
Empress Running Away with the Ball

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What is Empress Running Away with the Ball

Read ‘Empress Running Away with the Ball’ Online for Free, written by the author oussamamazino66, This book is a History Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Description On the wedding night, she was tied to his bed. “Woman, you dare marry another man!” He was like a wolf as ...


Description On the wedding night, she was tied to his bed. “Woman, you dare marry another man!” He was like a wolf as he devoured her until nothing was left. “So the person forcing me into bed was you! You beast in human skin!” She clenched her teeth as she pushed against the wall to stand out of the bed. She, a king from modern times, was reborn. All those that owed her had to pay blood debts. But this king of evildoers, she had obviously not seen him before. Yet, she had to repay him with her body every night……

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ba_bie · Action
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Interesting novel yet why there is no update until today? All the suspensed and all the emotions were turned into disappointment due to unable to update and make a better ending.


Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact geekyteddyyo@gmail.com. A brief introduction, some sample charpters or links will be appriciated when reaching out.


Did you get the translations group permission to actually post is here? Copying and pasting is not great. I would recommend removing the since you didn't actually do the work. For all others looking to actually read there's a ton of chapters has already released. You can find the web link for the group on novel updates website.




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