
End After Journey

A peasant, poorer than all one day found a jewel. It wasn’t just any jewel but a jewel that made him into a vampire. Look at the story of a lowly peasant rising above monarchs in his journey to conquer the world!

CustomSoul · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Hemiglan Family?

All the people that were once on the floor rushed to get up and stand in an awkward line that they had made. William stood near the right hand side of the line, close to the end.

"IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL A LINE?! I SAID STS, NOW!" said the drill instructor. William, along with everyone else was confused. They had no idea what the guy was talking about.

"OH SO YOUR TELLING ME YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT STS IS? SHOULDER TO SHOULDER! NOW FIX THIS LINE YOU IMBECILES, BEFORE I FIX YOU AND YOUR BRAIN DEAD SELVES." roared the Drill Instructor. William, and everyone else were scared witless, and immediately fixed their lines. The drill instructor looked around, and then nodded his head.

"Alright, my name is Knight Davidson. You are to refer to me as Knight and Knight only. You will have 3 strikes, and these are the things you can get strikes for. First and foremost, adressing me in any other way, other than knight. Second, not following orders. Third, not reacting quick enough. Got it? Alright let's move on." droned the Knight. William realized if he wanted to pass he would have to give his utmost best.

"Alright! First things first.." he said taking a breath. "DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 50! NOW NOW NOW! LETS GO FASTER!" he shouted running around the line, and yelling at them to do push-ups. Everyone startled, dropped down and immediately attempted push-ups. The Knight glared around, looking as mad as ever. He was extremely disappointed and couldn't help but think about the future of the IIA. Of the 500 or so people trying out, only around 57 or so could do push-ups correctly. The rest either had their butt's raised in the air or their bodies were flat on the floor and they were cheating. He looked around and nodded, taking note of the 60 or so people who were doing it correctly, one of whom was William.

"Alright, alright I've seen enough" muttered the knight with a frown on his face, signaling for them to stop. Most people dropped on the floor tired, and sweaty, weary from doing so much push-ups. William and the other 60 however, were standing straight and ready for the next thing to come. The knight looked around, nodded again, and said,

"If I call your name, will you please step forward. If I don't call your name, don't worry, you haven't failed the tryout.. yet. Anyways here we go. Serena Rovernis, William Magnolis, Arthur Hemiglan, Vincent Samercon, Jake Larknivos, James Larknivos, and last but certainly not least, Olivia Samercall, please step forward" said the Knight aloud. 7 people in total stepped toward the knight standing directly to attention. Victor glanced at the other people standing in line with him quickly, before turning away. The knight turned toward the 7 standing infront of him before saying,

"You 7 are to follow Squire Leonis silently. Don't talk, or reply to any of the questions he poses. Also here" he said ina low voice before tossing them each a white small rectangle that was as long as their fingers with their name on it. Squire Leonis as it turned out to be was a average aged man, and had a sword strapped to his waist. He was shorter than William, and was around 5'7-5'8 whilst William was around 5'10-5'11. As they walked forward, William noticed that they passed by a lot of darkly tinted windows. He had no doubt that the windows were concealing squires marking their every move, or even the Knight himself. William however was not deterred by this and kept his mouth silent until…

"So guys, have you ever seen a Demi-human?" asked the Squire. He was obviously trying to start a conversation with them, so they all kept their mouths smartly shut. James and Jake however paled after hearing his words but, smartly avoided the eyes of every one else.

"Like in my opinion Demi-humans or disgusting. Imagine being a half-breed and have your own species reserved for you. That truly disg—

William heard a grunt and turned to see that James, and Jake, the two brothers were pissed. Their face was a tomato red, and a single vein out their forehead threatening to explode. They looked at the squire as if they would seemingly kill him, and be done with it, but they tried their best to ignore what the squire had said. It seemed as if though, the squire had hit a nerve. Before the squire could rant on, they had already arrived at their designated area. They were now in massive field where several Knights stood infront of the entrance wearing their formal uniforms. Then a knight towards the center spoke.

"Hello, and welcome you select seven. You have exceeded our expectations of this group of candidates, and you are each hereby exempt of having to pass the physical evaluation, as you already have. You will have been hereby promoted from recruit to a *Lesetig. Welcome to the Istorian Imperial Army" said the knight with a smile on his face. He then tossed each of them their new uniforms, and explained that they each would be given 1 silver dinar as salary every month. He then tossed them a silver coin and told them to buy a sword, or a weapon they were familiar with, and report to headquarters tommrow morning for their assignment. As William caught his uniform, he noticed it was abnormally small. Like way to small for him.

"Uhhh, Mr.Knight, this uniform is way to small for me? How am I supposed to put this on?" asked William. The others looked at the knight with their eyebrows raised. What was the meaning of this?

"First, refer to me as Knight and Knight only or you will be INDOCed. Second the uniform is made that way to save time on production. You see your silver tag. Put your tag on to your uniform and see what happens." said the Knight with a almost amused look. Victor and the others grabbed their tags which they had been carrying around and pinned it to their uniforms. What happened next was truly magical. Their uniforms grew until they were about the same size as them, and fit them perfectly. When he put it on, the heat that had once been presented complet vanished leaving a perfect temperature inside their uniforms. Willaim was grateful for the uniform. Now no one would question him on anything he did.

"Also, you 7 will be a squadron. Your squadron commander will be meeting you at IIA headquarters exactly 1 week from now so don't be late, and he will be your 8th person in your squadron. As a squadron, if one of you joins a division, the others are required to join, except the Vistorian Guard, and II are exempt of this as they are two very important divisions. I expect you to get along, and if you feel you can't, you will be a lone soldier, and trust me that isn't fun. You have to complete missions alone and you might, or rather should I say, 99% will die and you will have a miserable experience in the army. I suggest you guys get along, and yeah. So formal uniforms and such are given out by your unit commander. Each unit consists of 4 squadrons. A troop has about 100 units, so your troop will have 3200 or so soldiers. You may leave your troop to join a diffrent one if you get permission from that troop commander, or to join a diffrent division. So that is all, the rest will be explained to you by your squadron leader. So shoo, and go buy your swords or something. You will have about 1 week to do whatever so move along, and prepare for the military" said the Knight with a smug look on his face. Soon the would be squadron dispersed, while the brothers headed off together, the two girls of the team decided to stay together and continued to move on. That left William and Arthur who were still standing their. William took one look at him and walked off. As he walked out of IIA headquarters he heard someone shouting his name.

"William, William, WILLIAM WAIT UP!" shouted what appeared to be Arthur. William stopped and waited for the Arthur guy to catch up before continuing to walk. They walked in silence for a bit, while Arthur continued on trying to stabilize his breathing. After a while, Arthur's breathing fell to a normal pace.

"Howdy mate. Thanks for waiting for me back there" said Arthur while looking at the sky. William rolled his eyes, and replied with,

"So, what do you want?" asked William with a dead stare. Arthur looked at him blankly for a second before having his expression light up.

"Okay, uh, the thing is.. I want you to be my personal servant!" he said in a smug tone, like he was entitled to do this and William should be grateful. William was taken aback for a second, before hiding his expression behind his poker face. Of course, he wouldn't give the pampered spoiled kid what he wanted thus making him come to a decision.

"No," William said simply. "No, I don't want to be your personal servant," said William. Arthur looked heart broken before looking down at his hand. He took off a black ring that was possibly made of just obsidian with a single black dead jewel in the center of the ring. He then turned to William with a furious gaze and said,

"My grandmother gave this to me before she passed away. She told me that it has a curse on it which would forcibly attach it to the finger of the person I hate the most in the world and cause the extreme pain till their entire hand exploded. So, in case you didn't know, I am from noble heritage, The Prestigious Hemiglan family. So you and your sorry ass is going to have the worst experience in this squad, just you wait you fucking imbecile" screamed Arthur with gritted teeth before throwing the ring at Victor head, and storming off cackling. William then saw him get in a fancy blue carriage before being driven away.

William was really shocked. He couldn't belive how fast the guy got mad, and had went from being happy, and, although he hated to admit this, kind, to an extreme degree of anger. William knew that for a fact the guy had been brung up in a place where he was basically handed everything, and hadn't ever heard of no before. That's when he felt it. A warm, thick stream of what seemed to be water flowed down his head. He went up and touched it, but instead of seeing water he saw blood. He then started to get dizzy, and before he knew it, he was on the floor with the wound on his head spilling blood out profusely. As his eyes wandered about slowing dimming, he saw the same ring which had been thrown at his head. He reached out and grabbed the ring weakly before bringing it closer to his face, as his focus was hazing in and out.

'I wonder how much this would sell for,' William thought weakly. William knew he was dying, but even at this moment, he was thinking about how he could earn a living. Then a single drop of his blood fell on the black little jewel in the middle of the obsidian ring. The ring suddenly lit up in a unnatural purple color before William was enveloped in this purple aura, completely surrounding his body and seeping into his body rearranging his organs from inside. His body shuddered, and then the pain started. His body exploded in pain, and his entire body started to shake in pain. His eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets, and he felt a thousand needle like things stab into his very soul. His chest exploded splurging blood everywhere as his body began to leak blood.

"William…" whispered an unknown voice.

That was the last words William heard before passing out completely due to the sheer amount of blood that was seeping out of his body.

This chapter took me so long... but most of the time I wasn't writing! Sorry for the inconsistency I'll try my best to continually update, but other than that, enjoy!

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