
Enchanted kiss

Follow Tess on her journey to find true love as she was betrayed twice by men she trusted. First, by her first love who she believed would never leave her but dumped her through a text message, and then by her second love, the one man she believed would never leave her but suddenly disappeared from her life without any explanation. Heartbroken Twice, she vows never to continue to be the damsel in distress. She is going to be her knight and save herself. But coming in contact with a shadow from the past, Tess finds herself entangled with a passion beyond her control. will Tess ever stop being a damsel in distress and find true love?

Goddess_of_Romance · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 7: Meeting the Ex

After Stan left, Tess felt her heart was healing, she was not angry anymore with Fred she was grateful to him for dumping her, so she can move on with someone better. As she dressed, she wanted to put on something really nice and decided to put on something Stan bought for her. Stan has kept his word to take care of her, he keeps taking her out for shopping and doing so much for her. Stan was indeed the man of her dream, some months back she thought Fred was her knight, but now Stan is the man for her. When will she stop being a damsel in distress? she thought with a smile on her face when she found her true love. 'Is Stan true love? Of course, he is, he told me he loves him and I've seen it in his eyes he means it' she thought as she waited in the living room for the driver to come in. As soon as she heard the car, she walked out and entered the car and they drove off. While inside the car hearing her favorite song, she smiled. She knew Stan must have told the driver to put it on for her. Those little thoughts of kindness are what is making her fall in love with him every day. She thought his invitation to his workplace was a good sign, one she was not taking lightly.


When they entered the company, someone was waiting for her at the entrance. "The gentleman will escort you to the boss's office" the driver said. As the door opened, and she stepped out, the hand reaching out to her was Fred. "Fred?" Tess asked looking shocked at the man in front of her. " Tess, is that you?" Fred said as he looked as shocked as her. Seeing who it was, she didn't take his hand but came down herself. As the car drove off, she said, "Fred, what are you doing here? Is this where you work?" She was taken aback by the sight of him. He looks good, he has always been an attractive man. She looked at him, and her heartfelt pain as memories, she didn't plan came rushing through, and she couldn't stop it. She was wondering what to say next when Fred said, "Don't tell me you are my boss's girlfriend?" He said it in such a tone that every thought of love left in her heart vanished. "So, I can't be the girlfriend of someone important?" she said in a serious tone, "I can't move on from you to someone better?" she added feeling disgusted. Fred knew he had said the wrong thing. "Tess, please don't take it like that, that is not what I mean" Fred begs, "so, what exactly do you mean Fred?" Tess responded feeling offended. But before Fred, could answer, she heard Stan's voice, "What's taking you so long babe" Stan shouted from where he was waiting for them. She had to compose herself as she put on her best smile and turned to look at Stan "Coming sweetie" Tess responded with a smile. She walked up to him and he embraced her and kissed her. Such a public display of affection, she gave him her best smile and returned the kiss with such passion, he smiled back and said, "I knew it was a good idea bringing you to work with me" Stan said as his hand was on her waist. Stan led her into the office with him, she could see the look on Fred's face, still bewildered by what just happened, and with a smirk on her face was loving his reaction 'Oh this is going to be good' she thought as she walks side by side with Stan into his office.


Fred, still couldn't believe his eyes. Tess was here in his workplace, not to see him but his Boss Stan. He had always felt she could not fit his level as he moved up in life, that was why he decided to dumped her. But now seeing her here, she looked amazing, he felt he had made a great mistake, but she was now dating his Boss. Will she forgive him? Can he win her back? She looks so angry with him and happy with his Boss. Worse of all, will she tell his Boss that he was the jerk that broke her heart? So many thoughts were going through his mind as he went into the office behind them.

Stan kept Tess in his inner office, as he went to the conference room with Fred and two other employees. Tess was almost in a state of panic running into Fred, what was she to do? She felt so out of breath but was able to compose herself and keep her cool. Besides she is here because Stan loves her, she is here because Stan, her boyfriend invited her. No loser ex is going to make her afraid or uncomfortable, it's his loss and not hers. She scanned the office and started exploring the place. It was a very big space with glass giving an amazing view, and that was when she knew they were on the topmost floor. She has never been this high up in her life. 'Wow that is incredibly high, never knew I was so scared of height' she thought as she tried not to look down, 'I think it's best I stay away from the windows' she added as she walked back to the couch in the office. She tries to keep herself busy not wanting to ever think about Fred or whatever his name is called again. She noticed some magazines on the center glass table and began to go through them when Stan walks in after like an hour that felt like forever to her, he came in with an apologetic face "Babe I'm so sorry for not coming on time, I didn't know the meeting will take that long, I'm here now, what do you want to do?" Stan said. Tess, ran into his arms and hugged him tight, "Oh you miss me that much?" Stan said while hugging her back, "yea so much" Tess replied with her face buried in his chest. After Stan pulled her from him and looked at her, "Are you alright?" Stan asked looking all concerned, she couldn't trust herself to speak but just gave a nod with a smile. "Are you sure?" he asked with a questioning look on his face. Knowing Stan, he won't quit until he's certain everything is alright. "of course, babe I'm fine" Tess said with a smile as she put her hand around his. "So, are you done, can we go now?" Tess asked with a soft kiss on his cheek. "Yes, I am" he said as he grabbed his keys and got ready to leave. Now in front of the building getting into the car, Tess could see by the corner of her eyes Fred was coming outside the building and both of their eyes locked together and she turn away and said to Stan "So where are we going?" Tess asked looking relieved as they drove out of the company.

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