
Empire's Secret: A Portal to the Cultivation World

He and his brother just wanted to live peacefully. However, he was targeted by a young lady from a rich family. And from then on, their life became harder. But, as if an opportunity had arrived at them, they were suddenly transported to another world. However, after being discovered by the emperor, the protagonist has now become a candidate to be an emperor? Read and see how Aither's journey becomes from keeping his brother safe to finding the secret of the empire and go to the cultivation world.

LazyWriter069 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 6 - Candy

The gathering in the room already ended an hour later after Aither left.

The people inside also returned to their respective positions leaving the emperor alone with the head maid.

"Your majesty, I have just received a report from the general."

"Already? But it's still just an hour after Aither left."

"Yes, this might come to your surprise your majesty but it said in his report that young lord Aither has already arrived at the Materialization Realm."


"Yes, this might come to your surprise your majesty but it said in his report that young lord Aither ha—"

"Stop, I heard you already, I'm just expressing my surprise. But to think that he achieve it as fast as my daughter did. I've underestimated his talent."

The emperor said however he was misunderstanding something.

Aither actually achieved materialization realm much faster than his daughter.

It only took him a few minutes to do so on the other hand his daughter took about almost an hour to achieve it.

And that said daughter right now was facing face to face with Aither.


After more than half an hour, Aither decided to take a break in practicing materializing.

He wanted to go to the Imperial library and research about formulas.

The moment he left his room and the moment he turned to the side.

He saw a beautiful girl, probably one of the most beautiful girls his ever seen.

Of course this also includes the ones in the meeting room earlier.

She had beautiful bright and brown eyes, hair that flowed down to her waist and enchanting lips that look soft to touch.

She also had a well proportioned body and her redden face right now would've look much more charming if she wasn't glaring at him.

He did not know if he did anything wrong as he just left his room and now he found a beautiful girl glaring at him.

However to his surprise, the girl actually spoke first.

"You, who are you? This is the first time I've seen you here."

"Me? Shouldn't you introduce yourself before you ask my name."

Aither replied and the girl realized her mistake.

On normal times she would have introduce herself before asking the other party's name.

However, due to the strange feeling in her heart every time she looks at the man in front of her, she forgot to do so.

"Please pardon my rudeness, I am Amela Aivery, one of the daughters of the current emperor."

At her change of behavior Aither kindly replied.

"That's more like it, Nice to meet you Amelia, I'm Aither and I was just about to head to the library but I don't know where it is."

"Oh, is that so, well if you would like I could guide you there."

"Really? Thank you, then please lead the way."

As their conversation ended Amelia lead the way to the library.

She wanted to find out what the strange feeling in her heart however she decided to slowly find out.

After all, it wasn't a bad feeling.

Just like that Amelia guided Aither from the front of his room to the library without even speaking one word.


Arriving at the front of the library, Aither found that Amelia had stopped on her footsteps.

Then, she turned around and looked at him for a moment.

Aither gave her a kind smile seeing her turned around and this gesture made her face visibly red.

She turned around biting her lips to stop herself from smiling.

The weird feeling in her heart keeps growing the more she spends time with him.

That was when she decided to leave, lest this feeling grows even more.

"We've arrived at the library, I'll be taking my leave now."

But before she was able to get away Aither gently grabbed her hand causing her to stop.

"W- W- What do you want?"

She was flustered the moment he grabbed her arms and seeing her like that Aither let go and grabbed something from his robe.

"Here, although it isn't much please accept this as thanks."

He kindly smiled while giving her a candy. Yes a candy, he had some left in his pockets when he was transported into this world.

Receiving it, Amelia looked at it curiously and guessing what's on her mind Aither said,

"It's called a candy, you can eat it or let it slowly melt in your mouth. Also it is sweet and delicious, I hope you'll like it."

"Well then, thank you again for guiding me."

With those words Aither entered the library leaving behind Amelia.

She looked at the candy her palm and clench it into a fist.

But she wasn't because of anger, instead she somewhat felt happy receiving something from him.

She was acting weird the moment she met him and she knew of this.

Still the moment she opened her palm again, she looked at the candy once more and smiled happily.

"Well, even if this feelings feels strange and unfamiliar. I don't hate it."

She didn't know why she felt like this but she did not mind. She'll just figure it out step by step while experiencing this new feeling.

Saying so, she tossed the candy inside her mouth and began coughing loudly.

Hearing that, Aither who just went inside opened the door to the library and said,

"Oh right, you should remove the plastic first before putting it in your mouth. Please forgive me I forgot to tell you, haha."

After saying those words he went inside once more.

Now that she learned her mistake, Amelia removed the plastic on the candy and put it inside her mouth.

"Mmmm, it's really sweet and...Mmm...it melts in my mouth giving it a nice and sweet flavor."

Then, with the candy in her mouth, Amelia left the front of the library and headed to the training grounds.