
Emperor of Damu

In a tumultuous whirlwind of events, Malcolm finds himself ensnared in a nightmarish reality where death seems both imminent and inexplicably elusive. Fleeing from a bloodthirsty mob and evading a barrage of bullets, Malcolm's desperate bid for survival plunges him into a surreal ordeal where every turn reveals deeper layers of mystery and dread. Crucified upon a cross, his body mutilated and consumed by flames, Malcolm grapples with the torment of an existence defined by suffering and betrayal. Yet, just as darkness threatens to engulf him entirely, Malcolm awakens in a shadowy chamber, his surroundings shrouded in ominous secrecy. As storms rage outside and enigmatic figures emerge from the shadows, Malcolm's journey into the unknown takes a chilling turn, unveiling sinister forces that defy comprehension and challenge the very fabric of his reality. In a world where truth and deception intertwine, Malcolm must navigate a treacherous path fraught with peril and uncertainty, where the line between salvation and damnation grows ever thinner. As the storm rages on, the depths of Malcolm's plight beckon with irresistible intrigue, promising revelations that may shatter the very foundations of his existence.

Stormblumen · Fantasy
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4 Chs


When malcom was ten years old he lived, with what some will call a happy family. He had a loving mother and father who both had stable jobs. He also had a little sister who was three years old at the time. They were not rich but they also didn't live in poverty like their neighbours. They lived happily as a family.

But that all was stripped away from him in just one bad day. It was just like any other normal day but this day Malcom's mother was pregnant and it was supposed to be the day she gives birth to a new life.

Malcom's father called the ambulance and he was informing them about the issue.

Malcom who looked like he just woke up from sleeping went toward his mother. She was in a wheelchair and she looked like she was going through a lot of pain.

"Mom what's wrong are you alright," malcom asked his mother.

"Malcom didn't I tell you to go to bed" malcom's father shouted.

"no, it's alright, come here malcom." malcom's mother said while holding malcoms hand and pulling it towards herself.

"I am alright honey don't worry about me, the baby in my tummy is just bored and wants to come out and play with you guys." malcoms mother said trying to reassure malcom.

"I-i hate the baby*hic* because h-he doesn't want me to *hic* play with you," malcom said not understanding what was going on.

Malcom's mother's grip becomes tighter but not tight enough to hurt malcom. then she says to malcom with a serious face.

"No don't say that. Malcom, please promise me that you will protect your younger siblings no matter what. Just promise me that please"

"O-okay I promise" malcom responded to his mother's pleading.

Malcom's comment caused her grip to loosen, and she smiled warmly and said, "Thank you."

Malcom smiled back before asking " what is the baby's name"

Malcom's mom laughed and then responded by saying. " me and your father decided that if it's a girl we will name her Lucy but if it's a boy he will be Leo"

"I like Leo more," malcom said with excitement on his face.

But his father interrupted them by going behind the wheelchair and then he said. " sorry honey but the ambulance is here and malcom go to bed granny will be here to take care of you guys alright. we will be back by tomorrow morning"

After saying that he started pushing the wheelchair towards the door. Then without anything else, the ambulance quickly picked them up and left. The sound of the ambulance was the last thing he heard that night.

Malcom waited for them that night without sleeping until the morning come and then night come again. Then the second morning come malcom started to get worried then the bell to their house started to ring.

Once malcom heard the bell all his worries disappeared. He ran towards the door while shouting " MOM, DAD"

Then in the kitchen, his grandma yelled. " Malcom wait for me don't open the door"

but Malcom didn't listen and he hurriedly opened the door. But all his excitement and happiness disappeared and all of his worries reappeared once he saw the police. He was 10 but even he knew police appearing at your door unexpected was bad news.

Scared he slowly walked backwards until he pumped on his grandma. "didn't I tell you not to open the door," she said while hitting malcom on the head.

Malcom still scared walked back more, he hoped for nothing bad to happen so he waited for his grandma to finish.

He was some cm away from the conversation so he couldn't hear what they were saying. But his heart sank when he heard the word Death in the conversation and he wished he misheard it. But then his Grandma burst out shouting out loud like a mad person.

Malcolm's still-developing brain alerted him to flee when he observed his granny going insane. he did just that and he ran to his room and tried to slither under his blanket to hide from the outside world. He knew if he stayed there any longer he would have regret it.

Despite his best efforts to hide from the world, he wasn't able to stop or help hide his true emotions away. Malcom sobbed throughout the whole day, and the tears never stopped flowing from his eyes like water dripping from a broken pipe.

The next two weeks were all a blur to malcom it was as if his world was engulfed by dark fog.

He just recalls that the police claimed a vehicle accident was the cause of his parent's deaths and left it at that. Malcom Although he thought it was strange, he stopped pondering it since there was nothing he can do about it.

And the other thing he remembers was when he was at his parent's funeral.

There were so many people that he had never seen before and some who he knew like his school teachers and friends.

But a group caught malcom's attention at the funeral they were a group of men in a fancy black suit. They were crying more and louder than anyone else it was as if they knew Malcom's parents for a long time. yet malcom has never met any of them before.

Then an old man with a bald head from the group walked toward malcom. " Are you their kids?" the old man asked.

"Y-yes" malcom responded.

He took out a black card with a golden picture of a goat with some numbers written under it. "Take this and call me if you need any help alright."

Malcom nodded as he took the card then he said "Thank you"

The old man patted malcom on the head and walked away with the group of men following behind him.

However, as time passed, Malcom's grandmother became older and unable to work and also the money they inherited was starting to run out. This forced malcom to drop out of school at an early age and began working to support his grandmother and younger sister. Malcom saw this as a way of fulfilling his promise to his parents.

One Tuesday morning malcom woke up like he usually does, at around 4 in the morning. he usually cooks breakfast for his grandma and sister before going to work, but today he didn't do that. But today he quickly brushed his teeth and quietly started walking towards the door while treading on the old wooden floor.

However, as he approached the door, he heard an old and familiar voice to his right.

"you promised her that you won't go to work today," said the voice.

"AHHHHHH" Malcom yelled in fear almost falling on his back

"granny what are you doing up so early," malcom whispered to his grandmother, who look to be around the age of 80.

"I should be asking you that, you promised lily that you will be staying at home today"

Malcom abruptly interrupted his grandmother, "SHUUU, keep it down granny, you going to wake her up."

Then a soft and innocent voice spoke behind malcom. "Brother, are you living, but you promised me that you were going to stay today for my birthday". said a little girl who looked to be around the age of 8. she had long black messy hair that was untied on her back. she also had large brown eyes that were flickering like stars as tears started welling up.

When malcom saw tears in her eyes he hurriedly walked to her and kneeled on one leg in front of her to comfort her.

"no, no, don't cry, look lily, I'm really really sorry, but big bro needs to go to work today because today is very important." malcom said while holding her with both of his hands on her shoulders.

"b..but you *hic* promised that *hic* you will stay *hic* with me today," she said while tears started to stream down her cheeks. while she tried not to burst into a loud cry.

"I know, I know. How about this instead? I'll go to work and inform my boss that today is my little sister's birthday, then I'll be back in a flash".

lily then lightly wiped the tires off her face, then she said " okay then you better get back as soon as possible"

"Okay I promise"

Malcom stood up and walked towards the door, but his grandmother flunked an umbrella at him, which he caught just in time before it hit him.

"What is this for," malcom asked with a confused face.

"it's going to rain today so ya better hold on to it" his grandmother replayed in a confident voice"

"granny I checked the news yesterday it said there isn't going to be any rain today"

"yeah yeah, you young generation don't even know how to think for yourself nowadays, you need the bloody technology for everything. when I was your age we had.."

Malcom, however, cut her off before she could continue her statement. By hurriedly exiting the house, shutting the door behind him, and running off.

"I am not going to listen to her, back in my days, shit that she always somehow ends up bringing in every conversation we have"

That day he didn't get off work as he promised his sister rather he worked the whole day because he feared that he would lose his job.

'shit how am I going to explain this to lily now, I promised her I was gonna get back as soon as possible. I will just buy her a doll and I am sure she won't be mad after that" malcom sighed while rubbing his head.

He made the decision to buy Lily a doll from a toy store in order to make her happy. But as he drew closer to his house, he began to make up some stories in an effort to persuade his sister. But as he drew further closer, he noticed that the house's lights were off.

"did they already sleep," malcom said with a sigh of relief because he no longer has to worry about his sister crying.

when he got to his front door he saw that the door wasn't closed. so he started to get worried and he quickly went inside the house and he was met by something he always wished to forget.