
Enchanted Sex System

When Stiles dies from being shot he expects to be dead however he discovers that he isn't and not only that but that he must be the villain, amass a harem, and take over the wizarding world in order to remain alive. Of course he has some help from a system, and other things which he'll collect on the way. Warnings inside

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Movies
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15 Chs

1: A Mission

Warnings List:

- Sex

- Attempted Murder

- Attempted Assault

- Mind Control

- Cults

- Murder

- Rape

- Mind breaking

- War

- Violence

- Prisoners

- Pregnancy

- Beastiality

- Torture

- Drinking

- Drug Usage

- Slime

- Tentacles


If you spot anymore please let me know and please know that for the record I don't condone any of the terrible things on this list nor do I wish these things upon anyone in any way in real life. This is simply fiction and that is not to be confused with reality. There will also be queer characters, sex scenes, and things of that nature inside of this book.


Silas groaned as he sat up confused on what was going on.

" Must have been a terrible nightmare." Silas said groggy from the throbbing pain flooding his head. He looked around and spotted a mirror he jumped up in confusion as he stared in the mirror. He was in a Harry Potter, Ravenclaw uniform. " What the hell." He hissed as he ran his fingers through his hair. It was long, silky, and not greasy.

" Oh good you're up." Silas spun around to find a woman whose looks made him believe he'd died and gone to heaven. She laughed at him as she ran her fingers through his hair.

" Who are you?" Silas asked.

" I am mother magic, and I saved your life." She said but Silas didn't want to call her mother.

" Why would you save my life?"

" Because you will be my dark champion, Harry Potter is the light champion one of you will win, and I need it to be you. As you know in your world Harry Potter is simply a fantasy story however here it is very real, and you have the advantages here."

" Wait what book are we in, is Sirius Black dead yet?"

" No, we're in the beginning of the Fourth book with it being summer, fret not, only a few changes have occured to this universe. First of all Voldemort has a son who you could have guessed was named Mattheo, second Sirius and Remus are together, third you can probably guess that you are a Ravenclaw and exist here, fourth your name will be called in the goblet, and last but not least I took inspiration from your imagination and settled everything." Silas was shocked quiet.

" I'll look like a fool if I don't know my way around, or any spells."

" I handled that, now onto more pressing matters, as the dark champion you must conquer the light, in more ways then one, sex will help you here, if you can have sex with Harry and get him to submit to you in bed then dark gains favor, if Harry relinquishes himself to you without your aid then you win against the light but you still must continue. You must conquer the magical world so that I may live."

" I assume that I get to live in exchange." Silas said sitting down on the bed.

" So much more, as a champion you are entitled to privileges, it would be in your best interest to conquer Mattheo as well, though he is a very possessive boy, as for growing stronger you'll need to have sex, you can copy over or mold the traits of those you have sex with. You gain control over their stats or traits for a set amount of time depending on how hard you make them cum so multiple rounds is recommended." Silas was shocked.

This was all to real for him, he'd been reincarnated, and now he was being told that he got to have sex to get stronger.

" This is a lot, but if I'm broke I won't be able to do much of anything."

" As you can tell you live in a lavish home. You're known in this world as Silas Koa Blackwell, a unknown and unpopular pure blood wizard with a mass fortune due to your dad being a dark wizard in Azkaban and your mother being dead. Nobody takes care of you and the government doesn't care." Silas got an idea and turned to Mother Magic who blushed.

" So may I?"

" You're impatient, and shameless." Silas slowly pulled mother magic to him.

" I'm a dark champion what did you expect." Mother magic could feel herself grow wet her body heating up. It has been a long time since a champion wished to bed her and even longer since they'd been so bold to try and follow through.

" I can see you don't have any problem being direct or with your title, however we're getting off topic, I have so much to tell you about your new role, and how you must be starting with dominant, protective, assertive, cunning, ambitious, resilient, resourceful, creative, and a-" Mother Magic was cut off by Silas kissing her. Her knees buckled at the sudden passionate and intimate action she reached her hands up to deepen the kiss with Silas who pulled her into his lap.

" You're so wet from just my thoughts how long have you gone so deprived, poor being." Silas said as he slid off her top.

" Mhm, too long, that feels so good." Silas smirked as he kissed all over his mouth finding her nipple as he sucked and kissed it. Mother Magic hadn't been touched in ages so she desperately needed it.

" On all fours for me?" Silas questioned as Mother Magic nodded stripping down her mind taken over by desire to be once again full. Mother Magic climbed on the bed naked. Silas wasted no time as he traced her folds.

" Stop teasing." Silas kissed her shoulder and entered her. Mother Magic moaned out as she bucked her hips. Silas began to move and Mother Magic moaned as he thrust in and out of her tight snatch which he couldn't help but feel like his body was in heaven. Silas continued as he sped up and Mother Magic began to moan out his name. Mother magic came and Silas shook his head as he continued through her orgasm.

They spent hours getting aquatinted and by the end they'd tried at least 10 different sex positions and Silas had for sure gotten Mother Magic pregnant as she'd begged him to do. Mother Magic lay on the bed with the given name Hazel.

" Hazel now you can explain everything, and rest your body."

" Silas, you'll get me in trouble, we higher beings aren't supposed to mix with mortals." Silas smirked as he kissed Hazel's forehead.

" You had your chance to back out of it." Silas turned around to button his shirt as he wanted to go and get somethings to write down all of the vital information. He felt Hazel's arms wrap around his waist.

" I wouldn't back out of it even if given the chance, that's the best sex I've had in a long time." Hazel admitted.

" Well rest some, you're probably tired you came so much."

" Hazel, why the hell are you sleeping around with your champion you know our rules."

" Sorry mother, he's the first man I've had touch me in a while, I'm deprived is it my fault that I have needs?" Silas turned to the woman to find a gentle looking one.

" Hazel, you are one of our last, we only have you, Eros, and Nico, mate with one of them."

" Oh Hazel you're- congratulations!" The female said and the male gasped.

" Impossible, a child, from this relationship, mother universe what are you not telling us." The male stated bitterly.

" Mom, Dad, you're embarrassing me, lecture me later." So these were her parents.

" Sorry, we'll go." The woman said and left with the man.

" Sorry about them, but you did it you got me pregnant, I submit to you for my child." Silas felt a warm feeling fill him.

" What was that?" Silas questioned.

" Your body accepting my submission, our child will be like me a higher being however I hope they take after you, oh how I want a little girl."

" I'll give you as many children as you want as your champion." Silas promised and Hazel smiled.

" In 3 months I'll birth our first, after that I'll want to be knocked up again, and then again."

" Sounds to me like you wish to be bred at every time possible."

" We higher beings are dying out, children are needed to keep our legacy alive."

" I see, can you some how tell me everything that is required of me without taking forever?"

" Why didn't I think of that, here." Hazel said as she kissed Silas and he received his tasks in full.

Silas smirked as he fondled the girl's butt.

" I have to get to work on a plan, after all I know how to win Harry over, and Mattheo will come later. I do want Granger on my side so I must plan, if you need anything then-"

" Oh I won't we highers need to be alone in our planes of existence while pregnant so that they baby can be healthy." Silas kisses the girl.

" I suppose I'll see you in 3 months?"

" You sure will, I'll bring the baby for you to name." Silas nodded as he made a mental reminder to come up with names along with his other task. He must conquer the world.