
emperor deep love for his wife

Akira enter an other world which she never want to . now she is getting married to emperor. who is suppose to trun an crazy basterd in future and the reason of her death .what would she do run away ? say no to marriage. nah nah . just kill the emperor simple . destroy the root of problem buddy . emperor who send marrige perposal thinking he is getting married to a sweet and weak women .His future wife who is planning to take his life .will Akira able to kill emperor or the her action will made the emperor fell something he never fell before ... big softie and angry bird ml vs fl with abrormal emotions.

Nancy_Nana · History
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4 Chs


Akira (pov)

Miss rossina .mam and and sir said have a good rest and meet them at dinner time .(maid said while entering Akira room )Maid was that red hair girl .

Akira know it this read head girl is a joyfull young girl .and someone who can't keep thing's to herself for min .now what important was rossina parents.even thought Akira enter rossina body there no way they won't notice that there daughter is behaving defferent then before but the problem is Akira don't know .What was rossina personality before marriage.

Golden eye's emperor crazy love is novel or you can say future book .

Was the only thing which has information about rossina but the novel start from emperor and rossina marriage.there was nothing about rossina past or how she use to spend time at her home ahhhh thinking about the novel is making me mad .

The novel was time waste for Akira she read it because her friend said it was her fav novel and she want Akira to read it .In novel emperor marry rossina because she fit all thing she need in queen .a wife who will stay put weak who never able to schem an family who is not greedy.There was no love or any thought of spending time with his wife or caring about her felling,s .

Rossina thought emperor love her that why even when all girl's dying to marry him he chosse rossina who was not even in the list of candidates.

But her little fairy tail world broke when The emperor never show his face after there marriage not even in there wedding night .she keep waiting but her husband never show his face .Rossina mind and heart was shattered badly.she was only holding into one hope that emperor choose Rossina as his wife himself so there must be reason.But

Rossina the hope also got shattered when she found out . emperor never choose Rossina as his wife. it was emperor best friend who choose Rossina as emperor wife .

Rossina was scared.being alone was making her go crazy.There was no -one in her side .her parents was not there to hug her.Her husband don't care about her .she was all alone .day by day she start losing her mind first she stop eating her food then harming her body then the last .

She killed herself.

Rossina dead body was lying in a coffine only 2people crying can hear one was that girl mother 2 was her father . The emperor was standing there silently.His face was showing no emotion you can't tell what was in his mind.That when he meet female lead of the novel .ml notice that fl look like she was about to cry when he ask her was she is crying because he don't think fl his wife or friend so why is she felling to sad at rossina death when all people was not even giving shit about it .

Fl reply that it true she never meet the empress but she still fell said .

The empress must be in so much pain that she can't handle it anymore and toke her own life if only she could stay by her side maybe she could stop that from happening.

After hearing this emperor told fl to stay in rossina room fl said no but emperor keep saying agian and agian she thought maybe emperor don't want his wife room to look empty that why he is saying and he will get over it soon .

That was wrong guess fl found herself locked in that room emperor would make fl wear his wife dresses.his wife jewellery to and all .

She was not allowed to leave the room . emperor meet fl every day they would drink tea at emperor dead wife room .fl would beg him to let her go he ignore like everyday .fl meantal health got worse and she meet the same fate as emperor wife .she killed herself.after emperor hear about fl dead death his lost his mind .he locked himself in his dead wife room and killed himself in same way as her wife and fl did .

Crazy right ?Akira find it crazy too .That why Akira hate ml from her whole heart no from her whole mind body heart soul she hate ml .

He is the biggest trash .Right now Akira is in the body of emperor future wife . Ahhhhhhhhhhh I will never kill myself fir a trash like him .

That crazy basterd.Akira was cursing emperor in her mind when someone throw water at her face .

What the hel- before she could finish her sentence a shoe landed on her face .

What are you doing.Akira said the person who throw water and shoes at her was red hair maid.

There evil demon in your body I am trying to scare that demone so it will leave your body and run away .the maid said she look worried and the next thing Akira notice was she was holding an wooden stick and look like she was ready to hit Akira with that stick .This girl has lost her mind or what demon . Before that maid could hot Akira with that stick Akira scream her lungs out.WAIT WE WOMEN WAIT AT AT TH WE NAME OF GOD WAIT STOP .

After the girl stop Akira toke an deep breath if Akira spoke an min late she would be in coma right now .what are you doing stay 5meter away from me and then answer.akira was not taking any risk .

I am sorry miss it just I called you many time but you did not answer and you look dazed and suddenly smoke start coming from your head and your face look red even your eye,s look scary so I thought maybe a demon enter your body and I was just trying to make that demon go away (The girl said while keeping her head down she truly was worried)

Okay I get it can you leave me alone for sometime I think I need to take a nape I am felling tired Akira said while she rube her head .

Yes Miss if you need anything just ring the bell I will take leave now .

The girl bow her head and left .and Akira you was tired fall asleep in a min.

hello everyone hope you enjoy this story.and in chapter 1and chapter 2empror best friend name is defferent i am so sorry for that .but from now on will will call him same name from chapter 2 have a great day and please ignore my mistakes

Nancy_Nanacreators' thoughts