


The pain has subside a little. But the cracking of fracture boned and loss of blood are making me dizzy.

I was barely holding onto my sanity.

'Where am I? What's happening? Why can't I remember anything... and why does it fucking hurt so much!?'

I could only remember my name...

Asher Starborn.

Suddenly, I noticed the cold, damp place I was in.

The air was heavy, the ground was hard and uneven.

A distant light cast shadows around me.

The walls were cold and wet.

Silence was broken only by the sound of dripping water.


With effort, I stood up. I saw my skinny leg and frail-looking body. It was a clear sign of my predicament.

I stumbled a few steps, struggling to stay conscious. A wave of excruiting pain surged through my body.


Pain....unbearable pain unlike anything I'd felt before. I leaned against the wall, using it to support my body.


What felt like an hours passed in a mere seconds, the pain intensifying until I was found gasping in the ground.

After a grueling 30-minute-walk in the darkness.

I found myself in a new place.

It was a cave, lit by a single torch.

A pool of water was in the center of the cave, undisturbed.

A statue of a knight guarded the pool, its stone form imposing even in the dim light.

The knight held a weapon, its tip pointed towards the ground.

Beyond the statue, a door stood, hinting at more unexplored places.

I approached the pool, wondering if the water was drinkable.

"Could this be drinkable?" I muttered to myself.

Despite my doubts, I drank from the pool. I knelt by the pool, scooping up the fresh water and drinking it.

But as the water touched my lips, I felt exhausted and passed out.

When I woke up, I was suprised to found out that my severe injuries had healed instantly.

As I sat up, touching my healed body, I wondered,"What just happened?"

Suddenly, a mysterious voice resound in my mind.

[System: First on Earth to Discover the 'Elysian Spring'. Reward: Full Recovery.]

I looked around, startled. "Who's there?" I asked, but there was no response.

I blinked, trying to process everything. "Well, this is unexpected," I said.

I had no memory of how I ended up here, and now a voice was congratulating me on discovering a magical spring.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "Alright, Asher, focus," I told myself.

I looked around the cave, taking in the details.

The torch on the wall, the statue of the knight, the door.

"First things first, let's see where that door leads," I decided.

As I approached the door, I noticed it didn't have a handle.

Instead, there were three slots, each shaped differently.

I looked back at the cave, my eyes landing on the knight statue, the torch, and the 'Elysian Spring'.

"A puzzle, huh?" I said.

First, I approached the knight statue. I noticed that the weapon it was holding was removable.

It wasn't a sword, but a key-like object.

I took it and placed it in one of the slots on the door. It fit perfectly.

"One down," I said to myself.

Next, I turned to the torch. I carefully removed it from the wall and noticed a unique shape at its end.

It fit perfectly into the second slot on the door.

"Two down," I said, the light from the torch reflecting in my eyes.

Finally, I turned to the 'Elysian Spring'.

I found a small, ornate cup near the edge of the pool.

It was filled with gemstones.

I picked up three gemstones and placed them into the third slot on the door.

As the gemstones settled into the slot, the door began to glow.

"And that's three," I said, watching as the door began to open with a slow, grinding noise.

As the door began to open, I stepped back, watching as the path to the next part of the mystery revealed itself.

"Well, isn't this interesting," I said, my voice steady despite the anticipation building within me.

As the door opens, I stepped into a forest unlike any I've seen before.

The trees were tall and majestic, their leaves shimmering in colors that were completely new to me.

Small, glowing creatures flitted between the branches, their soft light adding an ethereal glow to the surroundings.

"Where am I?" I murmured, taking in the sight.

Suddenly, a rustling noise from a nearby bush put me on high alert.

Out stepped a bear, but not an ordinary one.

It was a spirit beast, its fur a vibrant shade of red, flickering like a living flame. Its sharp claws, as black as obsidian, gleamed menacingly.

Its eyes, a fiery crimson, burned with an intense flame, reflecting its power and ferocity.

With a deafening roar, the bear asserted its dominance.

The small creatures in the area scattered, fleeing from the fiery monster.

The bear noticed me and charged towards me.

As it did, a ring of red fire emerged around the bear, signaling its attack.

"...I'm royally fucked!" I muttered inwardly.

Hey there, I hope you're enjoying the journey with Asher as much as I enjoy writing it! If you like the story and want to support me, consider gifting. Every gift helps me continue to create this world for you. And don't forget to add this story to your library so you won't miss any updates. Thank you for your support, and stay tuned for what's next for Asher!

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