
Chapter 36

The feeling of being kicked on the cheek awakened Emiya Shirou from his sleep.

It was around four 4 am, and the sun hadn't risen yet so the sunlight passing through the curtains was a bit dim. In the dark bedroom Emiya Shirou raised his hand expressionlessly he then moved Elysia's little feet away from his face

He then sat up his upper body, turned his head, and glanced at Elysia who was sleeping messily on the bed, he sighed tiredly and covered his face.

It's no wonder that Emiya Shiro would react that way when facing that beautiful girl. After all, no matter how beautiful the girl in the dream is when I think of her and the child who was drooling, it was hard to imagine they were the same person

"This Why did the guy suddenly put on airs?"

"Or are the two of them the same person?"

There is one thing that was true though, Elysia was cute when she was a child. In terms of appearance alone, he didn't think that the pure and beautiful girl in the dream was better than Elysia on the bed.

But no matter how cute the appearance of the defenseless Elysia is Emiya Shirou didn't look at her as a person of the opposite sex—no matter how much she grew up.

He stood up from the bed and remove the stains left on his body by incarnating into a spirit and reappearing. Then he opened the door and walked slowly towards the kitchen on the first floor.

Yesterday's dinner had used up most of the ingredients in the refrigerator which only left a little pre-marinated chicken and lettuce.

Since they were going to leave this town today he had to at least prepare one day's worth of rations for Elysia.

Shirou Emiya took out a few slices of toast from the kitchen and then considered nutritional value, portability, and expiration dates. The food he decided to carry would be sandwiches.

Although there is enough water and food in the luggage packed last night, those long-term foods such as canned food will be used in emergencies.

In most cases, the places they will mostly arrive at are cities where they can buy living materials and find a temporary place to live in. So the luggage that Shirou Emiya prepared for Elysia had a small tent, water, food, and a few sets of clothes.

As a Servant, he doesn't need to eat if his supply of mana is sufficient and he can even directly transform into a spirit body that cannot be perceived to protect Elysia. As long as he is by her side Elysia will not encounter any unsolvable problems.

Emiya Shirou walked back to the bedroom on the second floor after frying chicken, cutting stuffed toast into quarters, and packing them in plastic bags.

Contrary to his expectations, there was no one in the bedroom but there was a sound of running water in the bathroom.

It seemed that Elysia was full of anticipation and excitement for today's journey to the point that she got out of bed before 5 am.

Walking to the door of the bathroom he gently knocked on the door: "Ellie, come down to have breakfast after washing your face. Take a short rest after breakfast and we can get ready to go, okay?"

"Okay~~!" Elysia's young voice full of vitality came from the bathroom not knowing what happened this morning

Emiya Shirou shook his head helplessly and returned to the kitchen on the first floor.

Today's morning was simple and hasty compared to other days as the content of breakfast was sandwiches and even Elysia had completely abandoned the etiquette carefully taught to her

Taking advantage of Elysia gobbling down food Emiya Shirou closed the water and electricity gates one by one. After he finished all these tasks, Elysia carried her bulging backpack, bounced around, and appeared in front of Shirou Emiya.

"Are you ready?" Emiya Shirou jumped off the stool after pulling the switch and turned his gaze to the excited Elysia, "If we go out now, we won't be able to come back in a long time"

"Oh, Emiya is too long-winded!" Elysia flipped her backpack straps and raised her head proudly, "I can't wait! Elysia's adventure in Paradise! Let's go!"

"What is Paradise Adventure..." Emiya Shirou sighed, stretched out his hand, and wiped away the bread crumbs from the corner of Elysia's mouth, "I'll turn on the water for you. Go wash your face, you don't want this greasy look to be seen by other people, right?"

Elysia's expression froze immediately and the joyful and excited cheers stopped abruptly.

[After seeing Elysia's unreliable appearance you had all kinds of concerns, but you still walked out of this house you've lived in for seven years, even though it wasn't luxurious or spacious it was filled with countless memories]

[Vostok-51 is a small town on the border of the Far East. The roads are relatively safe but there are border guards stationed there. If you go west you will reach the territory of other countries; filled with endless mountains. As long as you cross the layers of mountains you can see the most prosperous metropolis in your country]

[As a servant you can freely enter and leave the borders of other countries without being discovered but Elysia cannot do this. For safety reasons, you stepped out in the direction of the rising sun. The first step on this journey]

[The sun in midsummer is more venomous than imagined and the sound of cicadas fills every corner of the mountain forest. Although Elysia has excellent physical strength, in less than half a day Elysia began to sweat profusely]

[You who incarnated as a servant silently guarded Elysia's]

[Looking at Elysia's gritted teeth you see that she has no complaints and is not ready to give up, you felt a little distressed but didn't give her any help]

[This is the path chosen by Elysia herself and it is also a journey that belongs only to Elysia. It can be said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Although you'll give her all kinds of help, and you'll always guard her when she embarks on the journey, but only now are you not going to intervene in her decisions]

[After experiencing the initial anxiety Elysia gradually learned to use the contractual relationship between herself and you to perceive your existence. Even if she cannot see your body with the naked eye, she is still aware of the fact that you have been by her side]

[In the dark she sensed your distressed and encouraging eyes. Encouraged, Elysia rallied and continued to move forward in the hot mountain forest like a rice cooker]

[Finally, at the moment of sunset you reached the other side of the mountains]

The mountain at night is very dark and terrifying.

The surroundings are filled with the sound of insects one after another and the low-pitched roar of wild animals can be vaguely heard. The cool night wind blows creating a sound of rustling on the branches and trees. The very atmosphere would make people unconsciously have the feeling of fear.

However, Elysia didn't seem to feel fear.

Her bright, clear pink eyes reflected the bustling city under the starry sky. The lights of the whole city are on, and the blurred skyline is submerged in high-rise buildings. The highways of the city are woven into a shining spider web in the flashing streamer. Car lights are mixed in the gap between floors, like meteors streaking across the starry sky.

That was the first sight Elysia saw. Although after several years of modernization Vostok-51, which was originally just a village has gradually become a relatively affluent town but compared with the real bustling city, Vostok-51 is just an ordinary town.

"Wow..." Elysia stared blankly at the brightly lit giant city, her tender lips opened and closed and she unconsciously praised, "Is this my destination? So many lights... So many houses...so many lights...so..."

Elysia was amazed at the scenery in front of her eyes, the lights gathered under the night and sparkled, forming a magnificent picture. She remembered that in the picture book Emiya once showed hers.

There was a photo taken by satellites that showed lights from all over the world, those lights of cities looked so small in the picture, but this ocean of light was born from the flickering of faint light was so different.

"It's so beautiful..." After being stunned for a while Elysia finally broke free from the beautiful sea of light. Although the magnificent scene made her fall into a state of intoxication for a moment, she couldn't blame herself. Thinking of the bustling city that is still far away and the little knight who has been guarding her all the time made it feel more real.

The feeling of intimacy and authenticity made Elysia eager to share her feelings with him: "Look! Emiya! This is our first destination! Right!?"

"Yes." Emiya Shrirou's eyes were looking at the city made of stars.

Unlike Elysia, he didn't have much feeling for the night scene in front of him. After all, whether it was Fuyuki City or Nagazora City they can be regarded as a relatively prosperous city. But when he recalled the seven years of simulated life he suddenly felt the feeling of time.

Seven years is enough for a lot of changes. He has not even thought about the idea of a "Hero of Justice" for a long time.

Although Emiya Shirou is not prepared to give up his ideal, the current Emiya Shiro values himself more in this simulated world. The "truth" is nurtured in it.

'I'm really a worthless person...' Emiya Shirou turned his head, looked at Elysia's bright eyes, and suddenly sighed softly deep in his heart.

Even though I thought I was raising her the influence and changes this child brought to me were even more than what I brought her

Emiya Shirou is not prepared to twist his ideals for the simulated copy brought by the "Old Mother Simulator" but in these seven years of life, Emiya Shirou has slowly learned to look at everything around him and his own ideals from a more realistic, a more humane perspective.

"Then, it's time to find the [paradise] that belongs to me... no, belongs to us!"

Elysia's crisp voice brought Emiya Shirou out of his thoughts. He couldn't help shaking his head with a dumbfounded smile after.

Although I have gradually learned how to look at my ideals from a realistic perspective, Elysia is getting closer and closer to the past in the direction of my dreams.

He still remembers why she named herself Elysia. It was due to a bedtime story he read to her one night.

Those people with a common goal, after reaching the end of the dream, To realize the dream, shouted their name happily.

He can still clearly recall after hearing this story, stars appeared in Elysia's eyes

He didn't expect that after such a long time, Elysia still couldn't forget that fairy tale.

Paradise, if such a utopia really exists in this world, can his dream come true?...

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