
Enchanted Sex System

When Stiles dies from being shot he expects to be dead however he discovers that he isn't and not only that but that he must be the villain, amass a harem, and take over the wizarding world in order to remain alive. Of course he has some help from a system, and other things which he'll collect on the way. Warnings inside

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Movies
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15 Chs

5: Shopping

Harry had gotten used to waking up beside Silas or one of the other Harem members. Harry's favorite being Hermione of course. Harry had been improving all over the summer much to Hermione's jealousy. Harry had gotten intimate with Hermione himself and they often enjoyed each other while Silas was busy or away or just working which Silas did quite often. Lady Reality who they'd given the name Verena was often times busy but when around Harry and Hermione enjoyed loosening her up. Verena and Hazel often times came by together and for an enchanted threesome or fivesome depending on Hermione and Harry's mood. This was Harry's life now and he greatly enjoyed it.

Harry awoke to Silas bringing in breakfast for the whole Harem.

" Si can we go shopping?" Harry asked he'd wanted to for so long but Silas had been busy.

" Of course we can." Hermione smiled as she sat up and off of Harry's chest. Hazel laying on Hermione's.

" I think we should upgrade this room at the very minimum we can barely fit all of us." Hermione suggested.

" You're correct, darling."

" Si I want to decorate the nursery we agreed I could." Hazel stated and Silas nodded.

" I want to make a gorgeous animal sanctuary."

" I'll make the calls today Verena." Silas appealed and The harem was happy. Silas stood and they all ate before getting ready. Silas walked with his Harem among the streets of Diagon Alley and all the ones connected investing and buying whatever they so desired. Harry being the best and Verena being the worst. Verena had reality duties to attend to and Hazel had magic duties to do. Hermione wanted a huge library which Silas happily indulged as they could share knowledge through sex.

" Harry, Hermione?" Ron asked as his family was shopping.

" Hi Ron, I ran into Harry, and his boyfriend Silas here, Harry's been talking him up to me this whole time." Hermione lied with ease.

" Well Harry I think it's safe for you to return to your home, and we can get your hair cut." Molly suggested.

" I'm growing it out some." Harry said reaching for his hair which was nice and washed and for once not hiding any blood.

" Silas and Harry-"

" An unpredictable-"

" Pairing." The twins stared and Harry smiled as he began to talk Silas up who followed Harry everywhere he was pulled.

" Si can we get some supplies please?"

" I don't understand your obsession with muggle baking but if you want it we can get whatever you want." The Weasley family looked shocked.

" A Blackwell entertaining muggle things, unprecedented." A sneer was heard.

" It's not muggle it's more so just baking minus the magical ingredients."

" So, muggle." Silas stated and Harry shook his head.

" I suppose muggle and wixen have the same cooking with separate ingredients so I suppose there isn't a difference." Lucius stated watching Silas with focused eyes. Silas' attention drifted over the Malfoy family and checked the stats to find that Narcissa was very fertile and needy while Lucius was satisfied and not very fertile at all. Silas bit back a smirk at the realization.

" Well met Mr.Malfoy." Silas said.

" Well met Mr. Blackwell." Draco watched Silas with envy he wanted to be with Harry and he knew he should have confessed last year.

" Si we need to buy my books." Harry said and Silas turned giving Harry a smile before looking back at Lucius.

" I suppose we'll meet in passing." Silas said and left with Harry who was babbling on about the book he really wanted.The Weasley's left not wanting problems. Draco decided to follow the couple as they walked the streets. Draco watched Silas leave Harry to his ice cream while he went to a store across the way.

" Hey Potter." Draco said sitting down.

" What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asked calmly.

" When did you and Blackwell get together."

" A while back, what do you need?"

" I can't believe you got with Blackwell, I thought you were straight."

" I'm pan dumbass." Harry snapped and Draco flinched and looked away when Harry gasped in realization. " Do you have a crush on me Malfoy?"

" Doesn't much matter now does it." Draco said and Harry snorted.

" Well considering my boyfriend is rather singy not really."

" Now you're being so mean to the Malfoy heir, you know our little rule." Silas said and Draco turned around his body shook at Silas' calm yet dangerous expression.

" Which is?"

" Oh none of that, Harry submitted to me, you know what that means right?" Draco turned to Harry shocked before turning back.

" Yes I know what that means."

" Harry, love do you want to explain it for Draco?"

" You can be with me if you're with Silas but it's tempting to not submit especially when kissing him." Draco looked at Harry he'd never wanted anything so much in his life and the way their magic danced together was too addicting for it not to cloud Draco's judgement.

" You mean you have a closed poly relationship."

" Exactly Malfoy, so if you so desperately want to be with my boyfriend you have to first go through me." Draco hadn't time to think so he ran. Harry turned to Silas and smiled.

" Remind me to praise you tonight." Silas said as he kissed Harry lightly.

Shopping was fun and Silas watched as Draco passed them and especially Silas he checked Draco's stats and shook his head.

[ Draco Malfoy- Interested|

He's interested in dating and submitting to you and he's to attracted to power to resist his love meter for you is 93% he just needs a little motivation, his lust meter is 95%]

Harry had been gifted things from sex at this point and could see Draco's stats. Harry told Silas a long list of things he wanted in the store and left after seeing Silas slip away. Harry found Draco and cornered him to a wall before kissing him. Draco was shocked but relaxed into the kiss.

" Just thought I wanted a taste, and you taste like apple in the best way." Harry said and Draco watched Harry try to leave. Draco didn't let go of Harry's hand.

" You can't kiss someone and then leave." Draco whined. Harry laughed at Draco's neediness.

" Just some motivation, food for thought if you will." Harry said and left. Draco fiddled with his lips remembering Harry's kiss, and the softness that Silas' much have. Narcissa approached her son.

" Mom I think I want to submit to a guy." Draco blabbed and Narcissa looked at her son and smiled softly.

" Then do it, you can always have a surrogate or no kids if that's really what you want it's your life." Narcissa said sweetly and Draco shook his head.

" I want kids, really stinkin cute ones with blonde hair, and green eyes, and dimples, maybe some freckles as well." Draco said and Narcissa laughed and shook her head.

" Whatever makes you happy." Narcissa had come to the realization that if she'd been a good parent, and if Draco wanted kids he'd have them but she couldn't force him and she'd never disown him so she'd just have to live with it.

Harry and Silas ended up getting everything they needed and more for the nursery and everything. Harry turned around and saw Draco making his way to them. Draco made it to them and as Silas went to speak Draco gave him his wand. Silas looked at the declaration.

" Are you sure, don't you want kids?"

" Surrogates exist, and so does blood adoption."

" Well then I guess we have the cherish you tonight, I assume you'll be returning to Hogwarts in person?"

" Yes, won't you two be returning?" Draco asked confused.

" No we decided that our home was a more enjoyable and relaxing environment so we'll come in for exams but then leave."

" I suppose that's okay, but you both have to write me and send me mail and all that jazz."

" Does your mom know you're leaving with us?" Harry asked with a smile.

" Yes, she knows she sent me with a healing oil for what I have no clue." Harry smirked as Silas apparated them to his manor and threw Draco over his shoulder.

" Now I have to fuck you silly." Silas huffed playfully as Harry shook his head. They were going to have lots of sex.