
Empress Of The Netherlands

author_love_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

To Find A Friend [1]

The melodious sound of a piano filled the halls of one side of the Beckett's mansion. A sound that Morrigan was keenly following to lead her to the reason she had come her in the first place.

She came to stand infront of a room that was painted in contrast to the entire mansion. This room was painted in nothing but white.

It had different instruments ranging from harps, cellos, violins, flutes, etc of different shapes, each placed randomly in the corners of the room but one big white piano stood right in the middle of the room and there was a boy on the piano. He was the cause of the amazing music that graced the mansion.

Morrigan stared at the curly red haired boy who had his eyes closed as his fingers moved gracefully around the piano. His whole soul was being poured into the music he was playing and the little girl could feel goosebumps rising on her skin as she began to let herself flow with the music.

Egan was just three years older than her yet, he played better than all the other people she had heard play before.

Suddenly, the music stopped and when she opened her eyes, she found a pair of black eyes staring at her. Eyes that looked close to Lazarus'. Empty.

Morrigan knew very well that Egan didn't like her but she still tried time and time again to get his attention. She gulped and for some odd reason, she felt scared with the way he was looking at her but, he was blind, he couldn't see her right?

"I can see you" he said.

Or could he?

She made her presence known by coming out of her hiding place.

"Good afternoon Egan" she greeted but, Morrigan didn't get a response back. All Egan did was let his eyes linger on her.

This was one of the few times where Morrigan was afraid of Egan, the way he stared - but, could he even stare? She wondered.

She held unto the front of her dress as she began to walk over to Egan's side. She took slow, careful steps making sure not to trip each time her shoes made a *clinck* sound everytime it made contact with the marble floor.

Morrigan took a seat beside him and his eyes were still fixated on her. Times like this made her wonder if the boy was actually blind. His eyes looked just like any other regular person's eyes, darting here and there whenever there was any sound made. If not for the few instances she had seen him trip over something he could have obviously dodged if his eyes were working, she would claim that the boy was faking but, what if he was faking that too?

"What do you want?" he asked in an irritated tone.

"Nothing. Just some company"

"Don't touch anything" he hummed as he closed his eyes again and continued on his piano, completely ignoring Morrigan's presence.

The music he was playing now was different from the one before. Unlike the other one that instilled some level of fear in her, this one was soothing and made her a bit more relaxed.

"What piece is this?" she inquired and he responded without opening his eyes saying "A piece my mother wrote"

Her mouth formed an 'O'

With nothing to do the little girl stared in awe at the piano and how smoothly Egan's hands moves about the keys. She wished he would teach her to play. As she was looking at the keys, she suddenly had the uncontrollable urge to touch it and when she did touch it, it made a loud sound that was completely off from what Egan was playing which made him stop.

"It think it'll be best if you left this place and find company in the kitchen"


"Because you're a disturbance Morrigan."

"I just made one tiny mistake"

"One tiny mistake that would lead to another and then another till you burn this whole house down with you and I in it"

"I-I just want to be your friend Egan"

"I guess I might have been cursed as a child to have a friend like you. I would rather be friends with the horses in the shed"

Morrigan always knew that Egan never liked her but the fact that he still responded to her questions sometimes acted as a little bit of hope to her. She would have never thought that he perceived her to be lower than a horse.

Tears began to swirl in her eyes as she got up wanting to leave the place. In a haste, her uncoordinated feet found it's way to the front of her dress and she tripped but this time, there was no one to catch her.

She tripped and her forehead made a huge impact with the marble floor. Everywhere went silent and it was that moment that Egan knew...

Morrigan let out a loud scream that reached every corner of the Beckett mansion.

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Also, feel free to check out my other book, Strangest Kind Of Love also on Webnovel.

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