
Eminence in shadow Volume 7(My Edition)

After deciding to appoint 7 shadow for taking over the situation in elf kingdom as there are reports of presence of high rankings of the cult of diabolos.......

ImAtomic · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Conspiracy

now give me review on my 3rd chapter-'I was born into the royal family of the prosperous Elf Kingdom, a land known for its beauty and happiness. My kingdom was the epitome of elven culture and grace. However, from the moment of my birth, I was marked by a mysterious possession. Bandages covered my body at all times, a necessity shrouded in secrecy that only fueled public suspicion. Despite my royal status, whispers and rumors circulated, but no one dared confront me directly.

The situation took a turn when a church official visited our castle. Sensitive to such matters, he sensed the presence of an otherworldly influence. Word of this reached my father, the king. Desperate to save me and protect the kingdom's reputation, he embarked on a journey to find a cure. However, tragedy struck before he could return. Our kingdom, once a haven of peace and prosperity, fell into chaos.'

Tip... tip...

A few tears fell from my cheeks, vanishing into the night. Standing by the window, a beautiful girl dressed as an assistant gazed at the moon. Her eyes, more soothing than the moon itself, held a look of longing and sorrow.

"It was for the better," I murmured softly, "because it led me to become Alpha, the one who stands resolutely by his side. I am coming, Mom, Dad, to put an end to this all forever. Not only that, but with the one to whom I have submitted my life." Alpha's lips curved in a small smile between the trail of tears, her golden hair wavering in the air like a gentle flame.


Somewhere in the Elf Kingdom, in a cave in the jungle on the east side of the kingdom, two people were sitting opposite each other with contemplative looks and hands on their respective chins.

One of them appeared to be in his thirties, wearing a red long coat with dark trousers. He had a smoking cigarette in his mouth and several battle scars on his neck and chin. The other person was a bit younger, but his whole body was covered in glossy silver full-body armor, except for his head, as his helmet lay on the wooden table that had several circular spots dyed in red.

"We need to ambush them from all sides at once," the older man said, his voice a gravelly whisper.

"For that, we need time," the younger one replied, his eyes narrowing.

"Time isn't an issue. We'll plant hatred in their hearts against the shadows, then... HAAHAHAHAHA!"

"I'm counting on you… As for our forces, I've gathered 60% of them."

"Good. It's time for some advancement… hun."

With that, both of them left the room, moving like strangers who had never met, disappearing into the darkness of the forest. Their eyes gleamed with the cunning of foxes, waiting to pounce on their helpless prey.


Somewhere in The Midgar Kingdom, a person leaned back in his chair, casually sipping on his lemonade. The bar's dim lighting cast shadows that danced across his face, perfect for the brooding mood he was cultivating.

"Ah, this lemonade. Refreshing, yes, but it pales in comparison to the elixirs I could concoct in my secret lair. Potions that grant strength, vision, and power beyond mortal comprehension. One day, I'll unveil those secrets to the world—when the time is right."(Cid)

Cid took another sip of his lemonade, his eyes scanning the room with an intensity that belied his calm demeanor. Each mundane detail was transformed in his mind into a piece of his grand plan.

"Perhaps tonight I'll find a worthy adversary. Someone who can provide a challenge, test my abilities, and remind the world why I am the true shadow ruler. The shadows grow restless without a foe to confront, without a battle to fight."(cid)

Saying this, Cid left after paying the bill. Before blending into the darkness where he always resides, he muttered to himself:

"As per the report, Oriana Kingdom holds some potential to be my next battlefield. There's going to be a large-scale ambush with a few very high-skilled fighters... HAHAHAHA... Oh yes, speaking of shady things, this cult is spreading rumors about me, claiming I kill people without reason like a psychopath by dressing someone akin to me... Hmph, that's some underhanded method... truly pitiful."(Cid)

"Cid, is that you?!" Alexia's voice, filled with excitement, reached Cid's ears, causing him to frown.

"Y-Yes... it's me, Ms. Alexia... do you need something? Because I'm a bit busy, you know," Cid replied with a bitter smile, taking a bite of his hot dog.

'Like hell he's busy. Who eats hot dogs while working?!' Alexia thought, exasperated.

"Well, I thought you might be interested because I have a very high-paying job for you. You know,"(Alexia)

Alexia said, her eyes flickering with a hint of disgust. As she spoke, she tossed two gold coins to the side, and Cid, catching them in his mouth like an obedient dog, jumped at the opportunity.

'Come to think of it, A princess of a kingdom in a simple carriage like this!! HEHEHE there must be some interesting thing here and as for the destination, i have to go there anyway. So why not earn some money while I am on it.....Well this what i call, Luck'(Cid)

'I just want to talk to him because after this, I might not be the Alexia he knows... and this damn Cid... hmph!'(Alexia)

Alexia thought while going in her carriage but this time being followed by Cid. After half an hour, their carriage finally left the Midgar Kingdom.

'As they had said, just the next morning, we got reports of shadows killing a noble and few citizens spotted by who knows whom. And as I expected, both Iris and that bastard proposed and insisted on the idea of doing an all-out attack on the Oriana kingdom, suspecting that the shadows are currently in Oriana kingdom. Hence, being a neighbor, it's their responsibility to help them in coming out of their grip. And so, Midgar declared an all-out war on the Oriana kingdom. My head is going to blow apart!! Well, leaving that aside...'(Alexia)

"By the way, How is your sister Cid?"(Alexia)


He replied to her question while looking at the passing scenery outside the window pane.

"Well, do you know there is going to be a war against Oriana kingdom by all the four kingdoms at once.."(Alexia)

"What war? But why? Isn't Rose the current queen of the kingdom?"(Cid)

When Alexia touched on the future event of the battle of Oriana kingdom, Cid suddenly showed curiosity, which led Alexia to speak about several things that she was told by number 225.