
Emissary of Darkness For The New Era

A hope not to be more precise, a justice that fate bestowed upon Sakamoto to give a judgment to all those who had insulted him. An offer to gain power based on hatred in his body, he received from a mysterious woman in a cloak. Without much thought Sakamoto accepted the offer, why continue to live in a rotten world. Thanks to that, he was able to wreak havoc in his heart, and killed everyone in the class, even the teacher he had hated so far. After doing that, according to the contract or agreement that has been agreed upon Sakamoto must give up his soul and life. Without much resistance or words Sakamoto gave up his life.

Reluctant_Guardian · Fantasy
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331 Chs

He Is The Messenger Of Darkness, The Angel of Death

Right in front of all women's eyes. The bastard soldiers were eaten by Arzlan's dark energy.

The crunchy sound of flesh being eaten with blood splattering rang out in their ears. It was a terrible sight, the eyes could not bear to see that. They got chills every time the blood continued to pour down the walls.

Several soldiers tried to run away, but it's all useless, the movements of the Dark Eaters were very fast.

"Huh… is this a human act?" asked in the heart of the elven woman who was standing right beside Arzlan. She didn't see Arzlan as a normal human at all, even his behavior and actions reminded her of the demons who were also famous for their cruelty.

Arzlan was very satisfied to see the soldiers showing hysterical faces and they were suffering so much from the attacks he used.

His eyes radiated a murderous aura that spread throughout the room. The elves were afraid, because even though they were being saved, after seeing their Arzlan's strength, they doubted whether it was true that Arzlan was their life savior.

After everything is finished. Arzlan began to put on a cold face again without any enthusiasm, very much different from before.

Arzlan said nothing. He immediately left the room, for him the task of rescuing the elven girls had been completed, he now only needed to leave the room.


The elf girl who was beside him stopped Arzlan.

Arzlan turned and said, "What's wrong?"

"Do you want to just leave? Without taking them away from this town?"

"Huh…?" Arzlan turned his body, his eyes glanced at each elf's face. They looked scared when looked at Arzlan, but Arzlan had understood it. Those gazes were given as a result of their fear after witnessing the power of Arzlan's abilities.

Arzlan took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "Okay, I'll save you all to take out of this city! However, you must remember that I am not a hero for you, because I am a creature sent by darkness to judge those who have polluted the sanctity of this world!" His tone sounded so horror at the end of the sentence.

He deliberately said that because there was no intention in Arzlan's heart to become a man who wanted to be praised by others. He did want to create a world without oppression, but that didn't mean that he would be the leader of that world. He will only be an angel of death for those who already intend to destroy the freedom of other creatures.


Arzlan uses the horse carriage used to carry the elven women. The residents did not feel suspicious of the carriage at all, indeed the residents did not dare to interfere in the affairs of the nobles.

Nobles would usually act arbitrarily no matter the child, the old man, or the woman. They would still torture and even kill anyone who dared to interfere in the affairs of the nobles.

The residents would rather look away when nobles passed than stare at them with hopeful faces, but if they were caught ignoring the nobles they were supposed to respect there would be punishment awaiting them.

Without a hitch Arzlan managed to pass through the city.

"Hmmm..." Zuru happened to see the carriage and he wondered why the carriage suddenly passed at the time it was almost evening.

The journey continues until Arzlan enters the forest. He had heard that the girls were from the southern village.

About five hours from the city, they arrived at the location of the village. Not anymore that place reflects a village, in a quiet forest with a dark night and the state of the village that has been destroyed makes the atmosphere very gripping horror. Legs and hands trembled with fear if they continued to be in that place, but not with Arzlan, he very enjoyed in the dark.

Darkness seemed to be a friend to him. Arzlan glanced around, he became very irritated. Without anyone telling him, he already understood what had happened to the village. "Tch… this must be their doing!" Arzlan wanted to hit himself in the face because he didn't come to stop the bad things that had happened to the village.

The village doesn't mean it's been abandoned because not long the elves start arriving and they carry weapons. They assumed that the carriage that had arrived was another royal army that wanted to re-attack.

"Who are you?" asked one of the elven youths who glared angrily at Arzlan.

Arzlan looked at the young man very sharply. Until, the young man felt afraid, an aura of intimidation had penetrated into his heart so that he could not continue to glare at Arzlan.

"He must be a soldier who wants to kidnap and rob again!" The young man began to give orders to the people who were there to attack.

Arzlan understands that if they attack there will only be death. Right within his eyes, the youth's level was 18 and the other elves were only level 9-12.

The size of their strength based on level alone is very far apart from the energy that radiates from their bodies, it's very small.

Arzlan began to think about calming the tantrum with violence.

"Wait a minute!"

However, when the elves were about to advance. A woman opened a loud voice to silence the atmosphere.

The woman Arzlan saved came out of the wagon and tried to talk to the elves.

"He's not from the royal side!" She explained in a firm tone.

"What can we believe from your words? He is human! Humans are all the same. Greedy, usurper, rapist and destroyer. There's no longer any reason for us to hear an explanation that humans like him aren't part of the royal army."

Revenge has crept into the heart, misery has given immense hatred to the entire human race.

"You all serious want to attack me!" Arzlan gave off an enormous intimidating aura in the dark night his eyes shone brightly.

The elves who had been brave before were now frightened. Afraid of their feet to be stepped closer to Arzlan.

"Alright, I said you should calm down and listen to my explanation first!" The woman didn't understand why the elves got so emotional.

"I-If he's not from the royal side, then who is he?" The young man lost the courage to speak out loud, his voice deflated like a balloon.

"I am the angel of death sent by darkness to change this world!" Arzlan very firmly said that sentence, a cold wind accompanied his words so that the effect of intimidation was very large.

Everyone got goosebumps. They are increasingly afraid to act inappropriately.

The elves have the power to sense someone's energy, when they sense Arzlan's energy they immediately understand that Arzlan is no ordinary person.

__To Be Continued__