

Enchanted university, a school known to focus on mythical creatures of all kind and educate them, creating strong relationships between people and mythical creatures, which causes the world to be balanced and harmonized; their relationship being yin and yang. Helping the stakeholders of each species of creatures out there is what they do, and they all have been highly educated about those creatures before being sent on missions to work on maintaining the balance between what’s able to be seen, and what’s not. Will there be something that causes the world’s balance to hang on a loose thread? Will there be a slip up which dooms the world as we know it? Read more to find out. --- "You pervert!", Calbee yelled as she slaps Hade Louigh on his face. "How dare you to slap my handsomeness!", Hade Louigh said as cold as ice, which made Calbee afraid. "Why wouldn't I?", Calbee ask as she steps back. "No body had ever touch my face and slaps me like that, you!", Hade Louigh yelled with anger, as he walks toward Calbee, the beast inside him had awakened. "Is that so, I-DON'T-CARE!", Calbee yelled and never hesitated to kick his balls. "Aw!", Hade Louigh screams in pain, to the point that his face can't be drawn but still his handsomeness is indestructible. This woman is too much. Calbee was about to run when she noticed that Hade Louigh is really hurts, she got guilty so she bowed and touch his other shoulder with her left arm. "I'm sorry, did it hurt?", Calbee ask him with sincere expression on her face. This woman is crazy, she hit the most sensitive part of a man and now she's asking if does it hurts! Your brain got cough go and check the doctor darling. "I'm really really so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just got pushed by my emotion. I shouldn't let my emotion control me.", Calbee said sincerely apologizing towards Hade Louigh who's now crouching down and holding his private part due to a lot of pain. "Shut up! Your sorry can't help, what if I got barren-?!", Hade Louigh said while still managing the pain from his manhood. -then I won't be able to produce any child for you, then there would be no one that would be able to inherit my handsomeness! You crazy woman! "I'm so sorry, a-are you fine now?", Calbee noticed that he's already calming down. Calbee feel so embarrassed right now, if only she could disappear quickly like a bubble, she already did, but she need to stay, it is her responsibility to never left him unless he feel a little bit calmer, besides she's the one who kick his balls. I wanna thank my Mommy @marichat_nettenoir for helping me with my synopsis development, ilysm Mommy Mari♡!

Jamaica_Masihul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

To: Calbee Baby

"We're finally here!", Ellise said as she runs toward the queen size bed and lay there in a stomach position, she felt extremely drained.

While Calbee for the first time, seeing the whole room precisely felt so comfortable, the whole room pattern is all on pastel colors so even the room is large she feels that it is extremely cute.

The golden chandelier above the ceiling is like a crown, the two queen-sized soft and comfy beds colored in sky blue and pastel pink look so aesthetic, it even has glitter for the finishing touch, how she wishes that she could stay there just one night.


Calbee continued scanning the whole room, it's so pretty, Calbee think that she should just lay at her bed too, she needs it to feel calm.

Each bed has its own side table drawer, with a cute little lamp light pink shaded, Calbee just wondered why there is a big box of gifts on her side table drawer beside the cute little lamp.

Did someone put it there, or Ellie just wanna surprise me with a gift because I'm her new roommate, I feel so touched Ellie but why didn't she told me, maybe she forgot because her looks were just so exhausted.

" Hey Ellie...", Calbee said sweetly and softly, she doesn't wanna shock Ellie with a loud alarming voice right.


"Why Calbee?", Ellie ask she did fell asleep, but still her face looks cute.

"I just wanna say thank you for the gift.", Calbee answer back with a whisper.

"It's my pleasure to make you happy...", Ellie replied

*yawns*, and she fell asleep afterward.

How grateful I am to have Ellie as my best friend, yet I'm too bad to leave her.

*sighs*, how hard life is...

Calbee got startled when Ellie stands up in from her sleep and in her standanding position, she looks like a zombie, her straight long black, messy hair, and ultra pale skin make her look like a ghost who suddenly gains consciousness after falling asleep.

"What's with the sudden stand.", Calbee said calmly but deep inside she feels so nervous.

Did Ellie keep a secret from me or something, like she got a small drop of zombie vaccine on her flesh and now she's turning into a zombie to kill me.

"C-Calbee...", Ellise said Calbee's name like she's going to eat her.

" E-Ellie, what are you doing?", Calbee said as she leans one step backward.

Ellise walks closely to her while both of her arms are pointing forward on her, just like a zombie.


"C-Calbee...", Ellise came closer to Calbee until her hand reached Calbee's shoulder and she grips her so tight.

"Where is it?", Ellise said with a husky and scary tone.

" I don't have a brain Ellie, please skip me!", Calbee yelled while her body froze like a statue.

"I'm not looking for brains.", Ellise said and reveals a smirk on her face.

"I don't think I have flesh too, I'm skinny it's not worth your time so please let me live!", Calbee begged while holding both of her hands together and bend her knees to the soft pastel-colored rug, together with a huge pout on her mouth, she looks like a toddler begging for candies.

Ellise slaps her own face and Calbee feels so relieved that zombie Ellie got disappointed, which means she won't eat her, YES!

But she suddenly grips her shoulder again, which made Calbee panic again.


" I'm talking about the gift!", Ellie said as hard as metal.

"G-go get it, on my side table just don't eat me.", Calbee replied while her knees are trembling.

Ellie didn't waste her time and go to Calbee's side table, and opened it like an authorized person on a military.

*phew*, both of the phew in chorus.

Why did Ellie sighs in relief too, I thought she was a zombie.

" I thought it was a grenade, don't open boxes without asking me okay?", Ellise said like a mother who is lecturing her daughter.

Calbee was left speechless... Ellie is not a zombie!?

Calbee leans her back on the pastel-colored pattern wall and lets herself slid there all the way to the way down to the comfy and puffy rug she sat there dumbfounded as she slaps her face.

I got worried for nothing.

"Calbee come here! There's a tag and it says, "


| ∞ |

| To: |

| Calbee Baby |

| From: |

| Mister Frost |

[__________________ ]

"Calbee, tell me who's this Mister Frost?!"

"KYAAAAH!", while Ellie feels so ecstatic for Calbee on the other hand Calbee feels like she wanna vomit...

BABY Calbee?! Your face Mister Frost!

Calbee's face went red as chubby tomatoes while her face crumpled together focusing on the left side where the left corner of her lip lift which made her left cheeks rounder than the right side, and her left eye form a chubby crescent below them than the right which means the left eye is narrower, and her brows were knitted together.

Calbee left an awkward funny expression on her face.

That pervy bastard sends me a gift after harassing me, do you think that I would forgive you because you gave me a present?!

Tsk, dream high Mister Frost.

She can't explain her feeling but she feels mixed emotions coming up on her face, all she knew is she got disgusted and wanna kick Mister Frost's eggs again, while on the other side she feels curiosity flying.

H-how did he know that I call him Mister Frost?! It's only on my mind and nobody knows about it only me... What's going on I don't understand.

" Why didn't you tell me that you're dating someone. Oh so fast, every guy would totally fall in love with such a perfect goddess feature that you possess, just by looking at you they would already feel the heaven generating on their heart, can't blame them I got a beautiful best friend HAHAHAH, so even it's your first day here in the university nobody can't resist your charming aura! How lucky I am to not just have a caring best friend but also a goddess living best friend, I think I couldn't take it anymore, I could fall unconscious now to the ground for such a blessing!", Ellise feels so excited for her best friend future, she got bright future in front of her and she wanna accompany her with all her might in bad and in good, she's like her sister already.

"So where did it all start? Did the both of you bumped at each other while you're going to the restroom, and who is that Mister Frost, feels so icy and cold huh? HAHAHA!", Ellie asked Calbee extremely excited about her love life.

" I-I don't know... HA, HA!", that's sounded more like a fake laugh, Ellie was right about the restroom part but we didn't bump with Mister Frost.

"You're hiding something...", Ellie said

" Kinda...", Calbee replied.

" So you guys bumped at each other then look into each other's eyes, then the world slows down and both of you just realized that you are in lov--." Ellie was about to fly like she's in heaven fantasizing what happend to Calbee with the guy who sent the present which is Mister Frost but Calbee interrupted.

"STOP, we're not in love with each other! And there's no way that I would fall in love at that pervy! No matter what present he gives I would never forgive hi--", Calbee realizes that Ellie was not listening, she's more focused on the present, and untying the black ribbon, the box is also black almost all of it at black including the tag, same vibes I also love black... Eh, what am I thinking.

" Ellie, Are you listening?!", Calbee yelled she wanna clear things up.

"Umm, Calbee there's a lot of--."

"I don't care, take it it's yours now! Just to clear things we're not in lo--."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, take it."

"Even though, I'm so full I can accept this you know!", Ellise rush and pull out three doughnuts they were arranged vertically on her grip from, strawberry, vanilla, then chocolate on the base, and Ellise open her mouth widely and highly to fit all the flavors in one bite.

" uhh, this twaste so sweet!", Ellie said while munching the doughnut on her mouth that is so full.

"You know, you can change your mind right, you are craving doughnuts earlier at the cafeteria yet someone purchased it all, so your upset and now that the doughnuts are here are you sure you don't wanna take it?", Ellise said took another bite.

" It's doughnuts!? Does that mean he's the someone that Miss Katherine said who purchased it all?", Calbee eyes went wide and her eyebrow raised together in shock.

"And it looks like he purchased it all just for you! Look at this!", Ellie said and gave Calbee another tag.

" It said, a whole lot of daddy doughnuts are bellow your bed?!", Calbee and Ellise looked at each other and checked what's under Calbee's bed.

Eii, that daddy doughnut thingy, only me who know that word, smells something fishy...Mister Frost is hiding something.

Both of them got surprised, they saw a huge box of preset, it's gorgeously hiding there flatly at Calbee's Queen sized bed, it's exactly shaped as wide and tall as the bed which is perfectly meant to be placed under her bed.

Both of them look dumbfounded by the queen-sized present box below the queen-sized bed. Ellise feels like she would fell unconscious at any second but she was just forcing to stay awake, while Calbee feels like he wanna hug Mister Frost for this.

" He really did purchase it all.", Calbee said... And he purchased it all just for me?!

"This Mister Frost is kinda rich!", Ellie said.

Both of them pulled the huge box giving a huge strength of pull yet they failed, so they decided to push it out instead.


"Finally!", they now see a box that a two-person can occupy with.


"W-WoW", their mouth dropped and their eyebrows went high and their eyes so widely open.

" This is a total hundred of doughnuts! It's closer to thousands!", Ellie yelled due to excitement...

Both of them jumped together at the same time on the doughnut bathtub.

Ellie and Calbee lay down at the doughnut bath tub like they are normally on a bath and eat as many as they can! Different flavors on the right and different flavors on the left. It's both of their dreams and finally coming true!

Since Ellise is some sort of a foodie and Calbee is a doughnut lover, this is the first time that their heart finally agrees on something.

Calbee didn't mind if how could Ellise eat a lot of food at the same time, her metabolism and digestive system have superpowers she guesses.

But I hope we don't get diarrhea after this...Okay, I don't care if we get diarrhea what's more important is that,

Each doughnut taste so good! They were duo flavored, triple flavored, different sizes and shapes, I think all kinds and flavors are here! Great that I have been accompanied by Ellie to eat this all! HAHAHA!

Ellie is a food expert HAHAHAH!

I don't know what to eat next, HAHAHAH!

I love the plain barbarian flavor tho.

Thank you, Mister Frost, I still hate you!



Isn't it you who should be apologizing for hitting my balls.


You're getting greedy baby.

That's what I like...

" No matter what, It's still my pleasure to make you happy, Calbee Baby.", Hade Louigh said while on his neat study table and showed his mischievous smile which suit his handsome face he even bit his pen which made him more hot on his geture, there's no doubt that his face possess the feature of God and Greeks, any girl would fall just by glimpsing his glowing face.

There's no doubt that he is already skilled using his power. When he turn eighteen, he would be able to generate his ability to grow to the fullest and there's more things that he need to unlock in order to be the most powerful creature that exists.

With his telepathic skill, he's able to hear anything even on a persons mind and it doesn't matter how far it is as long as he inserts focus, but in this point that Calbee's room is just on the other side of the wall, he can hear everything that they speak onto their thoughts same as the word they converse, he could hear them loud effortlessly and precisely.

Happy 10.09k Views! and Happy 10 Collections! and lastly Happy 2 power stones! Wishing My work to grow more as I grow my skills too!

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