
Emperor Of The Court

I don't know what kind of hypnosis should I put to avoid spoilers. But All I can say is this a light-hearted story like my other book Don't expect drama or Yaoi haha Read it XD

IncubusIsLaifu · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 - Everything Happens For a Reason

(AN: I won't compete with other BASKETBALL or other sports fanfic because I made this for refreshment XD so I hope people won't compare this to other great books! Love u guys!)

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Los Angeles, California.

"What do you want to be, when you grow up son?"

"To become the greatest basketball player of all time! I will make you proud! Father! But... I don't think I can do it..."

"Don't worry, son. Everything happens for a reason and I know you can do it! Good night, son."

"Good night, Father!"

Those were the last conversation a father and a son talked before one of them left this world...

Blake Garcia, a five your old child, lost his father because of a thief that managed to enter their house. What more? The child was hiding in a very tight spot, that the thief won't find out where the child is hiding, but the child himself witnessed how his father got murdered.

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"Blake Garcia, 5-years old. Half American and Japanese. The mother died from giving birth to him, father died from a murder... *Sigh* What a poor lad..." A police officer sighed in pity while holding a paper and reading everything that is written at it.

Right now, Blake is at the hospital being monitored because when the police officers arrived and found him, the child was like a statue while still gazing at his Father's dead body.

Even though he was carried outside of the room, his eyes are still glued, looking at the room, until the stairs, and until the moment they left the residence.

A neighbor called that someone screamed from the Garcia residence that night and the police officers quickly rushed but it was too late, but they still manage to catch the thief, and who knows what happened to him next...

- - - - -

"Your name is? Alexandra Garcia, are you sure you can take care of the kid? Well, as we have checked. You are the closest and only relative living in Los Angeles. The family of Blake's mother is still in Japan?" The police officer said, standing outside the hospital room where Blake was being observed.

Alexandra Garcia, a beautiful young woman with lower-back length blonde hair, teal-green eyes, large breasts, and wore a classic pink glasses. 

Listening to the officer, Alexandra crossed her arms and nodded to what the officer said "Yes, Im the only relative left of that young man in this country. Also, he is like a brother to me. Don't worry about me taking care of him. I have enough money to feed another mouth."

Even though it sounded harsh, the police officer believed because Alexandra became a champion in the college tournament NCAA as a member of the UCLA. The University of California in Los Angeles and sponsors were swarming at her.

Beautiful and a very good basketball player. Though rumors said that she was into girls than guys, the police officer sighed internally because he can't make a move at her even though he's in front of the real deal.

"The papers are already prepared, all you need is to sign up and you can meet the boy inside. If you have any problems, just contact the police station.

With that, Alexandra signed the given paper, and the police officer immediately left.

- - - - -

"Where Am I? Father? Where are you? I'm scared... Father?"

The young man, Blake Garcia called out and found himself in a place where darkness covered everything, but he can still see his body and it felt weird to him. That is why he immediately called the person he trusted the most... His father.

"Father... Wait... Father was... Father was!" The voice of the young Blake started to rise in fear as he clutches his chest and remembered what happened at his Father.

Blake is in a panic that causes his breathing to get heavy, but a moment later, a soft and warm arms hug him from behind as he felt the softness of a pillow touched his back.

"Don't worry my child... I'm here for you..." A tired yet sweet voice whispered through his ears, making the young man calm down in an instant.

His breathing went stable and settled down. He was shocked that someone hugged him but manage to cool off because of the women's caring and motherly voice.

"May... May I ask who are you? Ma'am."

The woman smiled at how the child acted and even called her ma'am as respect. Then, she floated in front of Blake, making him see the source of the voice and the warm hug he experienced.

"So pretty..." The young man praised as he stared at the goddess with bright eyes. Golden long hair that reached to her waist with a body and face as if she was a painting, painted by some professional painter.

The Goddess smiled back and floated in front of the boy, kneeled to match his gaze and spoke in a depressed voice.

"Young Blake? Do you want to be happy again?"

Hearing her words, the young man's excited face went sad quickly as he remembered what happened to his father.

"Yes... I want to be happy. But Father..."

Not wanting to hear what the boy will say, the Goddess patted his head and smiled lovingly while saying "Silly me... Asking that question again."

Then, the Goddes kissed young Blake's forehead to calm her down and said, followed by her loving smile "Everything happens for a reason. Right? Young Blake?"

[To be continued]