. "Deja Vu...we fought like this once...on a beach...over Yoshida. Now you're fighting me...for your life."

"I trusted you! I trusted you, you bitch!" Orimi yelled. "Yoshida trusted you and this is what you do?!"

"All I do is for the greater good...I have become complete. Now I have enough power to kill even a God and Goddess. Apeiron feared me...and so...should you.." Bachiko smirked.

Orimi grunted and looked surprised as the blade of her naginata went through her stomach. Orimi fell to her knees, coughing blood.

"Orimi..!" Himeko crawled to Orimi and grunted.

Bachiko closed her eyes. "You were a good distraction for a time. You were always a joyful girl, but our good times must come to an end."

"Orimi! Come in Orimi!" Naora yelled. "Orimi! Sweetheart answer me! Orimi!"

"Ma...ma..." Orimi grunted and placed her hands on the ground.

Bachiko walked to Orimi and crouched down and grabbed her by the hair. "You're immortal aren't you...well nigh-immortal. I'll have a great time torturing you until I get bored and send you to the after life. Oh...Himeko tell Naora and Yoshida, I'll be seeing them."

"Bachiko...you fucking...bastard.." Himeko grunted and fell to the ground and her vision became blurry.

Bachiko vanished through a portal with Orimi.

"I found Himeko!" Namiyo said and landed beside Himeko. "She's critically injured!"

"Namiyo! Any sign of my baby girl? Orimi is she there?!" Naora cried out in desperation.

"...no. Orimi is nowhere to be found." Namiyo said.

I made it to the scene and noticed the destroyed area. I saw Himeko on the ground then used the rest of my strength to run to her. "Himeko! Himeko!"

"Yoshida!" Astra ran to me and tried to pull me off Himeko.

"Where is Bachiko?! I'll kill her! Where's Orimi?! Where is everyone?!" I yelled and grunted trying to get Astra off me.

"Orimi...her energy is gone.." Namiyo said.

"Don't fucking lie to me! Tell me where she is!" I yelled and pushed Astra off me. "Where is my sister?!"

"She's gone..." Namiyo said.

I fell to my knees and held my head and yelled out Orimi's name and sobbed. Astra walked to me and crouched down beside me and placed her hand on my back.

We suffered more than a great loss that day...A lost...that would change everything.