
Encounters: Author's dirty thoughts

Bree_Love_95 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Master's Pet

My feet were light along the boards as I ran towards the stairs, the lanterns had been snuffed, I'd left my heels in the coat closet so as to move more swiftly. Master had left the party early, he was furious because I had refused to join him, I'd been disobedient all day and well into the night. I knew the consequences of what I'd done, but part of me didn't care. He had ignored me all day, yes while I'd sought the affection of another man, allowed him to touch me, caress me where only my Master was allowed to touch. He didn't own me, didnt hold my leash.

At least that was what I had told him before he'd left for the night. Though the room was dark enough and the house quiet I knew I could at least make it to my room before he noticed I was home. As I reached for the banister a hand grabbed my throat from behind and slammed me to the wall, I could feel the anger resonate through the grip. Though he only had my neck, I couldn't move, the force alone was enough to wet me.

"Master, please." I gasped placing my hands flat on the wall behind me.

He growled low and deep as he leaned in closer, forcing his muscular thigh between my legs while his free hand torn open my blouse releasing my bountiful breast. He gropped it fiercely as he leaning in close.

"This. Is. Mine." He growled in my my ear pressing his thigh to my core.

I let out a small squeak at the rough contact. He hadn't touched me in days, but from my actions I knew there would be marks left behind, all the size of his hand. Growling in my ear he bit down on my neck.

"Master." I gasped clutching my thighs around his.

"You are mine, no one is allowed to touch you." He growled as his hand finally left my breast and trailed down to my thigh where he began gently stroking.

He was still angry but he turned from brute to being gentle with me. When I went to touch him he grabbed my wrist and pinned them against the wall. He knew that with my touch his anger would fade, he needed it at this moment.

Master began biting and kissing along my neck and chest, leaving an evident trail in his wake. No one would mistake who I belonged to. No one would question whose property I was. Moaning to his expert touch, his hand resting against my inner thigh  as he stroked me with his thigh. Leaning his head down he captured a peaked nipple between his teeth at the same moment he dipped a finger inside me. Teasing my clit with the palm of his hand.

"Master." I moaned raising my hips to his hand.

I'd been starved for his touch, his abuse. I could feel his fingers curling inside me as he applied pressure to my area. My hips began to rise and fall with each flick. My body was close to climax and if I could keep in check he would allow me to come. Toes curling against the wall, his grip around my neck, his teeth on my breast.

"Now you will learn not to let others touch what is mine." He growled in my ear and let me sink to the floor.

Catching my breath I watched him go to bed, his cock erect, but I'd be denied my orgasm and I will only be allowed to please him when I have learned.