

"ARC WATCH OUT!" Blizz woke up in bandages, looked around he seemed to be in a bed in some sort of tent.

"W-Where am I, Where's Arc, and where's all my stuff?!" He got out the bed his chest, right arm, and legs were wrapped in bandages, all he had on was some shorts.

A familiar looking buff lion walks into the tent.

"I'm glad to see you're ok Blizz" it was Apollo not in guard outfit, he wore a vest revealing his muscular body, knee length shorts, and sandals with 2 swords on his waist.


He stubbles back in shock that Apollo was even around.

Apollo picks his teeth, then lights a cigarette by clicking his nails together.

"I heard a few of them outside, for starters we're in the northern desert miles away from Prominence Point" Apollo says.

Before Blizz could say something Apollo continues.

"Second, Arc is out with Azar hunting.

As for your stuff your clothes were mostly charred in the explosion, but your weapons are ok." He smirks

"And as you can tell you two got hurt also" Apollo finished.

"From the explosion at the castle?" Blizz asked getting up.

"Nope the crash" Apollo heads out the tent signaling Blizz to follow.

"Oh yeah that" Blizz follows remembering the crash.

The piece of the castle Blizz and Arc were launched into falls off the castle slamming into the ground.

"Wait how'd we survive that?!" Blizz realized.

"Oh I saved you luckily no broken bones, well Arc actually got a broken leg but other then that you guys just have burns, bruises, and possibly exposed wounds" Apollo exclaims.

They walk out the tent into the blaring heat and sun of the desert, there was 4 tents lined up.

"Wait who's Azar?" Blizz asked shielding his eyes.

Apollo was perfectly fine in the sun, not needing to shield his eyes.

"That bat kid, he seemed to know you guys" Apollo grabbed something from another tent it was some fish.

"Grilled Fish?" Apollo eat with his mouth full with one already as he offered.

"Nah I'm fine, I'm just wondering if Arc is ok....wait LEDUKE I need to find him he has to be ok is her here?!" Blizz looked around frantically.

Apollo puts his hand on Blizz's shoulder.

"I didn't see him, I think he got completely destroyed in that explosion" Apollo says in a sorrowful tone.

"Oh.....I...i need some time to myself...."

Blizz walks over to a rock over yonder and sits on it in silence, trying to process everything.

Not to far away Arc and Azar were hunting.

"Look out for that SandWorm!" Arc shouts.

Azar turns around seeing fast moving mound of sand that soon, a giant worm erupts from the sand and hisses it's head opens 3 ways with tendrils squirmsin it's mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" The little bat-cat screams as the worm lunges at him.

"Azar!" Arc stretches out his hand and soon Azar was protected by a barrier.

"Huh?" Azar looks around. "I'm alive?!" He smiles.

The worm hisses louder and dives back into the sand.

"I'm glad he doesn't like rabbit" Arc chuckles.

"Yeah, But we gotta go because we're in that worm's turf" Azar was still in the barrier.

"Yeah I guess you're right..." Arc grabs the staff Blizz got from the dying Pendras The was resting the sand and uses it as a walking stick to support his broken leg.

Azar follows, but the worm comes up and eats the barrier with Azar in it.

"Azar no!" Arc stares in shock.

Azar gets trapped in the body of the worm, the barrier broke.

"no....no...I don't wanna die" Azar repeatedly mumbles panicking.

"Then why not use my help?" A comforting yet distorted voice rings through Azar's head as his eyes glow brightly.

The worm was about to go back into the sand, but then the part above the sand gets cut horizontally in half with a strong burst of wind.

Back at camp, Apollo felt the wind.

"A Mistian?" Apollo looks at sky, feeling that abnormally wind flow.

Arc stares in shock as Azar floats out of the served worm covered in an orb of darkness, his eyes brighter and lightning surging out of him, he then passes out.

Arc stares. ".....WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???!!!!"

He shouts. The severed worm starts to regenerate into 2 sand worms.

Arc makes it back to camp.

"We're back, but there's something wrong with Azar" Apollo was making a fire.

"Oh Welcome back a friend of yours woke up, give him to be I'll what's wrong." Arc gives Azar to Apollo, who goes into tent with the beds.

Arc hops over to Blizz who was eating, he sits down and gives the wolf a big hug.

"....I'm glad you're ok...."

"Me too" Blizz replies simply. "So who's Azar?"

He asks wondering if Arc knows anything.

"From what he told me, he was at the Forlorn Church when it was attacked, you saved him and he said he's been following us since then" Arc explains.

"The Church....hey I overheard is he ok?"

Arc perks up. "He did this crazy attack then passed out, it was kinda awesome."

Blizz stares in disbelief. "He looked 10, you serious?"

"Also what nation is he from?" He added.

"Glacia, Salavan, Vylon, Wavion, Mista, or Sunvalion?"

"He said he doesn't know, anyways I'm gonna check on him." Arc gets up.

"Let me help" Blizz puts Arc's arm on his shoulder as they check on Azar and Apollo.

As they enter the tent they see Azar in between Apollo's pecs.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!!?" Their eyes bulge out of their heads.

"What? He's extremely cold and as a Salavain I can give off intense body heat" Apollo did have a faint glow.

"Yeah, But you're putting a kid in between your big man pecs!" Blizz rebuttals.

Apollo rolls his eyes.

"Don't be jealous" He huffs some smoke out as he smokes.

"And you're smoking?!" Blizz jumps back shocked.

Arc chuckles.

"Alright I'm gonna be serious, this kid is sick and I know a doctor, but he lives in Wavion and kind of a trip." Apollo stands up cradling Azar.

"Rest tonight, tomorrow we venture to Wavion"

Apollo shouts.

Later that night everyone rests, the seed Blizz bought from that bazaar shakes a bit cracking

In the morning, Blizz puts on a vest Apollo gave him and after everything was packed upApollo gives Blizz his sword. "I believe this is yours."

He smiles.

"Thanks" Arc hops over and gives him his staff back.

"I have my own, here's yours back."

"Thanks Arc, now lets go to Wavion"

Blizz raises his swords in the air as the 4 walk off from the campsite, the seed now in Blizz's pocket. grows again.

As they were on the distance, a foot steps on their footprints as a scimitar lowers to beside the foot as moves against the sand as whoever it was follows the group.