
Empire's Secret: A Portal to the Cultivation World

He and his brother just wanted to live peacefully. However, he was targeted by a young lady from a rich family. And from then on, their life became harder. But, as if an opportunity had arrived at them, they were suddenly transported to another world. However, after being discovered by the emperor, the protagonist has now become a candidate to be an emperor? Read and see how Aither's journey becomes from keeping his brother safe to finding the secret of the empire and go to the cultivation world.

LazyWriter069 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 4 - A Secret

After the announcement the prince and princess seated themselves.

Aither was left standing, he doesn't have a seat of his own so he spoke up.

"I will be taking my leave your majesty, I will be returning to my room."

By room he meant the infirmary where he was currently staying at.

However, he can't stay there all the time, he needed a place of his own.

That is why the emperor provided him a room similar to those of the prince and princesses.

The location was quite far from the infirmary but at least it wasn't near the princes and princesses rooms.

He wanted to see his brother one last time before he leaves the infirmary.

So he rushed back to the place.

Entering the infirmary, he saw a pale looking man sitting on a bed.

"Big Brother!"

The man shouted as soon as he saw him and Aither slowly approached him.

"Avier, I'm glad. It looks like you're doing well."

"Yes big brother. The tall man from before chats with me from time to time and the maids bring me food. This feels like a dream."

"Yeah, it really looks like we got an opportunity. However, for now focus on getting better."

"Okay, big brother. But I heard from the tall man that you won't be able to see me for some time."

Avier said with a sad look. He was dependent on his brother but he knew his brother had something important to do.

That is why with a look of determination he said,

"I made up my mind big brother, I'll get even better the next time you see me. Look forward to it!"

"Yeah, I'll look forward to it. Then, I'll see you later Avier, I'll be moving to my room."

"See you later big brother!"

Waving back at his brother Aither left the room feeling relieved.

Now that his brother although still look sick and pale at least got better, his mind became somewhat at ease.

"Now all that's left is to prepare."

Saying so to himself he moved towards the location of his room.


Meanwhile, back at the room where the emperor and officials were at.

One person suddenly spoke up, he was one of the two startegeist of the empire.

"Your majesty the emperor, if I may ask, what exactly is the reason you made that man a candidate for the throne? Even I wasn't informed of that."

The words he spoke filled everyone with curiosity and now they were waiting for the emperor's reply.

"There is no exact reason, I had found him somewhere and I wanted him to become a candidate."

Like hell anyone would believe that. Everyone in the room knew the emperor wasn't telling the truth.

But they couldn't pursue this matter farther if the emperor isn't willing to speak.

"I heard that princess Tallia broke through the Core Formation Realm already. She's only sixteen years old but to have so much talent."

"Yes, in fact following her the other prince and princess also broke through. As expected of the Imperial family they are all talented people."

Hearing their words of praise some of the prince got smug while others ignored it as they were used to it.

Their level was reached because of the early training when they were young but it is also because of their talent.

Normal people would mostly be stuck at materialization and by luck they might be able to advance towards the infusion Realm.

However, no matter what they do they wouldn't be able to cross the threshold known as talent.

Even if they managed to successfully break through the infusion Realm they won't be able to advance any further.

"Come to think of it General Nathan isn't anywhere to be found."

"You're right, isn't he supposed to accompany the emperor instead of the head maid?"

They were right, it was supposed to be the general accompanying the emperor.

But he had something important to do and that important thing is teaching Aither.


"Woah. I- I'm really speechless. To think that you would be able to achieve it in a few minutes. Your absurdly talented aren't you."

(To think that someone I though a few minutes ago would be able to understand and do it in a few minutes. I guess the emperor chose him for a reason.)

Currently being astonished by Aither, general Nathan was wryly smiling to himself.

Inside the new room of Aither, a miracle had just occured that would shock anyone if they ever knew about it.

"Please keep this a secret general, guessing from your reaction this isn't normal and people might target me because of this."

"For now, It is better to act weak like you said so their focus won't be on me."

Aither spoke, he knew what he did was unbelievable and so he wanted the general to keep it a secret.

"Don't worry kid, my lips are sealed. Plus I'm not on anyone's side and as I will only be teaching you for a month before going back to my neutral position."[General Nathan]

"Thank you, then please take care of me during this one months time."[Aither]

"You got it kid, with your talent you'll be able to somewhat catch up with the princes and princess."[General Nathan]

"But don't get arrogant, things like that are harmful to your mind and can get back on you."[General Nathan]

"I understand general, thank you for your advice. Shall we continue then?" [Aither]

A few minutes ago.....

Just right after the general arrived at his room.

He was wearing a blue armor around his body but no weapons could be seen on his hand.

He looked to be middle age and someone you would think look like a fun uncle.

"Aither, at the emperor's order I will be teaching you all I can for one month to raise you to be a proper candidate for the throne. Do you have any objections?"[General Nathan]

"No." [Aither]

"Well then, let's get right to it!"[General Nathan]

Listening to his tone change when he speaks of the emperor to his bright and cheerful one put a smile on Aither's face.

The uncle like general was really fun and comfortable to be with.

And with him teaching him for a month, it wouldn't be so boring.