

Emily wandered around the forest for hours until dusk, haven't decided which tree to sleep in or having the necessary things to build a tent.

Her stomach have been sending her signals, the villagers didn't allow her to take her clothes or food before pushing her out of the village.

Walking a few more meters forward, she found the perfect tree to sleep. l

"but what if rain starts falling" she muttered taping her chin"I need something like a roof"


Her stomach growled again.

"I should look for something to eat"

She walked back to where she was sure she saw fruits tree. Disappointment set in again when she can't find the tree.

Emily turn towards where she heard a rustle in the bushes. She readied her magic to stun it.

A cute, pure white rabbit hopped out and stood a few feet from her.

"awwwn, so cute" Emily gushed.

Immediately like a flash, she grabbed the rabbit.

"you will be my dinner" she smiled.

Emily tied it down and cut some dry branches, she set up two Y shaped sticks a few feet from each other and placed a straight stick connecting the two.

Emily started a fire and reached out to her pocket dagger, walked over to where she hung the rabbit.

She stared at it with pity, the poor rabbit was looking hopeless on the tree hanged like a criminal with death sentence.

"little rabbit am so hungry, so sorry that I have I satisfy myself with you" she untied it's rope.

Emily head to the fire and placed the rabbit in front of her.

" don't tell me you are going to eat that cute thing" Henry walked over to her side.

Henry, the crown prince of the fairies, twenty three years of age, cool and calm. Six foot, shoulder length hair and face to die for, currently her best friend.

"no, I wanted I keep it as a companion" Emily pouted cutely.

"we both know that's a lie" Henry dropped the basket he is holding and reached for the rabbit.

"mom gave it to you?" Emily asked as she reached into the basket.

"yes" Henry picked up the rabbit" here is the key to my cabin, your clothes are also there" he handed her a bunch of keys.

"you are a darling" Emily smiled.

"but I want to be your darling" He sat down close to her.

"arghh!!, not again" Emily groaned.

Besides been her best friend, Henry was also her top admirer, always bringing up the topic that he wants to marry her, she should be his queen, he loves her and can't do without her.

Those were the rubbish she endured from this lover boy.

"Henry, I told like a million times am not into you that way" Emily picked up a sandwich"besides plenty girls would love to be your girlfriend"

"but I only want you" Henry wrapped his hand around her neck.

"guys!!!!" someone burst out of the bushes panting heavily.

"Raph what's wrong?" Henry looked up.

"he is panting like a donkey that ran a marathon" Emily chuckled.

"your highness" Raphael bowed to Henry and threw a nasty look at Emily.

"sheesh Raph am just joking" Emily smirked.

" well actually I brought a message to my dear big sis" Raphael pointed at his self proclaimed big sister.

"what is it brother?" Emily

"your dad, Mr Chas" Raphael

"what's wrong with dad?" Emily stood up worried.

"he is seriously in need of the fairy energy,it is fading fast from him and it has cause him to collapse" Raphael grab a bottle of water.

" it's not only him half the kingdom has fallen to this terrible fate" Henry stood up all prince like.

" my dad is my priority not twenty thousand fairies" Emily yelled gripping her hair.

" he will be like that unless we get the fairy energy orb" Raphael grip her shoulders.

" we are organizing our army to attack the vampires,my best men are on it" Henry held her down also.

"leave me alone" Emily pushed both of them away" my dad will continue been like that unless he gets energy from that f**king orb,I don't know about you but am going to get that thing back now"

" you will just die if you go out there alone" Raphael held her again concentrating his magic on that hand.

" you all know he is already weak from not having his vampire energy,he won't survive long if he doesn't get that energy" Emily growled as her power acted up again,transforming her into her werewolf form.

" calm down" Henry held her other hand also concentrating his energy on that hand.

" leave..me..alone"she pushed them off ready to leap.

" stop" Henry stood in front of her.

"you guys think it's easy,am not there to support them and my mom will soon leave to get her werewolf energy" Emily grab a blanket and wrapped it around her,her werewolf transformation had her clothes torn up in shreds.

"sorry to say this but your mom can't" Raphael shook his head sadly.

"is she also sick?" Emily stood up alarmed.

"no,but all the other magical creatures orb has been stolen by the vampire" Raphael replied.

"I will go check up on your parents" Henry hugged her" Raphael,you are in charge of taking care of her"

Henry spread his wings and flew off.

"Raphael,you will get information for me about those vampires, I will infiltrate their kingdom" Emily stood up.

"okay" Raphael also took off.

Emily stood up,the hair that had grown disappeared and her hair grew longer. Her pupils changed color to their normal blue,her fangs lengthened.

"complete" she smirked as her vampire transformation is complete.