
Enchanted Paths: Luxana's Rise to Empress

As a new writer passionate about crafting captivating narratives, I believe collaboration and feedback are vital. Please support me by reading my work and sharing valuable insights to help refine my stories and reach their full potential in the realms of fantasy, romance, adventure, royalty, magic, and drama. Together, we can inspire a new generation of readers. The genre is fantasy, romance, adventure, royalty, magic and drama. My Novel: A political marriage unites Luxana and Cillain, two strangers with hidden magical powers, setting them on a path of self-discovery, love, and the creation of an extraordinary empire. I will be posting this story on tapas.io , RoyalRoad.com , www.webnovel.com , www.wattpad.com , www.scribblehub.com

rida_suhail · History
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Go Call the Butler Yourself!


"Ugh, what is it"? I shrieked as I rose from my bed. 

And right then and there, my heart halted. My eyes widened in terror as I locked gazes with the imposing figure before me—my nanny, who was tall and broad, with a stern, imposing demeanor that suggested a domineering personality and a penchant for cruelty. Who had haunted my nightmares for the past six years. A shiver ran down my spine as the memories of my past traumas came flooding back, and I found myself paralyzed with fear at the sight of the woman who had once made my life a perpetual hell. I was petrified with horror. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to run, but I was frozen in place, unable to move as she took a step closer, her eyes filled with malice and cruelty. The nightmares that had plagued me for so long were now standing before me in the flesh, and I knew I had to confront my fears once and for all. Summoning all the courage I had left, I strained myself to meet her gaze and whispered, "My soul does not pitch an exhortation to be yours. Hence, I grant you no authority over my manipulator."

"HAH! So now, YOU'll tell me who gets to manipulate you? DEAR PRINCESS, from the start till the end I'll FOREVER be the one who will control you endearingly. I am the manipulator of your soul, I do not require your permission to do anything! I am...." (Continues blabbering) 


"Oh, God! I can't believe that happened in the princess's room! I ain't goin' near that place ever again, I swear!" said a maid.

"Screw this, I'm resigning. I've got six damn kids to raise, and I ain't gonna get myself killed for this job!" replied the other maid.

"Who said anyone wants to die? Pull your brain cells together, how do you plan to leave the palace in such chaos? The investigators will be here any second, every little dust particle will be questioned that moves in and out of this palace and we won't be able to even flinch until the case is solved. " replied the other maid.

"So, what the heck are we gonna do now?! Just wait until we're all dead? Who knows what those murder's are planning next!" exclaims a maid. 

*The chatter continuous*

"Move out of the way!" howled the butler in full anxiety. 

The doctor and the butler rush to my room. Why, you ask? Oh....cause there's been murder. Who's been murdered, you ask? Oh, it's my beloved nanny. The doctor's trying his best to save my nanny's life, while the butler is desperately searching for clues to catch the killer before they strike again. The tension in the room is palpable as time ticks by, with each second feeling like an eternity in this deadly game of cat and mouse. But I swear by the heavens and the hell that I will not let this woman stand on her feet again.


*30 minutes prior to this incident* 

"I am the only one who has accepted you and brought you up, do you think your foolish little words will scare me? You have no idea how much...." (Nanny Continues blabbering)

....Mother......mother.......do I consider this my last chance, mother?

*leaps and punches right into her face*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screams the nanny.

*bites her hands*

"You violent beast, UGHHHHHHH"

*jumps on her and breaks her bones*


*grabs a flower vase and throws it right on her head*


*Blood flows*

*Grabs a pen from her writing desk and penetrates her throat*

"I told you, My soul does not pitch an exhortation to be yours."


"Hahaha, right, wasn't I simply your pawn to curry political favor with the Queen and gain acquaintance with the Royal Family? *Tears falling* bu-but di-did you th-thin-k I wu-wu-wud-wouldn't fa-find out, that you sobs you sob you h-ha-had the main role i-i-in ki-kill-ing ma-my mother"? {But did you think I wouldn't find out that you had the main role in killing my mother?} 

*Stabs the Throat* 




"You deserve more than this, but you know what, I'll be merciful, I'll let you die in a more peaceful way"

*grabs poison from her drawer*

"Please die happily, May God Bless your Demise."

*forcefully makes her swallow it" 

"In your next life, please attempt to become a better nanny." *Soft smile*





"Haha, I didn't think such a murderer resided in this palace." said a sarcastic voice from behind leaning next to the wall beside the entrance of the balcony. 

For some reason I didn't feel scared at all anymore, though I was caught. Rather I felt relieved. Perhaps it was the familiarity of the voice that put me at ease, or maybe it was the reassurance that I probably had someone, a certain someone.

*throws the bottle of poison*

"Grab the pen and that bottle, you don't want to leave any evidence, do you?" he asked.

"What do you want now, Cillian"? I asked with eyes that showed no interest in anything.

It had nothing to do with the topic at hand; instead, my thoughts were elsewhere, consumed by images of my horrifying nanny's tragic end at the hands of the child she raised. 

"Oh, are we so close for you to call me by my name? How amusing. I believe this isn't your 1st murder." he said in a caustic manner. "Luxana, listen closely." he whispered as leaned towards my left ear resting his hand on my right shoulder. "People like you, shouldn't be here you know, playing with fire. It's only a matter of time before you get burned." His words sent a chill down my spine, as his grip tightened. But I refused to show any sign of weakness in front of him. I had come too far to let fear consume me once again. 


"Let's first clear the mess you made, we don't want to be caught." 

"..." I took a suspicious glance at him. He has nothing to gain by helping me. 

He helped me hide the evidence.

"When they ask you about what happened here, tell them you were in the bathroom, you heard their screams but were too afraid to come out. He wore a black suit with his face covered with a black cloth. That's all you're gonna say. You don't know who he was or why he did what he did. Just stick to the facts and let the authorities handle the rest."

"..." He's got a point. If I say more than necessary I'll cause unnecessary trouble for myself.

He looked at me with disapproving eyes and let out a sigh.

"Look, I don't mean to cause you any trouble, all I want is to grant your wish and in return you help me with what I want."


"I'll come again tonight. If you come out with me now, people will suspect you. Stay in the bathroom till anyone finds you." he suggested.

"And what if no one does"? I added.

"Sigh. Then you go call the butler yourself." he replied.

"..." Hmm... if I was the one to report about the murder, my suspicion rate would definitely decrease. I nodded.

As he left the room through the balcony, he said "Luxana, I will help you avenge your mother, I promise." 

His offer took me by surprise. I could sense a hint of sincerity in his voice, despite his intimidating guise. As much as I wanted to trust him, a part of me couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his offer than met the eye. 

To be Continued...