
emperor deep love for his wife

Akira enter an other world which she never want to . now she is getting married to emperor. who is suppose to trun an crazy basterd in future and the reason of her death .what would she do run away ? say no to marriage. nah nah . just kill the emperor simple . destroy the root of problem buddy . emperor who send marrige perposal thinking he is getting married to a sweet and weak women .His future wife who is planning to take his life .will Akira able to kill emperor or the her action will made the emperor fell something he never fell before ... big softie and angry bird ml vs fl with abrormal emotions.

Nancy_Nana · History
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The God beliver

I have no love or and respect for you my dear husband.A girl said in cold tone to a man who was laying in a garden drinch with blood. just a one look on his face and you can tell he is in pain .

I am your husband.are you in your right mind I am dying here we just get married today and you are leaving your husband to die like this ??.Aman said in his deep voice .he was angry more like his mind could explode anytime .He was cursing his aide and aka his best friend in his mind who said that his future wife is sweet and weak women.

Weak ???this woman weak and sweet ??This is scam I will kill you Richard.

(3month ago )

Akira I am sorry it all because of me . don't close your eye,s someone call the ambulance.A girl was crying and her crying can be hear in whole hall .her best friend was taking her last breath beacuse she take a bullet for her .


Yeah you idiot women shut your mouth at least let me die in peace.

Akira said in her mind .Akira 24year old A great and successful business woman in world .at the age of 16she start her own company.with the help of her team and her hard work she touched the sky in business world.today this great bussnies woman was losing her life because she take bullet for her friend .she have no regret . Akria have no family and her dream is already been fulfilled.it does not look bad to die right now .Akira once again try to open her eye,s to last time look at her friend. Her friend was mess and she was looking really ugly.

Wow even monkey is more beautiful then her .even at the end of her life this woman can't think like normal people.and that when Akira lost her life .

Hello my child .a voice ring in Akira head

Akira open her eye,s and look around she was not alive she can tell

Hello my dear child say hello to God .

Akira look at infront of her .there was man setting infront of her but because of shine gold light behind him .she was not able to see his face

What do you want golden light bulb.akira said

I want wait What I am not golden light bulb I am God show some respect to me you brat.the man you called himself god reply.

Ok so god what do you want from me .Akira said she was losing her mind even after her death she can't stay somewhere in peace 1more min she will attack this golden light bulb.

Yeah stop looking at me like you want to kill me I don't want anything form you but I want to give you something a new life in someone else body .The god said

A new life in someone else's body so you are telling me to officially become ghost and stick to a wall and eat raw meat like movie's??Akira said maybe it's not bad idea to kill this god now if there no god there no ghost job destroy to root of problem. Live happily

No no not that way ok I well explan full think to you.Do you remember novel name the golden eye's emperor crazy love .the god said.

OOO that trash novel with a trash ml( Akira reply)

Well for your information that not novel that another world future and I wrote this as novel so you can read it god said .

God what does all this thing's have to do to with me .why are you telling me this Akira said .that it I will kill this god .from past 15min she was trying to kill this God but for her said reality check she was not able to move from her place he was a God afterall.

Well I am telling you all this because I am entering your soul in rossina body there was moment of silence before an loud scream.

You damm idiot golden light bulb you are telling me the my soul will enter a woman body you goona die after her marriage with emperor.

No I refuse I will never enter that woman body I will kill that emperor if you enter my soul into her body .that it Akira calmness fly away and devil was dancing in her head . her eye,s was deeging hole even into god soul.

Lesson child it's not like I want this to happen but I am also in panic the truth is rossina suppose to get married to emperor and die just like I wrote in novel but it's chance when my son said he want to stay sometime in human world I agree but trun out he fall in love and the person he fall in love with was rossina he changed the future.rossina leaving her body in human world and already enter in heaven with my son but what my son and rossina did in not something that an child play roosina body is full of energy of life her body need soul and your soul fit with her body so do me a favor child and live in her body you can do anything after entering her body you can change future you don't have to do suicide like rossina did and you know the future hope you enjoy your new life I am sending your soul in rossina body byee dear child hope you live great life.The God said and he put his hand on Akira head and a golden light shine and Akira soul vanish in the thin air .

hello everyone this is my first novel English is not my first language so please ignore my mistakes.hope you enjoy this story

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