
END Initiated...

Info: The book is the process of being revamped! Continuation will start from July 2021!! Please fans stay tuned!! A world where mages rule the world. Elemental power is considered the supreme. Magic is considered the nature of the world.  Kiel, a world renowned scientist of the modern world sacrifices even his life to create his own ideal world.But now is given a chance to reincarnate in a magical world where possibilities are endless. But alas, he who thought that he had a great future waiting for him, witnessed that he was awakened without even an element? Is this the end? Or is this the start of a new journey? What will Kiel do, loaded with his knowledge from the previous world. Join Kiel as he traverses the path of magic now instead of science. Join him as he takes you into how a real fantasy world should be A new chakra cultivation! A whole new path. A whole new world. What will the world have in store for a little mortal? *** Note- If you are bored with all the regular trade off the mill novels, this is something that you want. Give it a try. This is my first novel. So please don't take too much offence! Story may have a lot of buildup. So only for patient readers. Note: Guys I am trying to reform the earlier chaps. So don't complain and be patient. I am a human too.

Krizzeir · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 8: The New Beginning, Part 2

Author's Note: This chapter in any type or form doesn't intend to support gender inequality, nor does it supports any such actions. This is purely fictional and is only meant for entertainment purpose. If it creates discomfort or hurts anyone's emotions in any way, this author is not be be responsible. Kindly read in your own discretion.


Morning Star continent, Virakali mountain range, Ratri village.

There was a small village surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges. It was small yet peaceful.

The surrounding  forests and mountains all had a natural green hue to it They looked elegant yet still energetic. It was still morning. The sky had a beautiful lining of silver clouds in addition to the beautiful blue hue which covered it and seemed to stretch eternally. The silver clouds and the blue sky had a majestic feeling to them and both compliment each other to enhance the beauty of the morning sky. Even the air around was so fresh and fragrant that it could take one's mind away.

Birds were singing with joy, insects were humming, and an abundance of flora and fauna could be seen covering all around. If Kiel was here, he would think that he had returned to the past, before modernization.

Sometimes in the distant, a fierce roar could be heard which could shake one's heart, and sometimes the rustle of wind and arrows could be heard.

Going onward to the outside of the village, there was a river flowing through one of the near corners. The river seemed so clean and pure, that even the small fish in it could be clearly seen. Fishes were playfully swimming around in small packs. All in all the atmosphere was truly breathtaking.

Some women were walking with big buckets almost half their size, filling water and chatting. Others were busy washing clothes. Nearby was a playground full of green grass. Two little kids were swinging on a swing. Others could be seen running around meerily. Some older children could se seen practicing some kind of martial arts together. Everyone was busy doing their own work. The village in itself seemed in a hustle bustle state because of the morning, but it was peaceful all around.

*Gossiping of wives*

"Hey do you know, I saw earlier Derek coming back from with midwife. It seems today  Agatha maybe delivering." One of the ladies beside the river said to another.

"Ya I also saw him running to the doctor too, haha. He was in so much haste that he didn't even greet anyone. Its seems he is way too excited for this child." another one replied.

"Why won't he be. After all his wife is so beautiful. He can't even love her enough. It is only proper for him to do all this for her. Sigh! If only my husband was like him…"

"Hahaha. Oye stop dreaming. Let's finish our work first and then go visit his house. Agatha is having her fourth child. We have to congratulate her later."

"Ya you are right! If it is a son this time, that Agatha is so craving for, we may even be for a feast later."


In a big hut beside the river…

Although the atmosphere around the village was serene, here it was the utmost tense.

The room was not that big and had three adjacent smaller room. The four-roomed house was built of round timber, slabs, tree bark and various other plant materials, floored with beautiful split slabs with some intricate designs. Only by looking at the floor, anyone could see it was beautifully made. A big bark kitchen standing at one end was even larger than the house itself, veranda included.

A well built middle aged man could be seen walking in circles in the living room. He had a handsome face, but most of it was covered in beard. Long disheveled brown hairs, a flat forehead, sage green eyes, a sharp nose and well cut facial features.  He had a height of almost 180cms and had a well built body which could be compared to one of the body builders from earth.

There were two cute little girls at the side nervously looking around. The two had almost identical features. The only feature that separated them was one had a light blonde hair and the other had deep blonde hairs.

He would seem more good looking smiling, but currently he had a frown on his face and sweat all over his body. He was constantly looking at the closed door in front of him like it contained some big secrets. But the more he looked, the more nervous he became.

If anyone could read his mind now, there would only be one thought, 'Please be a son, son, son!!!'

Meanwhile in the closed room

A beautiful blonde woman was lying on a bed with a big belly, seemingly in pain, trying her very best. Her hair was disheveled and she had a lot of blood stains on her lower body. A middle aged burly woman was by the side, helping her.

"Push ya push a little more. Everything will be fine. This is already your fourth child Agatha. No need to fret. The doctor will come later. Be free and push with all your might!!"

"Aahh!! Aahh!! It is painful!! Too painful.. I don't think I can survive this. If … I … die… then… tell … Derek… ahh!!! … to… "

"Shh be quiet. Everything will be fine. Only focus on delivering the baby. The head is already out. Just a little more and the shoulder will be out too. Then everything will be fine. The doctor is on her way. Just keep calm."

The midwife kept on changing the hot water covered sheets to relieve the pain.

Seemingly understanding something, the blonde haired woman pushed even harder.

Just then, the closed door opened a lady came in a thick white kimono like attire. She was even more beautiful than the blonde lady on the bed, but had a cold look on her face and even had a big bouncy pair of racks, which seemed to jiggle with her every step.

"Ara … looks like the baby is still not out… Let me see..."

Saying so she, gently closed her eyes and held her hand above the lower part of Agatha's belly and a slight yellowish white glow passed through her hands to the belly muscles. And after a moment, opened her eyes. As she opened her totally black eyes slowly, they had a confused look in them and a thoughtful expression.

"Strange, it seems like the baby is resisting itself to come out. Normally babies are very eager to come out from the womb. But this one wants to stay inside still!! This is causing the baby to be displaced from its original place. Thus causing more pain"

The doctor explained in a professional manner. Hearing this, both the midwife and Agatha also had a confused look. Then suddenly Agatha's expression changed.

"Ahhhh!!!! Doctor its too painful"

Seeing the blood loss  and hearing Agatha, she didn't expend more time. The doctor lowered her hand once again and channeled a whitish yellow glow this time to Agatha.

"There you go. This should help soothe your abdomen muscles. Now push with all your might"

Agatha felt a soothing warm flow in her lower body and used all her might to push her baby out of her.

"Wah waaaah waaaah!!" A louder cry than a normal baby came out.

Hearing the cry, Agatha seemingly relaxed and fell unconscious. The doctor then removed her hand and channeled her mana this time to the exhausted mother's head.

Just as she stopped channeling her mana to take a look at the kid, she was surprised to see that the baby had stopped crying and looking at her  with its half closed eyes.

Surprised for a moment, when she looked at the direction of the baby's look, she saw him looking at her hand. Just as she wanted to probe the baby a little, a shout woke her from her reverie.

"Doctor this time its a boy!"

"Hmm. Wash it properly with hot water. Then let it sleep near his mother."

Saying so she poked the little boy's fluffy cheeks with a finger, thinking that what she saw earlier was just a coincidence, only to earn a giggle from the baby. She played once more with the body and then went to the new mother and started applying medicine to her lower body. Then she took out a tube containing a red liquid, opened Agatha's mouth and poured it in.

"Yes doctor. I'll take care of everything else. You can go back"

After hearing the midwife's reply, she nodded went to the door.

On the outside, hearing its a boy Derek slumped to the ground. Tears started to flow from his eyes as he had a big smile on his face.


Kiel's Pov

'So this is heaven. This pleasant feeling, this floating sensation!! Ahh it just makes me melt. I can spend all my life here without any problem. The space in heaven seems like a little congested and there is not much place to move. There is no light here too. And I can't feel my body, while something strange is attached to me.  But I can still manage, after all I'm in heaven. I wonder if I will get to meet any sexy angels with wings here.'

Kiel didn't know how much time had passed in his enjoyment, but when he was getting accustomed to his new life, he suddenly felt a big push on him. It felt like something was pushing him out of his new home, and Kiel didn't like it one bit. How can he move out from his home when it felt so good!!

So he started resisting. 'Whatever you are if you feel like you can challenge the great Kiel then you are messing with the wrong person here. I will make sure you regret it. '. Kiel started struggling even more.

As Kiel was beginning to win his battle and felt the push vanish, he felt something scan him. Mocking it as a futile attempt as it stopped after one second, Kiel relaxed his guard. Then started moving slowly back to his new home. Then suddenly he felt a soothing warm feeling and was pushed away from his home immediately. This time he couldn't even return back as something tug  him away. He felt so sad to go away from his new home. And then he suddenly met a light outburst.

Feeling both irritated and sad, he started complaining with all his might. But as he was complaining, he only heard a 'wah wah' sound.

Then as he adjusted to the light and turned his head around, the first thing he saw was 'two beautiful angels'. Kiel was so dumbstruck that he forgot crying. He even saw one angel passing her light to the other one. His only concern was he couldn't understand what they were saying.

As Kiel entered a state of trance seeing their beauty, his gaze turned to one of the angels, only to see her in a sorry state.  Seeing her like this, he felt disheartened. He somehow even felt he was responsible for her. And hence, as he was about to apologize to her, he saw the other angel who even had a big rack look toward her. Feeling her stare he gulped and stared back at her too, just to see her  come and poke his cheeks.

As he saw the 'big boobed angel', which he named her, moving to the other angel and applying something on her lower body … Kiel seemingly understood what actually happened here. He understood that he was borne now and the blonde woman most likely was his mother.

As he understood everything, he recognized the push he felt earlier. Not having any parents for his previous life, he had a soft spot for mothers. And when he saw his mother in such a state, he felt so guilty that he started crying.

"Wah wah"

Well I am having internet issues as, the government has stopped internet services in our area. Sigh! what a headache.

I posted this chapter after a lot of difficulties. I wanted to post another one, but lets see if I can.

Enjoy this chapter and start voting for me

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