
Empress' Evolution

The bright red light of the flames swallowed her vision but soon that red light transformed into a blue hue and she was dragged into that light. ‘What’s happening?’ It was too bright and she was forced to close her eyes, she was blinded — even though she was already dead. After being pulled into the light she began to feel annoyed as her skin was irritated by some kind of rough sand. By the time she opened her eyes. She could see the full view of the sky. It was blue and there were clouds scattered about. ‘Ugh, is this Hell?’ She stated as she rubbed her head with her fluffy and furry ‘hand’. ‘Furry?’ She looked at her ‘hands’ and her mouth opened wide. Her hands had become soft and fluffy paws of a white-furred beast with purple spots. ‘What the hell?’ She touched her face with her paws and confirmed that it too did not belong to a human. Below, she felt something was moving, she can tell as if it was another limb connected to her. ‘Don’t tell me!’ Turning her head around, she found a seven-inch tail sticking out behind. ‘Phew!’ She felt relieved that it wasn’t what she thought it was. “These soft and paws, this cuddly fluffy hair, this cute tail — ah shit, did I become a beast after my death or have I been dreaming of being human as a beast all this time? If it is the latter that is one long and realistic dream.” === [It’s the former, stupid bitch.] === Said a woman’s voice from in her head. === As always thank you for reading, also the image in the cover is not mine, I found it on Pinterest and thought it was cool and suitable. All credits got to the illustrator. Also, this is a new type of story that I have not read about yet. Basically I am writing an evolution novel without prior knowledge so I don't really know what is considered cliche in this genre. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Simple_Dynasty · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Hero I

"Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT!" everything had gone to shit for Mirsha. She broke three of her promises to herself these past few weeks, and even her husband decided.

Mirsha was in a panic looking for her daughter. Her face twisted by worries and anxiousness, her legs carried her with untold speed.

When Will called him on the HNP, his voice was weak, and his breathing was fast. Fatigued and incapable of forming a straight conversation with his wife. But what was even worst was that… Will activated the Devil's Contract and called upon the Black Spirit of Frost - Wechuge.

The closer Mirsha got to the Airport, the more she could feel the foreboding sensation crawling up her skin. Every breath she took began to form a white mist.


Massive glacial spike towering for tens of meters high skewered Tyrant Apes on its end. Atop the glacier was a single man with white hair bearing the ice of black frost. He roared as he fought them back, his level increasing at an exponential rate outside of human cope.

'Will… you really….' The tears she shed were wiped, and she continued to seek out her daughter. Mirsha swallowed every emotion welling up on her chest. She continued her steps, she continued running, and gave up the desire to go to Will.

Mirsha hastened herself and reached the hanger covered in a dome of black frost.

Black flames sprouted from her hands, melting the Black Frost. An entrance was made. Mirsha ran inside the Hangar, and as soon as her mask that appeared regularly on TV was seen by everyone, she was met with hopeful gazes.

"Th-that's Hunter Mirsha!"

"She's here to save us! The Scorch Hero is here TO SAVE US!!"

They raised their hands in joy, smiles beamed as they found a way to comfort themselves. The sea of tumultuous waves that was despair was illuminated by the appearance of the one raised to be the Hero of their Sector.

They flooded Mirsha, seeking her help.

"Excuse me! Please, let me through; I'm looking for my daughter." Mirsha weaved through the sea of people, trying her best to search for her daughter, "Please, get off me. Lucia!? Where are you? Mom's here—Mirsha!"

A young girl, alone, on the floor, crying, raised her head to look behind, "Mo-mom?"

"Lucia! Eve-everyone, please, calm down, and let me through!" Mirsha looked over the sea of people, and on the other side was her daughter… her eyes became darker, flames threatened to burst forth from her body.

Repressed memories, a room filled with white and researchers garbed in white lab coats smiling at her for existing to house a Black Spirit.

They celebrated and cheered, flocking around her, genuine… desperate… and greedy smiles, 'Get… away... from me.'

Her eyes became dark; her vision showed the image of vultures gnawing at her flesh, stopping her from getting to her daughter. Flicker, around her, flames slowly flickered. She wanted them to leave… to disappear, so the Hero they hailed thought, 'What if I just turn them to ash?'

Lucia saw her eyes... she grew scared, "Mo-Mom?"

Mirsha smiled at her daughter, "Stay there dear... your Mother's coming."


Her fire appeared from the tip of her hair, 'I'll just turn all of them to ashes.'


Just when every human inside the Hangar but Lucia was just about to be incinerated when a voice called out. A voice cold and lifeless, it felt like a whisper to the ear.

Everyone turned to where Mirsha came from, their eyes widened and quickly, they ran away.

"A-a Daemon!"


"Don't worry, everyone! Hunter Mirsha's here to protect us!"

They screamed aloud, seeing a pale woman oozing with black smoke. They ran to the other side of the Hangar, hiding behind Mirsha, wanting her to protect them.

But… Mirsha was frozen. The black smoke coming from the crept up from below, holding her by the neck.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

Steps echoed, with every single one taken. Though the Hangar temperature was already so low, the moment the daemon appeared, it decreased even more.

Mirsha's pupils dilated seeing the person in front of her, "That's impossible."

Mirsha… instinctively stepped back, "You're supposed to be dead!"

One step, that was the only thing she could take, and before long, it appeared in front of her. Standing tall, looking down upon her… this happened before; it was when she first met this person before her.

"So, they really did intend to kill me, good to know."

Mirsha looked up, and Dhampy looked down.

The undead looked down at Mirsha, asking her, "Who am I?"


[They reached the beast and are engaged in combat. From what I could gather, the newly mutated daemons are only doing their best, moving about trying not to get in the way, other than that, or they are running around distracting it.]

Alpha's field report was not accurate. The System Operator, which was her, could only see what Lilith was seeing.

'For them to be filled with energy, I guess they really did Mutate. Lucky me, I guess. However, I don't feel good about this.'

The System Lilith has does not have a name. It was simply handed to her by the Goddess, and she took off from there. However, its main essence remains the same as her allowing the start of an Empire. The Citizens must never go above, and beyond their Emperor or Empress, else they would challenge her for the position or even create factions.

To avoid that, the system separated the ones behind Lilith into two different categories.

Direct Followers.

True Citizens.

Anyone who calls themselves citizens would be blessed with Lilith's [Spirit], allowing them to evolve quickly. However, due to their hastened evolution, they would not be able to access the roots of their lineage, making them weaker than Direct Followers who evolve to reach the very top.

The Followers would be allowed to pick their own evolution and be guaranteed enhanced form after going through the process.

However, of course, those who have enough will and devotion to their Priestess would be granted a brighter future. Scar and Luck experienced this firsthand, and their Race was changed right in front of Lilith.

The Direct Followers could also experience mutation; they have more extensive leeway than the others. However, something deeply concerned Lilith.

[Dhampy: Ancient Blood Monarch: LVL 157 —> 006: LVL 157]

Dhampy's classification suddenly changed

To answer a question, no, not every human has a final form like a [Bankai] or something, only a select few have them

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