
END Initiated...

Info: The book is the process of being revamped! Continuation will start from July 2021!! Please fans stay tuned!! A world where mages rule the world. Elemental power is considered the supreme. Magic is considered the nature of the world.  Kiel, a world renowned scientist of the modern world sacrifices even his life to create his own ideal world.But now is given a chance to reincarnate in a magical world where possibilities are endless. But alas, he who thought that he had a great future waiting for him, witnessed that he was awakened without even an element? Is this the end? Or is this the start of a new journey? What will Kiel do, loaded with his knowledge from the previous world. Join Kiel as he traverses the path of magic now instead of science. Join him as he takes you into how a real fantasy world should be A new chakra cultivation! A whole new path. A whole new world. What will the world have in store for a little mortal? *** Note- If you are bored with all the regular trade off the mill novels, this is something that you want. Give it a try. This is my first novel. So please don't take too much offence! Story may have a lot of buildup. So only for patient readers. Note: Guys I am trying to reform the earlier chaps. So don't complain and be patient. I am a human too.

Krizzeir · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Chapter 11: A little discovery


Kiel saw the beige blonde girl with hazel green eyes to walk to his mom and hug her.

"Kiel meet your big sister Hazel. She came from the Leonidas Mage Academy back to meet you on your birthday. And Hazel, look he is your baby brother. Ain't he way too cute!!"

"Sis… taaa ... ma...maa??" He called.

"That's right! Kiel she is your big sister."

Hazel then turned to look at him. Although she still looked coldly at him, Kiel could see a little affection within her eyes.

Although Kiel didn't understand most of the words of his mother, he still understood three things, first the girl in front of him was his sister and her name was Hazel. Second, she came here to meet him. Third and lastly, his mother loved to name people based on their eye color. He was sure of these things, mostly the last one.

As he considered these things, Kiel was surprised that he could deduce so many things in this short time.

Initially after he was born, he knew his reasoning ability has taken a huge dip. After all he was a baby. His small brain couldn't handle the huge amount of thoughts. Now that he was regularly training yogic breathing exercises little by little, his thoughts have cleared significantly.

Throughout this one year, he was too busy with his mother. Now that he found out that his previous world's yoga techniques were useful in this world, Kiel wanted to draw a plan for his future, and see if other techniques from earth were useful here.

Kiel started to analyze his new found knowledge. But just as he was to use his newfound reasoning capabilities, to see what he could do further, he found himself being lifted up from the ground.

Turning around, he saw himself in Hazel's arms, who was looking at him with an intense stare. Kiel was about to touch her cheeks, seeing how cute she was. And just as he brought forth his tiny fingers to her, she was startled and dropped him down.

Falling down on his bum, Kiel felt a pain, and a surprised cry came out from his mouth.


Kiel was taken by surprise from this, but just as his painful cry came out, he saw his mother also surprised. Out of worry, she took him up by his arms.

Agatha looked at Hazel worriedly, "Are you alright? And how did your little brother fall?"

Kiel saw that his sister was a little worried from her eyes. But just as she was about to say something, they saw Derek returning back with a bunch of precious ores with others.

"Ya… keep them all here."

Seeing Derek and the ores in his hand, Hazel immediately returned to her cold face. Showing off Derek her new badge, she told Agatha in a loud voice, "Nothing. The boy wanted to touch me. So I dropped him down. How dare he touch my precious face with his dirty hands."

Looking at Derek by the corner of her eyes, Hazel turned back and went to her room.

" I'm going back to my room. Amber and Fawn are waiting for me. Goodbye Mom. I'll see you after freshening up."

Agatha wanted to say something. But seeing Derek, she seemingly understood something. Sighing a deep breath, she kept quiet and didn't say anything.

Derek finished his business and came to her looking confused, " What happened to her?? Is she not well ??"

"Nothing. Go freshen up. The feast is about to begin. Be fast as you have to see if the guests need anything else. And tell them that the lunch will be ready in a few minutes."


Unknown to them, as Hazel entered the room, a drop of tear rolled down from her cheeks.

Kiel was dumbstruck by what just happened.

' The f*"k. What just happened here??'

Seemingly understanding something, Kiel thought, ' Is she one of the dere types or what?? I saw a lot of them in anime. I think she… maybe.'

Realizing something he looked at Hazel's back, 'I just hope she is not the yandere type.'


As night came, the feast started. A big bonfire was lit. The villagers began to sit by the fire, talking and enjoying the dishes. On the right on a white shaped altair, Kiel was sitting, surrounded by other villagers.

Some young children were dancing by the fire. Agatha was serving others with juices. Everyone looked happy.

But for the little Kiel, he was passed from one person to another.Everyone, one by one would touch his forehead and channel their energy into his head for a little while, blessing him.

The ritual continued for late night. And Kiel was so tired by the moment it all finished that he passed out. It was the first time he felt so tired as he would always sleep early. But today he had to remain awake till midnight.

The only thing that kept him awake was the soothing sensation that passed on to his brain by the people's touches.

As Kiel fell asleep, the only thought in his mind was to complain about all this to his mother tomorrow.


The next day.

Agatha looked as beautiful as always cooking while singing.

As the sun shone on him,Kiel woke up. And the first thing that Kiel did when he woke up was crawl to his mother, who was in the kitchen, hug her from behind and start complaining about all the cruelties he suffered yesterday.

Agatha, seeing her child acting like this, understood, he was complaining about yesterday. So she lifted him and placed him on her lap. The little one immediately stopped his rantings. Knowing his antics, Agagha was not surprised at all.

Finally seeing his happy look, Agatha smiled at him too, silently and continued doing her work.

Having enjoyed his mother's warmth for a while, Kiel came out of her embrace and crawled to his bedside as he remembered he had plans today. He had to plan his schedule now that he was 1 year old and could think properly.

Kiel could walk on two legs as early as when he was 7 months old. His parents were so proud and happy for him that they gifted sweets to the entire village.

Although he could walk, he preferred crawling on all fours as he felt more draining while walking. So he only walked a little daily. But that didn't mean he crawled in the old fashioned way. The way he crawled, his knees never touched the ground. As it would hurt him in the soil, Kiel would stretch his legs to walk on his toes and hands.

And although he could speak a lot of words now, Kiel preferred to stick to only "mama, papa and sista and some other non coherent words". If he spoke coherent words earlier than necessary, he feared that his mother would not allow him to be pampered. So even if he practiced more when he was alone, he would never speak more words in front of others.

Kiel also never gave up on his  breathing yoga exercises. Although as a child, he couldn't focus his thought properly for meditation, that couldn't stop him from his breathing yoga.

When sitting idly or when relaxing, he would always take deep breaths in and out. And everytime he took deep breaths, he could find his inside even more fresh. He would feel more energetic and relaxing and his body becoming lighter. Although there was no apparent change to his body, Kiel felt his mind beckming more and more clear by the day. So he never stopped his breathing exercises.

As Kiel sat down, he began to think with his clear mind, how to continue his breathing exercises. What extra thing to do? And how to proceed with his future plans.

Kiel once stood at the top of earth. So he knew a lot of methods in yoga, exercises and meditation and all. But he was a lazy bum who would not work unless necessary, so to better concentrate on his work, he tried almost everything, except those that were way too tiring, like martial arts.

Although he thought, martial arts looked cool; he knew it would take a lot out of him and he was not ready to give up on his lazy life. He could already obtain strength through technology, so he didn't mind  it, as he had nowhere to use it in the modern world.

Kiel had always been independent, as he never liked to attach himself to anyone more than needed. Even the scientists he worked with had been controlled by pico-bots which even had inbuilt self destruction, so that he could monitor them, and if  he could catch anyone red handed, he could kill them immediately in one go.

So being totally helpless in this world, although as a baby, didn't sit fit in him. But because of his mother's love and his unclear thoughts previously, he could not do anything about it until now.  So now that he again had a clear mind, he began to consider his future prospects.

He began to think of various things. As he was thinking, he recalled the chakras and other energies and compared it to this world magic. As he recollected his thoughts, he remembered that the breathing exercises from his previous world worked well in this world. So he wanted to try meditation and see if he could bring back the theoretical energies from his previous world to this one.

He noted this point to start training his yoga. Although he studied qi from his previous world too, but it would require him to move around to practice. So he cancelled it out for now. He would try to work the chakra energy first.

Unaware of the time, as he thought and thought, he came to the following conclusions:

First, he would try his best to learn the language of this world. He would not hold back, and even start asking questions, if needed about it to his parents.

Second, he would continue his breathing exercises and try more variations of the various breathing exercises he knew.

Third, he would start meditations and when his thoughts processes cleared up his previous peak, he would start to work on his chakra energy.

And lastly, the most important of all, he needed more nutrients for his work. So he would not give up on being close to his mother no matter what. Kiel liked her embrace way too much.

Having made up his mind, he went to his mom let him sleep while hugging her. He was feeling sleepy from all these thinking.

As promised, the second chapter of the day. Enjoy guys and keeping voting me.

If I get 5k view by tomorrow or get added by 4 more collections you all can except 2 chapters tommorow. Else there will be the regular 1 chapter.

Krizzeircreators' thoughts