

Jin Ting Feng stood still as the maids carefully assisted him in wearing his robe, of course they had to do it carefully one mistake could cost them their life.

Just then a maid accidentally shifted back and dropped the belt. Her face turned white upon realizing what just happened and she immediately went on her knees

"Punish me emperor" she pleaded with her face down. Ting Feng looked at her dryly, he was not in the mood to kill someone today neither was he in the mood for torturing anyone and judging from her looks she looked so young, probably fifteen or sixteen and her hands were trembling, sweat tricking down her face and bits of tears visible at the corner of her eyes.

He shook his head, pathetic just as he was about to say something the door pushed open and someone barged in

"Feng Shao"

"Your highness" Feng Shao immediately went on his knees "there's trouble"

Sensing that it was not a small problem Ting Feng quickly waved his hand and everybody departed from the room only leaving him and Feng Shao

Looking at Feng Shao who was still on his knees he commanded "Arise" and Feng Shao quickly stood up


"Your highness" Feng Shao quickly spoke up "I found a cave while hunting in the mountains"

"And what is going on in that cave if I may ask?" Ting Feng questioned

"Thousands of men are being trained there day and night and they are well equipped with weapons and poisons"

Ting Feng's face hardened, someone was going to rebel against him who dared to!

"That's not all" Feng Shao cut him off his thoughts


"I found there to be men exporting and transporting drugs underground, these are the same men training in the cave"

"And where are these goods being transported to?"

"Northern Wei" Feng Shao answered "they've formed an alliance with northern wei and are supplying them with drugs, in return northern wei is supplying them with soilders, weapons and poisons"

"Wow what a very good plan" Ting Feng commended "Whoever they are they must be very smart and oh Feng Shao aren't you leaving out the most important part"

"Which is?"

"The master minder behind this"

"isn't it obvious your highness? you should've figured it out by now"

Ting Feng's lips curved into a smirk "well I'm guessing prime minister Yao Ting"

"Your highness couldn't be more right" Feng Shao said

"Well then" Ting Feng picked up his belt from the floor "let's go pay the prime minister a visit shall we?"