
Empire Evolution

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. It says a Male lead but it's actually a Female lead, For some reason, a Female lead has fewer tags that you can add to your story than a Male lead. The artwork is from WolfGodess15 on DeviantArt Scarlet Rose was one of the most famous serial killers ever and had a kill count in the hundreds. One of the only reasons the authorities didn't put as much effort into finding her is that she only went after criminals and warlords. "Ahh, there is nothing quite like ripping out a heart while someone is still alive. Oh... god damn it! One of these days I'll be able to say that out loud and the person will still be alive for a little bit." I sighed in frustration as a large pool of blood surrounded me. 'God I'm bored, killing people is all well and good but after a while...huuh whatever.' I was just about to order a thermal cleaning at my position when a strange light surrounded me. 'Well, this is new, was the last thought that went through my head as I passed out.

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 Castle and Subjects

After I looked at the rest of my rewards a bit more I got out of the hot spring and summoned my so-called racial clothing. Immediately a beautifully intricate black and red cloth appeared on my body and started to snake its way to different points on my body, starting at my feet with black high heels and ending as a choker on my neck with a silver spiral necklace appearing and then disappearing into my cleavage.

I could only look down at my body in appreciation of what the System had created for me. 

'It really is perfect and accentuates all my curves.' I thought as I ran my hands through my long silky hair and then down my chest and finished by slapping my perfect ass.

"Oh man am I gonna have to explore this body later on," I whispered to the darkness around me.

"Sigh, just not yet. Hey System how would I go about building my Royal Castle?" 

|Notice: Just state where you would like to place it and thats where it will be built, it will build itself to the natural landscape of its surroundings. For your Castle, it will cost 7,000 metal pieces, 8,000 stone pieces, 6,000 timber pieces, and 2 tons of snow and ice. Since you are surrounded by snow and ice the Castle will just take what it needs from the surroundings.|

"Sweet, I have everything I need to build it. How far away is the freshwater spring from here?"

|Notice: The freshwater spring is 217 yards to your immediate left.|

"Ok, then I want my Castle to be built right in between these two landmarks," I said while thinking about taking a nighttime dip every night.

|Notice: Your Castle will overlap both landmarks, do you want your Castle to integrate them into its structure?|

"Uhhh, sure, but I want the hot spring to still have its natural appearance, I want to be able to look at the stars and moon when I look up. I also want there to be quick access to the outside so I can have a Russian bathhouse-esque setup." That was a definite must-have, I said as I thought of my previous Russian Bathhouse experience. Sure, I had to kill 12 people to get in, but it was so worth it.

|Notice: Adjustments made, you also have a warehouse blueprint in your inventory, do you want the castle to integrate that as well?|


"Yes please!"

|Notice: Reconfiguring castle, castle reconfigured please clear the area.|

Trying to test how strong I was, I decided to put all my strength I could into jumping backward. It was a mistake.

"AHHHHHHH," As soon as I jumped I breached the cloud cover and went sailing backward until I slammed into the side of one of the giant obsidian spiers.

|Notice: -50 HP|

|Notice: Castle has been built, please return and claim your new Kingdom|

""Please return," it says. Like I knew I was going to launch five fucking miles into the air." I quietly snarked under my breath.

Pulling myself out of the crater I had made, I lightly jumped back down and landed with a surprising amount of grace. A few moments later I was staring at a huge castle, it was beautiful, like a hybrid mix of Hogwarts and Elsa's frozen castle. With how huge it was I'm surprised at how little materials it needed. 

Walking forward I placed my hand on the giant door to open it.

|Notice: You have to name your Kingdom before you can enter your castle.|

"Uhhh, how about the Sapphire River Kingdom?" I said while thinking back to the landmarks of my territory, there were seven rivers that looked like sapphire or something like that.

|Notice: The Sapphire River Kingdom has taken its place at the beginning of your journey to a successful Empire. You may now enter your castle: Once you claim your castle with your blood you will be able to teleport anywhere within its walls.|

"How the fuck do I do that?" 

|Notice: Drop three drops of blood onto the door or any surface of the castle: Side note, for future reference if you want to claim an abandoned castle or a castle that you have taken over, you will have to claim by blood as well.|

"That's cool, I guess. I feel bad for anyone who has a fear of blood though." I said while biting my finger with my new fangs and flicking three drops of blood onto the giant doors in front of me.

|Notice: The Sapphire River Kingdom has bonded with you, you are now its Queen. You may now teleport wherever you'd like.|

"Ok, um, take me to the throne ro…" Before I could even finish my sentence I was standing in a majestic hallway that led to a beautiful white red and black throne with roses and skulls adorning it. It was perfect, and when I sat down, it was like the throne was designed for my ass and my ass alone. In a way, I guess it was.

"Ok System, where can I set up my Subjects Barracks'?" I asked the empty room as I traced the intricacies of a skull on my throne.

|Notice: The best place to put all three would be in the outer courtyard.|

With a flash, I was standing in a large courtyard with nothing in sight except the tall walls that encircled my castle.

|Notice: Would you like to place your barracks' here?|


"Yes," I stated in a firm tone.

Three buildings started to grow out of the ground and walls, it was fascinating to watch. However, they seemed a bit dull and lifeless. Before I could ask what was up, the System interrupted me.

|Notice: Would you like to summon your subjects now?|


"Again, yes."

|Notice: Summoning subjects now.|

|Congratulations! The race known as the Frozen Tundra Wolf Woman has been chosen. Frozen Tundra Wolf Women are a warrior race and rely mainly on their physical attributes although some will delve into magic.|

|Basic Frozen Tundra Wolf Woman status|

|Rank A-SS|

|Str 30-10,000+|

|Agi 22-10,000+|

|Con 28-10,000+|

|Int 19-10,000+|

|Chr 15-10,000+|

|Luck 1-??|

|Will 1-??|

|Notice: Would you like to summon 100 Frozen Tundra Wolf Woman?|


"No, not at the moment, continue summoning the rest of my subjects."

|Notice: Summoning Subjects now.|

|Congratulations! The race known as the Mermaid has been selected.|

|Warning…Warning…Warning. The Mermaid would not survive the Arctic temperature of your territory, evolving race to match habitat, race found.|

|Congratulations! The race known as the Siren has been chosen. The Siren race is a race that can only survive in the water, however, they can be above the water for a few days before they will die. They lure their prey in with illusions and their stunning beauty. They are a very magic-forward race.|

|Basic Siren status|

|Rank B-SS|

|Str 20-10,000+|

|Agi 22-10,000+|

|Con 28-10,000+|

|Int 40-10,000+|

|Chr 50-10,000+|

|Luck 10-??|

|Will 1-??|

|Notice: Would you like to summon 100 Sirens?|


"No, however, I placed their barracks above the water how are they going to get into the ocean?"

|Notice: There is an underground river that leads to the ocean right under your castle, the barracks have already linked to it and created a water tunnel system that will allow the sirens to traverse the castle.|

"Good enough for me, as long as they can do what they need to do and are happy. Go ahead and summon the last bunch." I said, nodding in appreciation at the ingenuity of the System and its adaptive capabilities.

|Notice: Summoning Subjects now.|

|Congratulations! The race known as the Beast Women has been selected.|

|Notice: Summoning four Beast Woman races now.|

|Notice: You can summon: Cow Women, Chicke…Warning…Warning…Warning. Basic beast women would not be able to survive the frigid temperature of your territory evolving basic beast women.|

|Congratulations! You can now summon Steel-Plated Cow Women, Phoenix Women, Azure Flame Bee Women, and Midnight Shark Women.|

|Notice: Steel-Plated Cow Women start producing milk at the age of 15, they produce milk till they die. Steel Plated Cow Women unlike normal cow women have steel plates that start from their neck and go down to the base of their tail. They will shield these steel plates every month.|

|Notice: Phoenix Women produce delicious eggs every day, these eggs when fully eaten, can refill your HP and MP to full. They also shed their feathers which have a fiery essence to them that continually produces heat.|

|Notice: Azure Flame Bee Women, unlike normal bees, can produce their own honey. However, if they have access to pollen they can produce significantly more honey.|

|Notice: Midnight Shark Women, like shark women, are generally used to pull cargo in oceans. However they are also good treasure finders, their skin can also be turned into Midnight Leather which, if turned into a cloak or other article of clothing gives you the skill Shadow Walker.|

|Notice: Information, All beast women have been raised since the beginning of time to be nothing but livestock, that is all they know and all they have ever known. So even though a Phoenix woman could burn a small town to the ground it would never happen. Some people have tried to free the so-called 'Slave race' but has never worked and the beast women will run away from someone who is trying to 'free them.' If you want your people to be happy just treat them like livestock, they can still talk and still have emotions and certain opinions but they like their life.|

|Basic Evolved Beast Women status|

|Rank A-SS|

|Str 20-10,000+|

|Agi 22-10,000+|

|Con 28-10,000+|

|Int 13-10,000+|

|Chr 20-10,000+|

|Luck 10-??|

|Will 1-10|

|Notice: Would you like to summon 100 Evolved Beast Women?|


"Huuuuh, that's a lot to take in. Um, summon 100 Sirens, 100 Frozen Tundra Wolf Women, and 25 of each Evolved Beast Women race." I didn't particularly like that I would, essentially, be a slave owner according to my previous world's history. Here, however, it's a completely new world, with new rules, history, and fantasy so who am I to judge?

|Notice: Summoning your subjects now.|

In a bright flash of light, 300 beings stood/swam in front of me. The Tundra Wolf Women were all wearing studded leather and steel armor with spears, shields, swords, and bows and arrows all ready on their backs and hips. The Sirens, or at least the ones that I could see swimming in the hardened clear ice tubes around the courtyard wore seashells or seaweed as a bra and that was about it for them. Although they were all exceedingly beautiful. 

The evolved beast women were all completely naked, luckily I appreciate the female form, so I didn't mind one bit. They all were looking around in wonder and the phoenix women had even lit themselves on fire to warm up, the bee women also lit themselves on fire with blue flames covering them like trench coats. 

"Hello everyone, my name is Scarlet Rose, I am Queen of the Sapphire River Kingdom."

"Greetings Your Majesty." They all said, well almost all of them, the beast wo…no the livestock just kinda had their head in the clouds, so to speak. 'God, there is no way I'm going to get used to calling humanoid beings livestock.' I thought while glancing at them standing naked in the frigid air.

"Please send the leader of your groups up here to discuss what needs to happen to make our Kingdom grow," I said to the other two groups, not even looking at the livestock, as I walked towards a water tube that had a hole in the top of it so that I could talk to the Sirens face to face.

Just as I arrived there, a beautiful Siren with pink and white hair and white and gold scales popped her head out of the tank and rested her arms on the icy walls.

"Greeting your majesty, I am Opal, the leader of this group of Sirens. How may we be of service?"

"One second Opal I want you to meet the other that you will be working with as well," I said as I nodded towards the beautiful wolf woman walking towards us. She had white fur with flecks of blue mixed into her coat and her eyes were the color of the sun, a radiant gold and red mix. 

'God damn, I am the luckiest girl in town, surrounded by beauties.'

"Hello your Majesty, I am Artemis. The alpha of my pack, what do you need of us?"

"Hello to both of you," I said as I nodded at both of them.

"Both of you will be working closely together as the leader of your groups, if you have a problem or one of your people does, bring it to me immediately. However, I only want to speak to you two, for now, understood?" Looking at both of them and their impressive assets, as I was talking.

""Yes your Majesty,"" they both said while bowing their heads and putting their left hands on their impressive chests.

"Good, now, Opal, there is not a lot of food up here on the tundra, so I will need you and your people to hunt for food in the ocean. I know there is an underwater cave system that could lead to something as well, so after we have a good amount of food I would like you to explore that as well." She nodded before sinking back into the water and shooting through the tunnels at a truly incredible speed before disappearing.

"Artemis, as I said there is not a lot of food up here on the surface, but I would still like some of your pack to explore my territory and bring back any vegetation that we could grow. I will also need some of your pack to look after the livestock, there should be a farm in the inner courtyard where they can be housed. Can you do that?" Her eye twitched a little when I said I needed some of her pack to look after the livestock, otherwise, she looked happy at the prospect of exploring a new area. 

Just as she was about to head back to her pack I had a great idea for some incentive to find the good stuff.

"Artemis, whoever of your pack finds something that piques my interest like a treasure chest, some vegetation, or anything else like that will be able to relax in the Hot Spring. That will be a permanent reward for as long as I am Queen." The look of ambition and glee I saw in her eye as she looked at me was enough to tell me I made the right call.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'll inform my pack at once." She said before sprinting towards her pack mates who started to yip in joy after a few moments of Artemis telling them what the meeting was about. 

Nodding at how smooth everything went, I teleported to my private garden, or at least that's where I thought I teleported to. It was a pretty large garden space, unfortunately, there was no plant life of any kind. That was about to change though as I dug up some of the earth in the center of the space and took out the Library tree seed and planted it. 

|Notice: You have planted a Library Tree Seed, it will be fully matured in two hours and will start producing knowledge books within four hours.|

"Welp, works for me. Hey System, where would be a good place to place my blood spring?"

|Notice: You have six more private gardens that could house your blood spring.|

"Sounds good to me," I said as I teleported to another empty clearing and pointed to the center of the ground where I wanted the spring to be placed. Instead of the normal bright flash of light that usually appears. The spring kinda just shimmered into existence, and luckily the spring wasn't just coming out of the ground. It was actually a lifesized statue of myself pouring blood into a large ice bowl with carvings of skulls and roses on it. Next to the bowl was a simple ice chalice.

'Well, no time like the present to drink some blood.' I thought as I grabbed the chalice and filled it up halfway before bringing it to my lips. Taking a sniff I almost feinted not because of how bad it smelled, but because it smelled so fucking good. Without a second thought, I gulped down the sweet delicious red nectar. It was heavenly, I refilled my chalice three more times before heading back to the throne room.