

Kate was about to leave the hospital when she got a call from the reception "Dr. there is an emergency patient and a lot of men are accompanying him creating a chaos, please come."

"Is there no one else in the hospital, I am already in my car."

"Dr. Jane took a half day, Dr. Peter is not answering the call and Dr. Richard has left an hour ago."

"Alright wait, I am coming."

She tapped at the message 'urgent mission' and replied to the text 'An urgent surgery came up, I will be late, hold it until then.'

She rushed into the hospital, a male patient was shot just near his heart, she went forward to examine the patient who was still conscious suddenly spoke "I don't want a female doctor, bring me a male doctor."

She ignored him completely and stepped forward, his men blocked her way ready to fight with her, one of them held her hand to stop her "Didn't you hear what the boss said."

She easily twisted the man's hand to his back and said in a soft tone "Trust me I am least interested in treating this dumb head but unfortunately there is no other doctor again and I have a rule that I can't let my patients die if I can save them so you would better clear my way." saying this she released his hand and he fell to the ground.

The nurses and staff were gathered around to see if Dr. Kate could make it or not.

The man was angered by the humiliation and the insult of his boss, he got up and punched her face but it was blocked very easily with her hand. She then kicked him in the stomach which made him bend down with pain and with a single blow of her elbow she displaced his vertebrae. All other men attacked her together to save him but they were tackled very easily like ants by Dr. Kate and within next 3 minutes all of them were crying in pain lying on the ground.

The boss was amazed by her action but he was soon unconscious because of the shot. Dr. Kate hurriedly examined the patient, she was the best cardiac surgeon in the country so she could deal with very complicated cases easily.

His heart was not injured but the would was so close to it that if the surgery was done by anyone other than her, he could die.

"Quickly take the patient to OT and I will change my clothes and come. Justin you will be assisting me, get ready." she ordered the nurse and the intern she was taking as her assistant.

Seeing the crowd gathered she spoke authoritatively "Don't you guys have any work to do, gathering around like bunch of illiterates, your work needs to be increased."

Everyone felt embarrassed and left for their work then she darted a look at the people she had beaten "Take them to the emergency room too, I have beaten them so I will treat them for free." she smiled and left to prepare for the surgery.

It took 2 hours for her to complete the surgery successfully until then the staff was talking about her, she was already famous amongst everyone for being an amazing surgeon but now her fighting skills were even more takes about now. No one could have ever guessed by her beautiful and delicate looks and soft spoken nature that she could actually be this fierce.

She ordered her assistant to wrap up the surgery and went outside to change, she looked at the time and then hurriedly changed her clothes 'I have to be fast or I will be late.'

She changed her clothes to a full black dress and put on a mask on her face so that nobody could notice her. She rushed to her car dialled a number and ordered right away "Report, I will be there in 10 minutes." saying this she cut the call and pressed hard on race and with full speed she was off. Within 10 minutes she was in front of an old house which gave an appearance of haunted house. She switched off her phone, placed it in her purse and under the seat of the car then took out a walkie talkie, turned it on, parked the car and walked out. She stood next to the front door and asked thorough the walkie talkie "Everyone ready?"

Lot of people answered in union "Yes"

"At your positions."


She then kicked the front door and went straight in, there were people making a deal, she went straight towards them took out her gun and placed it on the leaders head which she knew by a picture "Hands up, you are surrounded."

"But we are just talking, what are you catching us for."

"I know your secret."

Seeing her alone and that no one else entered, they all started laughing and stood up to fight. She easily fought them all and asked others to enter. Everyone was taken by the officers but she remained there with the leader who lay on the floor. She moved a chair close to him and sat on it, asking in a very authoritative voice "I will just ask once when are the drugs being transported."

The man was so scared that he answered immediately "3rd June"


"By sea"

"You are going to follow the plan but as my person and if you fail to do so, you are a dead meat."

He gained a little courage at the thought of being set free that he laughed "They are too clever for you, you will be dead."

Kate laughed too and then shot him in his arm "You should worry about yourself not me."