
Chapter 68

A.N. Now before we move on to the next arc, it is time for the review. I know most of you guys have trouble with it so you guys can just give marks according to the headings in the critique form below, points from 1 to 10.

And I will be very much grateful if you could actually write a review.

Please put it in the review section so that the story has a rating. Don't forget to always check the comment section of my stories since I post the picture of each new character. You don't have to use google.

Story Critique Form

1. Originality. On a scale of 1 to 10, how original was this story? A 1 means that the story is cliché while a 10 means that it has at least a couple of ideas that I haven't encountered before.

2. Setting. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well was the setting developed? A 1 indicates that the setting was poorly developed. This means that is almost completely disappeared from the story, or that I felt confused as to where and when the tale took place in one or more scenes. Of course, the author should involve all of the senses in describing his or her setting. A 10 means that not only is the setting well-developed, but it informs every aspect of the story—from character development to tone and narrative style. In a story that rates a 10, the setting itself is a powerful draw for the story, and the author succeeded in transporting me into the tale. _

3. Characterization. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well-drawn are the characters in the story? Good characters should convince us that they grew up in the world or setting that we've placed them in. They should have complex motives and be imbued with conflicting attitudes about life, ethics, politics, and so on. The characters should have friends, enemies, acquaintances, secrets, desires and fears. The character should have a physical body, with a physical history. The character should have a family, of course, and some type of history, along with a place in society. In short, with a poorly drawn character, we know virtually nothing about him by the end of the story. With a well-drawn character, we feel as if we know him intimately by the end of the story. _

4. Conflict and Plot. On a scale of 1 to 10, how interesting are the conflicts? Since the characters, along with their motives and abilities really lead to a plot, then one must also consider the twists and turns of the plot. How inventive are they? How exciting? How engrossing? _

5. Emotional/intellectual payoff. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did this story arouse powerful emotions? If it did arouse powerful emotions, were they the proper emotions for the intended audience (as gauged by the age and sex of the protagonists)? Remember that the author shouldn't be hitting the same emotional beats over and over again.


With that, Naruto was left alone with Kara, Raven, Pamela, Killer Frost, Livewire, Phoenix, Powergirl, Bubbles, Buttercup and Blossom. The boys had already vanished once they felt the romantic drama starting.

"Master, what do you mean by what you just said? Why is she special?" Pamela had the most extreme reaction to Naruto's words. She was fine with sharing Naruto, but the fact that chose Kara was maddening.

It made her feel worthless. It made her doubt her place. She felt like killing Kara for making a place in his heart.

"It is what it means. I like all of you. But, I love Kara. However, it doesn't mean that I will sideline you. I have chosen you and I will never let you go until death takes you…..Do you feel better now?" Naruto took her into his embrace and gave her a kiss. Hearing his words filled with dominance and love, Pamela felt her feelings calm down.

Her powerful self was sealed and she hugged him meekly.

Looking at the scene, Bubbles covered her eyes with her hands and peeked through the them. She felt greatly embarrassed by the open confessions and kiss. She wasn't alone as Buttercup also felt shy and nervous, as she imagined Naruto doing it to her. Only Blossom saw the scene normally without a strong reaction. Though, she didn't like it. It wasn't easy seeing the person she liked holding someone else.

"Does that mean you are willing to accept us?" Blossom asked for her sisters as she didn't want to miss the opportunity.

Looking at the smart girl, Naruto felt resistance. It was not because he didn't love them, but because he didn't wish to treat them in such a manner. They were such sweet girls. They deserved to get the love of a normal type of person.

He was not the type that was far from the darkness of the world, and such things could corrupt the little things.

But, wasn't it the same for everyone else. He was the best. He was better than everyone. There was no better partner than him.

"If you are willing to accept this arrangement then I will accept you. Can you handle such a thing?"

"We have always shared everything. It shouldn't be difficult to share you." Buttercup spoke up instead with a line that made some of the girls chuckle. It felt like she was challenging him.

"Then, I shall love you for an eternity and make you the happiest girls in the world." Naruto replied with equal intensity and showed them the love that they desired. Without any resistance, they hugged him again.

Watching everything, Kara wasn't sure if she wanted to become part of it. She felt like Naruto was definitely the best but he already had others.

There was no way he was about to let them go and it felt wrong to ask him to leave them.

"I will be leaving, see you guys later." Kara excused herself and flew at full speed.

However, Naruto appeared in front of her after she was away from others.

"Let go of me." Kara pushed him aside as he had hugged her suddenly. With Naruto's power pulled down, Kara was stronger than him physically at the moment since she was above star level from all the power she had absorbed.

"Why are you denying what you desire? Speak your mind Kara, let me hear it."

"I like you. You are the most important person in my life. When we are preparing for the fight, I could only think of you and how I hoped that we could continue together.

But, you have others. Can you let them go? Can you make your number one, and your only love?" Kara couldn't hold back because of her volatile emotions and Naruto's powers working. She cried and held his shirt, looking him in the eyes. Looking for the answer she desired, though it seemed impossible.

Seeing her like that, Naruto hugged her tight. He didn't like it. He didn't want to see her so weak. Naruto's mind starting working but there was no right answer. He felt resistance from his heart. It was going against his ideals and his goals.

But, the heart didn't control the body and it could never rule his mind.

"I am sorry, Kara. I can never choose such a path. I will always have to add someone for various reasons."

"Why? Why do you have to do it?"

"To have powerful children with different powers since I am the last of my kind. For diplomatic reasons and to lower the fear and distrust of other species. Also, it is easier to control and trust someone that loves me unconditionally."

"I can't accept your answer. They all seem like excuses and you are really the worst. How far have you gone into this madness? How could you use people's emotions?"

"Kara, they were criminals in the first place. I didn't even try seducing anyone that was good. Do you think it is hard? I could probably have most of these women in my hand by next week, if I tried. Life is hard, so most people would prefer my company. Regardless, I told you that for a reason. I didn't have to. I want you to know how I think. Those girls know what I think. I have never hidden my agenda. They know I am using them and they want to be of use.

Do you really want to deny me? Is there a better option? You will be happy with me, I guarantee it and you know it as well. Did you feel left out or unhappy before this day? Was I not with others?"

"I don't care. I didn't know then. I didn't know these feelings. Please, just let me go. I don't want to hate you."

It was a painful moment in a new way for Naruto. He had never been denied. He had never imagined falling in love and getting rejected. It was especially worse because he could take her, if he just let go one of his rules.

However, he couldn't do it. He knew he would need to take other girls and if he promised not to then it would be cheating, and he would be lying.

"Kara, I don't want to hurt you. I only want happiness for you, so please don't hurt yourself. I will let you leave and I won't push you. But, I will be waiting for you." Naruto got closer and gave her hug before disappearing while leaving a necklace around her neck.

Kara cried as she heard his answer and felt like throwing the necklace, but kept it and flew towards her sanctuary. She didn't want to see anyone at the moment.

However, Naruto would never allow her to wallow in pity so he sent Silver Banshee to help her best friend.


Getting back to the other girls, Naruto turned to Raven. She was looking at the situation with a cold expression, trying her best to keep her powers in check. The battle had loosened her control and allowed Trigon to get more control over her body.

"Raven, you will stay by my side from now on until I solve your problem. For now I will apply some temporary methods." Naruto looked at her and his powers covered her up, sucking away the evil presence of Trigon while flooding her body with his positive power. It was enhanced by Raven's empathy collaborating with his.

Feeling the emotions and care, Raven felt jealous that the other girls could experience something more. However, she also didn't know if it was safe to try something so delicate. She was afraid of letting those emotions exist.

Plus, Naruto was surrounded by other girls. If she wanted him, she would like to push them all away. However that didn't seem to be a possibility.

"Thank you for your assistance, I am in your debt." Raven agreed to his proposal since Naruto was the only one that could keep her in check.

She was the biggest threat on the planet right now. Even during the battle, Naruto had to kill her quickly before Trigon's power leaked out.

Though there was also Vyn's worry of Trigon interfering with him as well since the creature could fight against the Imps and had already ascended to the fifth dimension. Regardless, Vyn could have taken care of him with the weapons of the King.

Finishing up with the harem, Raven and Kara, Naruto decided to take care of Alaya's problem. Powergirl's issue was postponed and she didn't mind sharing unlike her counterpart, so there wasn't issue of relationship as well.

Though his feelings for Supergirl didn't enhance his emotions for Powergirl, they had the same body but the personality was different. They just weren't the same people, so the appearance wasn't going to make him treat them the same.

It annoyed Powergirl and she took it as a challenge.

Leaving aside the love struggle, Naruto left with his team to the other dimension and appeared above Konoha.

It looked very different from his world since it was supposed to be the future. With their appearance, Naruto of the world appeared along with his team.

It would have been a one sided battle if he had appeared in the world, but now it was one sided from the other side.

The foes were too weak for him to take them seriously. Evil Naruto was just around Large Planet level while his team was a mix of moon and planet levels.

Taking them down with utter ease, Naruto uncovered the truth of the world and further learnt more about his own world.

Evil Naruto was Naruto that had been taken over by Ishiki Otsutsuki. It was just after the fourth Ninja War and Naruto had become the hero of the world. He was the strongest being on the planet and there was no opponent for him except his brother, Sasuke.

It was this carelessness that Ishiki utilized. Ishiki Otsutsuki was Kaguya's partner and brother who had come to earth to devour its life force with the help of the Shinju tree that grew from the seed called the Juubi.

Kaguya was supposed to get eaten by the Juubi like usual for the Shinju Tree to grow. It was the normal process and the member eaten would get revived later. They had done it countless times and grown in power. Their goal was to become the Ultimate being and it was necessary since they couldn't taste anything other than the life force of planets inhabited by sentient beings.

To them planets were food and supplements to grow stronger. They were one of the strongest species in existence and they could grow in power by just eating. They didn't need to train or learn anything, and they would still know everything by just eating.

When they ate the life force of the planet, they also got the skills and knowledge of every being that died on that planet. With such a cheat skill they could aim for the Universe and their King ruled as one of the top beings in existence. Ishiki dreamed of reaching the level of his King and sitting on that throne.

However, that dream came to an abrupt end as Kaguya fell in love with a human and betrayed him. She backstabbed him while he was off guard and almost killed him with her ash bones.

It was the ability to turn everything that was stabbed by it to ash.

Ishiki was stabbed cleanly through and felt his body falling apart, he could only slow the process by making it small. However, it had covered half his body and he had to cut it off. He lost a lot of power because of it and had to run for his life.

Barely escaping Kaguya, Ishiki was found by a monk and turned tiny to take over the body of the monk. Using the body of monk called Jigen, Ishiki lived in the shadows while watching over the world trying to find an opportunity to make a comeback.

Kaguya didn't make it easy and even left behind part of her soul to cause trouble for him. However, she was defeated once again and Ishiki finally found the ultimate vessel that was easy to take over. Jigen went to meet Naruto in a quiet place and Ishiki flew as a microscopic being inside Naruto's brain.

Without much resistance, Ishiki was able to take over Naruto. It was especially easy because Naruto was not on guard and was in base form while Kurama was also sleeping.

Ishiki could finally use all of his powers and the first thing he did was to fully absorb Kurama before devouring the other tailed beasts.

However, he didn't destroy the planet. He had learned much over the years and decided to cultivate them. Ishiki decided to help the world become stronger and even fed them his powers.

However, he couldn't hide the changes and there were threats around him. He killed Sasuke and followed it with the others, one by one.

His team was made up cyborgs and his children.

Boruto, Himawari, Kawaki, Delta, Eda, Daimon and Code.

All of these had unique abilities that would have been difficult to counter a month ago. It was especially true for Eda and Daimon. Eda made it so that anyone that looked at her would fall in love and she even had the ability to know everything that happened while she existed.

On the other Daimon made it impossible to attack him as every attack would be reflected. It was not just the attack itself, even just the thought of attacking Daimon would cause the opponent to get damaged or killed.

Taking them all down, Naruto gave them to the Naruto of the world. However, not before undoing all the deaths and making the world normal again.

Alaya was also finally set free of her darkness as she met her mother, Kaguya.

Emperor had a talk with Naruto alone and he explained to him the mistakes that were made. Everything that took place was Naruto's mistake. It was his carelessness. It was his way of doing things. He didn't learn anything to protect his mind and relied too much on pure power.

There were so many ways that Emperor could have escaped in the same situation and one of them was just moving around as a soul.

Plus, he had mental defences along with many other countermeasures to ensure that no one would ever take over his body.

In a world with all kinds of miracles, it was stupidity to not take all kinds of measures.

Naruto didn't need to hear the things from Emperor because he had already regretted everything for the past decade. He had seen everything. He had suffered alone and watched everything fall apart. He was not broken, because he could not allow himself to fall apart. His family deserved more, he could not rest until he made up for his mistakes.

He had already vowed to cover all tracks. He would never allow anyone to just approach him. He would always have something ready for sudden attacks.

The world was not peaceful and he had written that into his soul.

However, it helped that Emperor actually gave him solutions and didn't just make him miserable. Emperor only wanted him to know his mistakes clearly with more details and gave him the skills to never allow it to happen again.

Giving Naruto some powers, Emperor left the world with his team. The new dimension was added as his territory and Naruto was his representative in that dimension.

With that taken care of, Naruto took a long rest and the world started moving again towards the ultimate goal. The world accepted Naruto as the ruler after understanding what took place and they were fully on board with becoming stronger to avoid such situations.

Most people loved the idea of taking the fight to others and not staying in place to react to an attack. Nobody wanted to die pointlessly or suffer from a loss. They had already suffered too many times and Vyn was the breaking point while Naruto's path was the solution.

There were some people that still resisted and didn't accept Naruto. However, they learned not to test him and didn't dare break his rules.

With the coronation finished, the world changed completely and it become a place where evil was impossible. The world became a place where good deeds were encouraged and rewarded while wrong deeds were immediately punished.

The heroes and villains were given the choice to become legal members of the army under his command. Majority of them came under his rules while the others retired and decided to watch what was happening around the world.

Infrastructure and Technology jumped light years as the secret was out in the open and fully integrated into society.

The whole planet was Naruto's territory, so all countries were pushed to the same standard and the planet was filled with enormous amounts of energy. Everything on the planet was showered with his powers and changed fundamentally.

These were just the initial phases and Naruto was taking it slow as he wanted the people to adapt properly without any difficulties.

Even though it was slow in his eyes, Naruto was happy. Finally, he had truly become the Emperor of Mankind and there was nothing that could make him step down from his throne.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment

There are multiple reasons for this arc. I will list them down for people that missed them.

To make Naruto experience a battle where he has no chance of victory. Literally no chance.

To make him experience loss of his comrades and killing of innocent lives with his hands. The experience of sacrificing on a massive scale without knowing that it was worth it or not. It is a test for his ideals. Is he willing to continue on such a path?

Making him trust his subordinates with his goal. Naruto never trusted anyone with important things and it was mentioned in the beginning. He could have brainwashed people into his copies but he decided to trust them.

To create a tangible target for him. An enemy that he would always think of and want to murder. Someone so strong that he couldn't estimate the time it would take him to reach that level. There are no such foes in the lower dimensions. Vyn will appear again and Naruto will fight him in the fifth dimension at that point of the story.

It is to humble him and make him experience great amount of negativity.

It is there to remind the heroes that their world is volatile and that they really need to follow Naruto's path unless they want to continue being pawns in a game.

It is a showcase of Naruto's quick thinking and stable mindset even in the face of impossible odds.

Many characters will play a role as the story goes on and Naruto won't always fight in all these future battles except maybe the boss fight. Things will change as story goes and every arc there will be a new challenge.

The story is far from even the half point. This isn't even quarter of the story.

Next arc Madara and Kaguya would appear. They will also be different just like Naruto is different.

The girls will also fight in the next arc.

Hinata and Satsuki vs the harem

Satsuki vs Kara

Future arcs would be fight against Lantern Corps, Darkseid, Fifth Dimension, Olympus, Otsutsuki King