
Emotional - I Still Want You

Do you still think you and Eva love story still have a chance in this life and what would happen if you don't end up with your first true love? this was a question Louie asked Onos while they were on the the plane, Life would be terrible Onos said, they where silent for the rest of the trip.

Mofe_Akpore · Celebrities
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2 Chs

Friend Zone

Onos had left the country for Eight years with no words from Eva, he had left the country forcefully by his dad because of his relationship with Eva. The Actors were a family not to play with in the whole of Akamgba town Onos knew that but falling in love with one of them wasn't something he planned, it all happened suddenly after an afternoon debate at Segior High school, Eva and Onos where not in the same class for him to have noticed her all along, as girls were separated from boys in Segior High School.

The debate held a very interesting topic** "How to fight primarital sex in adolescence"**and the best students from different arms were picked to represent their class,and there was Eva, slim black beauty with long hair and firmed face making her points, all eyes were on her, she didn't do much to gain that as her voice were like that of an angel singing sweet melodies, Onos couldn't get his mind of her throughout the debate, he was just sixteen and knew that it wasn't appropriate to feel that way especially regarding the topic but it felt good feeling it for Eva.

While the debate was still on Eva went out for a drink and Onos knew that was the right time to talk to her, he excused himself as he was among the time keepers and went outside, he met her at the dispenser and ask if he may drink, she smiled and joking told him to wait for his turn, Onos smiled back and told her he didn't actually want to drink water and that he was there simply to talk to her, she was pleased because not much people have the courage to talk to her because of her dreaded family. Onos asked if they can be friends and see outside school sometimes and Eva accepted.

So that's how they met and their love story started and probably didn't last due to a earlier started fact.

Eva being an only child of the General of Army in Akamgba made life sweet and bitter for her at the same time,many distance themselves from her because her father Gen Mon Actor was very protective of her, he was concerned about everyone that comes close to her, he made it clear once that he doesn't want anyone to be friends with his daughter and after her Moms death it became worse, he completely detached her from everyone saying since her mother's death was sudden, Mrs Mon Actor wasn't sick or died due to an accident, she just didn't wake up, after several check up the doctors didn't find anything,so it really made Gen Mon very upset with anyone coming close to Eva.

Onos on the other hand is from a wealthy family but his family has nothing to do with the military, his parents did business in Akamgba town and are one of the most prominent people in Akamgba town,Onos dad Mr Freed was once the childhood best friend of Gen Mon but everything went out of hand when Mr Freed refused to join the military with him, Gen Mon was sore bittered he immediately ended their friendship and didn't have anything to do with him,infact he never talked to Mr Freed for years, even during Mrs Mon Actor wake keeping and funeral Gen Mon acted like Freed didn't exist while he came to greet him.

Back to our love story as days passed Onos and Eva met outside the park near her home when ever her dad wasn't around, they would gist, eat and some times tease each other, they exchange numbers and most times call or text each other.

They became very close and kept their relationship on a friend zone, they knew the boundaries and never tried to cross it.

The years went by and so was their time at Segior High School, they made plans of the University they wished to attend, Onos dad wanted him to school outside the country in one of the most prestigious institution in the world but Eva's dad didn't want her far away from him, Gen Mon was pretty specific of the University he want her to go, the Akamgba University, even though it's not one of the best in the world it was highly recommended by many in Akamgba town and even others outside Akamgba.

Eva beg her dad Gen Mon to please let her, travel outside that she has been in Akamgba all her life that she needed space, Gen Mon was furious with her that she's never leaving his sight, he's not going to lose her just like he loosed her Mom but Eva told him that he's not loosing her, she's only going for further studies and will be coming back soon ..But Gen Mon refused.

Eva went out of the house crying, she quickly texted Onos to meet her at their usual spot, he didn't wait a minute, when she got to the park she didn't wait a while before her eyes found Onos coming from the park gate, she smiled happily without noticing the other person standing by the gate, he rushed to her and quickly gave her a hug, it felt warm and before she knew he was kissing her, she happily returned the kiss too, it was warm and everything she had imagine it would be,yes she had actually thought about kissing Onos, so was Onos.

As the kissing was going so well Onos felt a heavy hit on his head, he staggered forward almost wanting to fall on Eva as he turned it was Gen Mon.

I have put in my best to write this story I hope you all give it your love!

Thanks for reading and I hope you share your thoughts on the story...I love you all!

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