

A prince of the largest empire in the world was nicknamed "Worst" simply because he had no outstanding merits compared to the other princes. Hann Von Valoria, the third prince of the Valoria Empire. Ostracised to the point of neglect, always alone until one day he is called by the Emperor to carry out a task. Will he be able to prove to everyone that he is more than they think?

nobgoblob · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ep. 01 Ch. 01

"Sir, it's time for breakfast."

"Just a minute-,"

Every day I went about my life as usual. Breakfast-No, even commoners wouldn't want to eat food like this. 

The bread that should have been soft, filled with green and black mould, gave off an unpleasant aroma. The soup that was supposed to be clear turned cloudy, full of-something floating. The meat that looked tender turned out to be extremely tough, difficult to cut with a knife. 

Hah-At least, I can still drink the water. How long are they going to keep this up. 


That voice greeted me every day, echoing in my ears with the same tone, full of respect and familiarity. A voice that was now an integral part of my routine, accompanying my steps from dawn to dusk. She is the person who serves as my personal assistant.

"Yes, why?"

Her name is Vivian, I usually call her Vivi. A young woman, perhaps my age, with jet-black hair that fell gracefully down her back, always neatly organised yet natural-looking. Her face was charming, with smooth, lustrous skin and large eyes. Her figure was tall and slender, exuding a natural grace. In her every move, it is clear that her dedication and professionalism are outstanding, making her a reliable personal attendant. 

The clothes she wears are always clean and neat. Usually, she wears a classic black maid uniform with white accents on the collar and cuffs. A pair of shiny black shoes completed her look. 

"I'm sorry, they're still giving Lord an unworthy meal."

Before me, on a table that was once filled with delicious and appetising food, now lay mouldy bread, clear soup that was cloudy and full of floating particles, and meat that was too tough to chew. I took a deep breath. 

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

Even though I replied like that, I was already quite fed up with this kind of treatment from them.

Turning my gaze to Vivi, I saw her looking down in guilt, her eyes watery filled with regret that wasn't even her doing. However, my eyes were drawn to something different from her, which is her hand. 

"Vivi, please show me your hand."

"Ah-What is it my lord?"

"Just show me."

As she reached out to show me her food, I saw the bruises and contusions on her delicate wrists.

"I'm going to make sure this doesn't happen again," Vivi said, her voice firm despite the tremor that couldn't be hidden. "I'll find out who's responsible and make sure Tuan's food is as decent as it should be."

"Don't worry so much, I know you're trying, Vivi." I said, trying to lighten her burden. 

"But, what happened to your hand? Why is it so bruised?"

Vivi just lowered her head slightly, as if hesitant to answer.

"It's-Not important, sir. I was just a little careless."

I wasn't sure about her answer, but I decided not to press her further at the moment. Especially with the recent events, he must be mentally shaken. 

"Hah-Thank you, Vivi. You can go out."

She left me alone in my room. 

Those ignorant humans, always trying to ruin my daily life. I'm actually quite fed up with their inhumane actions, but what power does a prince with this worst title have. 

But, well-I've had enough. 

I also feel sorry for Vivi who is constantly being treated harshly. In fact, just coming out of my room, in the morning, the sun had yet to cast a shadow on my curtains, she was already subjected to the wrath of the head maid of this house. 

"What are you doing here so early in the morning, Vivi? Why is the kitchen still messy?" The head maid's voice echoed in the corridor. 

"Sa-I apologise, Mrs Leysha. I was finishing up a task for the master," Vivi replied with a trembling voice.

Hah-It seemed like a good time to stop all this.

I left my room and the moment I came out, I saw Leysha standing with an angry expression, while Vivi looked scared. 

"Leysha," I called in a firm voice, stopping her anger that was still thundering. She turned around quickly, her eyes widening at the sight of me.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were here," she said, her tone of voice turning more respectful but there was still a shadow of displeasure in her eyes.

"What's going on here?" I asked, even though I had heard everything.

"Sir, I was just reprimanding Vivi for keeping the kitchen messy," Leysha replied, trying to justify her actions. "She should have been more responsible."

"Vivi just finished her task for me. If there's a mess in the kitchen, it's not her fault," I said coldly. 

"And I will not tolerate any harsh treatment towards her."

"But, Mr-"

Still trying to argue with me. But yes, in his perspective as the head maid in this house, he would definitely feel that way.


Leysha bowed her head, looking shocked and angry. 

"Of course, sir. I understand."

Although I could not see her face, I already knew she must be upset and angry with what I had done. It was certain that he would do something about it in the future-but, for now I didn't care too much.

"Vivi, go and rest for a while."

"Thank you, sir."

Vivi bowed respectfully and quickly passed from the corridor, while I remained standing in place. After Vivi left, I gave Mrs Leysha a sharp look.

"Listen to this, Leysha. Vivi is my personal maid, she is not your puppet. Remember that well if you still want to work here."

Leysha as the head maid here was hired by Anna, my first stepmother. Everything was fine at first, but ever since my two brothers were crowned geniuses and I was labelled as having no outstanding abilities, everything changed. Starting from Anna who personally disliked ordinary humans, thanks to that the influence of everyone in the palace house spread to dislike me.

That was the reason why Leysha behaved the way she did. After I said my words to her face, she seemed even more displeased with my presence.

"Yes, Master. I understand."

She nodded and left.

I too turned around and went back to my room.


Some time passed, and I was still in my room, enjoying the literature available on the bookshelf. Ranging from history, warfare, strategy, and many more. These books were a gift from my grandfather, Jiu Von Valoria, the seventh emperor and the only emperor who was not of the Valorian bloodline. The rest I don't know anymore, my grandfather only gave me information up to that point, sometimes he said that knowing too much could harm a person.

Maybe it's just my feelings but other than the chaos this morning, I feel peaceful-too peaceful.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Sir, this is Vivian."

I had a bad feeling.

"Please come in, Vivian."

She came in, as usual bowing first after closing the door. In her hand, she held a scroll with the seal of this kingdom.

"This is for you, sir."

I took the scroll from Vivi's hand. The royal seal is usually only used for important and urgent messages. Carefully, I broke the seal and read the contents of the letter.

"I knew it."


"The Emperor summoned me, this afternoon."

At least that was the gist of the letter, I had only skimmed it and already knew what it meant. Basically, an audience with the Emperor had been announced, all nobles, princes, princesses, were all summoned to appear before him. It seemed like a serious matter, but in my mind I knew that this summoning was to discuss my behaviour this morning.

Leysha probably told Anna about the morning's events right away. After all, she was his accomplice.

"Has something happened, Sir-Hah! Perhaps it's because of my carelessness this morning. Forgive me, Sir!"

She immediately fell to her knees before me with that thought.

"Sir, just take my life!"

"Vivi." My stern voice made Vivi fall silent.

"It's not your fault. Anyway, I have to face her, sooner or later."

And that's right, I knew that Anna would make up her own story about this, or she would think of a way to eliminate me or Vivi from this castle. Even so, I had already thought of the worst that would happen.

"You can go out, Vivi. Rest until later in the afternoon, and be ready in my room when I meet the Emperor."

"What does that mean, Master?"

"Just follow my lead."

I patted Vivi's shoulder, assuring her that everything was under my control. She simply nodded, and gave me a salute before heading back out.


The afternoon came, and I was already in front of the Emperor. However, it wasn't just me, behind me were many nobles from various parts of Valoria.

And beside me, there were my brothers and sisters. Ragan, our eldest brother, short brown hair similar to his mother Anna's, piercing ruby eyes, combined with a tall, muscular body that made him the tallest of us all. Krasimir or Kras, in contrast to the muscular Ragan, he was thinner and leaner, with long, shiny silver hair that was passed down from his mother, eyes that radiated the colour of the ocean blue, and a face that always showed tenderness. Maria, compared to Anna's brown hair, had the Emperor's lustrous golden hair that stretched from her head to her waist, blue eyes like diamonds, a slender body that would make any woman in the kingdom jealous, and a face that was no less charming. Yelena, my first sister, if I had to describe her, is very similar to our mother, Isabelle, from looks, stature, movements, almost nothing is different, her beauty exceeds anyone in this kingdom, long silver hair, petite body, pupils like diamonds among the stones. And lastly, Azur, the genius, despite being the youngest, he is loved by many, perhaps he can be said to be one of the Emperor's children who is very similar to him.

We lined up in a long line facing the Emperor, from the eldest on the far right, followed by the second eldest and so on to the youngest on the far left. As for me, I was right in the centre, as I was the middle child among my brothers and sisters.

We all wore different uniforms, but the imperial crest was always on the right breast of each uniform. I was wearing my best uniform that was specially made for the princes and princesses of the kingdom, with unique colours for each prince and princess, and for me I got blue white and gold.

And before me stood the most powerful man in the kingdom, Leonel Von Valoria. Even in his old age, he still has the good looks of a middle-aged man. His greying golden hair adds an aura of wisdom to his stern face, while his sharp, authoritative eyes look at us all with deep concern.

Sitting on his throne, behind him were the two royal flowers, Queen Anna Von Valoria and Empress Isabelle Giesen. But I knew best that one was more prickly than the other. 

He stood up and said. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have now entered the 20th year of the two royal sons and daughters, Maria and Hann."

His voice echoed throughout the hall. 

"And so, continuing a tradition that has been passed down for generations, the duties of the sons and daughters of Valoria will be distributed to them."

A man dressed entirely in black, came forward from the right side of the room, holding a scroll stamped with the Imperial crest. 

"Princess Maria Von Valoria. As a direct descendant of the Valoria name and the first princess of the empire, the following duties will be assigned to her-."

I didn't need to pay attention to the duties that would be assigned to Maria. Because she will definitely stay in the main house. 

As for me. 

"Prince Hann Van Giesen. As the third prince of the Giesen bloodline and possessing Valorian blood, the following duties will be assigned to him."

The man unfolded the rest of the scroll and read it aloud to everyone present. 

"His task is to manage a coastal town in the north that has been left behind by development."

As expected, they-more specifically Anna-were trying to keep me away from the main house. 

I stared straight ahead, trying to contain my feelings of disappointment.

After the decree was read out by the Emperor, scorn began to spread in the room, all directed at me. Many nobles knew that it was the most effective way to avoid a bad reputation in the main house by sending a useless prince like me far away in a city of unknown origin. 

"Finally, he left too."

"Who would want to accept someone like him."

"Hah, it's a good thing His Highness realised how disappointing his son is."

I can hear you folks here-. 

Not only scorn, various stares were also directed at me, making me a little uncomfortable. But, whatever, I just have to hold back my anger. 

Sending me north may seem like an important task, but I know this is a subtle way to get rid of me. There, the unpredictable weather makes development there difficult, plus the proximity to a separate island belonging to the demon nation that is humanity's biggest threat makes the city even more difficult to manage. 

This is going to be difficult. Anna, she sees me as inferior to her even to ordinary citizens despite my title as prince just because I don't have any outstanding abilities. 

I could even see her smiling happily behind a face that displayed sympathy. Unlike Isabelle, my mother, she was the only one here who was truly concerned about me. 

Emperor Leonel looked at me with a look that was hard to interpret. 

"Hann, the city needs a leader capable of bringing about change. I believe you can do it."

I just bowed respectfully and said. 

"I will do my best, Your Majesty."