
Emperor of the court

A 15 years old boy get a sudden heart attack when he goes to school on the first day oh his highschool debut, Meanwhile at a different world a Professional Volleyball player also got killed at the same time by a drunk thug thinking its their rival gangs. ~This is my first ever Fanfic, I decide to write this Fanfic because of how I love volley personally and also I watched Haikyuu so yeah and sorry if there are some plot holes. ~Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu It all belong to its original Creator. ~English is not my first Language so bear with me if I made some grammatical error. ~I hope you enjoy this Fanfic and Left some comment and reviews. Much love The author.

KarassuTengu · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

1. Eventful day

A boy with the name of Shobu Horokage is walking happily toward his first day of highschool, he think that in this highschool will be the start of his journey of becoming a volleyball player.

He loved Volley since that's what the last time his father thought and play with him before he died from Lung disease 8 years ago, since then the boy has been training nonstop.

But midst his thought he suddenly got to his knees then laying in the grass, he got a sudden heart attack and died on the spot 'What an sad way of death, at least I will met you again father' thought the boy before losing his life.

meanwhile in our universe, a tall Pro volleyball player got stabbed in his stomach while he got back from tournament.

It seems the thug that killed him is drunk and thinks that the guy before him is in the rival gangs because how scary and tall he is.

on that time 2 souls died in the same time, having 2 same hobby and love for the sport called volleyball, having the same fate at losing their loved one, both of the soul met each other and smile in understanding and dissipate together.

but some miracle happen a some sort of being take out the once dissipating soul but only managed to get one of them.

"Who are you, why am I here? didn't I died?" the soul asked in confusion, "I am is what you called the Origin, and also the end I who control life and death and create thousand of world".

The soul startled at what he heard and try to bow down but realize he doesn't have body anymore "No need to be modest child, you are my creation and I am your creator, so don't be that modest".

The soul just stayed silent in respect at how the creator conduct Himself in the most humble way, "I have taken you from the oblivion I shall grant you a choice because of how you conduct your self in the living world".

"I see you have been taking care of your brother through out his highschool and collage year, after you died he become a successful doctor which saved a lot of people in your name he also write a lot of story at how great of a brother you are".

"He also died with a smile hoping that he will meet you in afterlife or have a brother like you in there, which he got his wish because he got reincarnated to a world of Ninja on a great clans".

the souls then said "I hope he live happily there and don't lose our parent again" the souls said in hoping his little brother lived happily.

"I'm sure he will, he got a strong genius brother in his side his father is also the leader of the clans, I make sure he will live happily" said the Creator.

"thank you for your benevolence o great one" The souls said with a smile, but cannot be seen because he is just a blob of white.

"anyway for your choice, I see that you love a sport called volleyball, and do great at it" the Creator asked.

"Yes, I do love the sport very much" the soul said thinking the day he played volleyball while he was alive at that time.

"I see, how about I reincarnated you to a world named Haikyuu it is a fictional world from some show in your world called anime" The creator said with a smile.

"Yes I know of it, My brother tells me to watched it once but I never had the chance to watch it because I got stuck doing practice for the upcoming tournament" The souls said in regret not doing it.

"Then it will be better, you will find the world more interesting because you don't know what happen and you can have all your fun doing the sport you love" The creator said.

"But will I really be reincarnated to a fictional show who is not real, I would rather be reincarnated to a real one if I can choose" The soul said asking for a change.

"What is real and what is not? How can you make the deference if you are living in it, How can you make the deference if you found many emotions like love and happiness in it, as long as you are living in that world, that world Is REAL" said the creator.

"I understand, After I got reincarnated to that world, the once said to be fictional world will become real, and all the people in it will become alive with many different feelings" The soul said in understanding what the creator had told him.

"Before you go, I will grant you some wish as a gift from me, hmm lets see.. I will grant you 3 wishes just like how ginnie do his thing" the creator said while laughing.

"Umm, Thank you, then I will not be modest, My first wish is to have a big stamina recovery so that I will not tired of continuous hurdle and jumping" the soul said remembering how tired he get after a match or a practice.

"Next up I want to have instenious speed,reaction and also perfect body control" the soul said remembering the time he see the ball using his reflex but the body just wont move.

"For my last wish, I want to have perfect accuracy when I shot or when I aim at stuff" he said thinking of having all those will make him a god level player.

the creator just smile at him and nodded "Okay, your wish is granted, you will have the body of a 15 years boy who get an heart attack on his first day of school" The creator said.

"May he rest in peace" The soul said feeling sorry for taking over that body, "Your name is Shobu Horokage, Your father died from lung disease you were left with your mother".

the soul just stay silent and try to nod at how similar they are, "Lastly, be happy and also don't do anything bad there, good luck my child".

after the Creator said his last words he opened some kind of gate and send the soul towards it, "Hmm, Do I forgot something" said the creator.

"Ah yes, I forgot to tell him that he need to wish to have his memories in that world to keep his previous memories, Well whatever it will be fine" The creator mumbled out loud.

~Hey there its me Creator-kun, I write this novel Freestyling it only leaving some Important notes at how the chapter should go and then just freestyle the word so I am sorry if its bad, Anyway thank you for reading and don't forget to leave some reviews~