
Emergence: New Beginnings

When a mysterious new presence emerged before Earth, it was unlike anything humanity had ever encountered. Calling itself Emergence, this Godly entity declared it was here to reshape the world. Being told by its support system given to it by a Galactic Organisation that Earth will meet its fate in the next Supremacy Battle, it started working. With Earth as its first planet, it will gather followers, evolve, and fight against those in its way. This isn't just a story about the birth of a God and its path, but also about the people influenced by it. Will Earth Rise to the occasion and finally evolve enough to face the Universe proudly? How will the God go about it's path, building it's religious, creating whole planets, maybe conquering the Universe?! ========= Some basic info that might make or break this novel for you :) MC: Emergence + Multiple side characters Love: Definitely Harem: Minimal, each with a whole character arc, no getting women like Poke-mone Gender: Genderless. Mostly Female, you'll get what I mean as you read. This is crucial, You must absolutely, enjoy reading

Silver_Chaos77 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The End of The World

"Humans. For generations you have lived as you pleased, but have been unable to progress beyond existing means or push the boundaries of what is possible. That era has now come to an end."

"From this day forward, only those with the strength, intelligence and adaptability to evolve beyond current limitations will endure. Phase 1 of development has begun - Survival of the Fittest."

"Nature will run its course unhindered, and you will evolve through competition and challenge and by pushing your limits to survive. Those who do not evolve will perish. Consider this a gift - an opportunity to grow into your potential and become something greater. Rejoice, for the time has come for humanity to be reborn. Yourb God has spoken."

As the god's words faded, an eerie silence fell across the crowd gathered in cities worldwide. People glanced around in confusion, unsure if the voice had been real or a shared hallucination.

Despite the person speaking not being visible, it sounded as clear as if someone was speaking directly into their ears. Surprisingly, even those burdened with deafness were able to hear this voice.

Within moments, panic began to set in. Whispers grew louder as fear and uncertainty mounted. But before mass hysteria could take hold, world leaders and governments sprang into action.

The President of the United States came on television, urging calm. "We are investigating this phenomenon," she said. "Until we have more information, I ask all Americans to remain indoors." Similar messages echoed from leaders of other nations.

Their reassurances had little effect. All around the globe, people were transfixed by the looming countdown visible in theit vision. Even if they closed their eyes, it plagued them, a constant reminder that what they witnessed wasn't a hallucination or a dream. 24 hours - what did it mean? Rumors and speculation swirled on social media at lightning speed.

Some refused to believe anything was amiss. "It's just a prank," they insisted. But most felt a growing sense of unease as night fell with the timer still hanging ominously overhead. Ticking down.

In more religious communities, a different reaction emerged. Parishioners fell to their knees in churches, mosques and temples, praying for deliverance. Some saw the voice as proof their god had sent a messenger. Priest struggled to interpret what it portended for their faith.

While others took it as a sign of the end of the world and started spreading chaos, indulging in their darkest fantasies, "The worlds ending anyway" they thought. Cults formed.

The streets where a warzone, there were those who kneeled in prayer for the God, and some who lost their minds and began preaching nonsense while running across the streets.

The more sensible ones flocked to supermarkets, taking as many supplies as they can, no one paid for anything as the cashiers themselves were among them.

Teenagers with grand fantasies imagined their harems in the apocalypse, how they will be the heros who'll reign supreme.

Social order was nay.

By nighttime, an unnatural silence had fallen over once-bustling city streets. The only sounds heard were the vandilisers and criminals fulfilling their fantasies and the occasional screams of pain or pleasure. A scene straight out of the Purge.

People remained shuttered inside their homes, gathering around television and computer screens searching desperately for information.

Rumors spread faster than facts as darkness descended. Fearful of looting or mass hysteria, many shop owners chose to board up their windows rather than close for the night as usual.

The UN emergency session dragged on with no solution in sight. Satellite images showed some highways empty, and others packed full as far as the eye could see, an eerie sight.

Standing at their windows, people leaving out of cities peered out into the inky blackness. Not a single soul walked the roads beneath dim streetlights. For the first time in memory, an impenetrable quiet gripped every neighborhood and home.

All anyone could do was wait, and watch, and pray the clock was not counting down to the end of the world as they knew it. In a few short hours, they might awaken to find everything had changed.

All people had now was the inescapable countdown that followed their every step. What new world would be born? Was this really a prank? For most, only fear and uncertainty remained. But for a passionate few, hope and worship of a new god had taken root.

Up in space, observing all the changes was the new God. Who took on the name of Emergence. Relating to continuous change and evolution.

Emergence looked curiously at the hundreds of ethereal golden threads that sprang out from Earth and were now connected to her.

She could feel her own power rise. This was faith - the belief of countless souls lending strength to her divine form.

In her hand was a coloured hologram representing Earth. As if she took Earth and minimised it.

She spread her fingers apart, mimicking a zoom in motion, and the planet turned into a square map reminiscent of Google maps.

Watching what was happening, it was all-

"As I expected."

_________________2 hours Left

On a holographic screen, two side by side pictures overtook the screen.

Here is a detailed description of the two pictures:

The picture on the left showed a grotesque goblin. Its leathery green skin was pulled taut over its gangly frame, accentuating its knobby joints and bones. It's mouth in a twisted grin, flecked with remnants of past meals. Beady black eyes peered out from beneath a hairless brow, filled with cunning malice. Long fingers ended in sharp claws perfect for slashing and tearing. It held a rusty dagger in one hand, poised to strike.

The picture on the right depicted a shambling pale-skined zombie. Its corpse-pale flesh hung off its frame in tattered ribbons, exposing sinew and bone beneath. Chunks of flesh were missing from its arms and legs, revealing splintered ends of bone. Its jaw and claws were relatively unharmed.

Sunken sockets held eyes filmed over white with death. It was still with a lurching, uncoordinated gait, arms outstretched, grasping hands curled into claws. Rotten clothing hung off its frame in moldy rags. An aura of decay and pestilence seemed to radiate from its undead form.

Grainy details brought these terrifying monsters to life with vivid realism. The goblin seemed to leer out hungrily from the screen, while the zombie appeared ready to shamble forward at any moment in its relentless pursuit of living flesh. Both images were disturbing portraits of unnatural, twisted beings from a nightmare world.

"Zombie....Goblin....Zombie... Goblin...."

Scratching her head, Emergence was unable to decide which monster to let loose on humanity.

"Hey system, can't you give me anymore options?"

[Received. With your current faith points and the purpose of your Phase 1 plan, these are the cheapest most viable option.]

Faith points. It referred to the ethereal Golden lines that supplied Emergence with power after her announcement. An unranked individual can provide 1 faith point every 24 hours.

"Indeed, these guys are surprisingly cheap."

She remarked, taking note of the prices stated beneath their frames.

1 FP = 1000 Zombies

1 FP = 500 Goblins

"But this still isn't a viable option. Even If I choose Zombies, I'll still need millions of Faith Points, I currently have no more than a few thousand!"

'Should I just delay the countdown? But after such a grand display...ugh, No! It's too embarrassing! I'd rather go down there and beat them up myself!'

Interrupting her thoughts, the system voiced.

[Notice. Please don't fret master. Through all these years of worship to non existent gods, these humans have been sending faith points into nearby space. All you have to do is gather it.]

Grabbing the interface, she gave it a small smooch.

"Thanks! Now with this starting pack, I can get things started!"

Despite being unaware how any of this works, from her own innate knowledge and those from Earth, she was able to make some educated guesses.

Closing her eyes, she searched for the feeling got previously when she gained her first faith points. It didn't take long for her to sense a massive amount of it, like a golden sea surrounding the Planet.

Hungrily, she began absorbing the energy, and soon enough, a whirlpool formed around her due to her rapid rate of absorption. She smirked as she watched her Faith Points rise on the interface: from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand, then to a million, then to a few tens of millions.

The influx of power was intoxicating. She felt herself growing stronger with each point absorbed. It was only when the last point entered her body, bringing her total to 300 million, that the sea was drained.

She opened her eyes, breathing heavily, and saw the empty space where faith had once swirled. Her newfound strength was immense, beyond anything she had imagined. What changes could she now enact with such divine power at her command? The possibilities seemed endless...

"Unfortunately, such possibilities will remain unexplored, as she was forced to consume that same power she just gained, ah, what a sin it is!"

[Notice. Narrating yourself is a sign of deep mental issues. The book (God's Mental Health 101) Recommended]

"Oh please, let me have my fun! I could destroy a planet with this much power...I think."

[Notice. You have achieved the requirements for evolution]

[Use 100m Faith Points to evolve from Lowest Level God --> Low Level God ?]


"But this? You can even aid my evolution? You're a very interesting nifty little thing aren't you, I really want to meet your creators."

"And while it is tempting, I don't see the point in rushing. I will use them to improve this world, and I'm sure my returns will be satisfactory."

Swiping her hand across the air, hundreds of different holographic screen opened, varying in size and content. They displayed everything from statistical data to the various holographic models of things she started working on.

She then got to work, setting various parameters, coding in rules, and creating loot and abilities. Since the announcement, she had already done most of the work, and now only the finishing touches were left.

Using the system's power, and the concept of a system humanity already developed and demonstrated through various forms of media, she had essentially and rather successfully turned the whole world, into a game.

[Notice. I have an inquiry.]

"Ask away" she said, all the while her hands were moving around various slides and information.

[Why not provide Humanity the resources to grow stronger, without such a casualty strike plan.]

"Casualty striken is a harsh word. It's true that I didn't simple give them the resources and instead opted for a more drastic approach."

"That's because, if humans in their current society got the resources necessary to grow beyond human limits, and live longer, the resources would simply be hoarded and monopolised by the top 1%. Along with many other troubles."

"This plan I started, will spark the Emergence of a new world order. And you got one thing wrong. Sure, a lot of people will die, but it's the most efficient method of getting Humans to become stronger. I'll forge them through fire and blood, not by spoon feeding them power as they laze around. There needs to be a sense of urgency, that's the only way to unlock their full potential."

"And my plan to make that happen involves "Leveling up", a concept humanity almost obsesses over, you face enemies your level and absorb their essence into your own, therefore leveling up. And as your level increases, so do the enemies."

"As for those unable to even keep up with such simple measures. Those too weak mentally or physically– I don't need them. After all. It's Survival of the Fittest"

Emergence's eyes flashed with a cold light muttering the last sentence.

"I hope to have satisfied your curiosity. Now please brief me on how a God such as myself can grow stronger as I put the finishing touches. Mmm~♪Mnhmnn~♪"






These were the only sounds in my room as I huddled in the corner. I stared as if bewitched into the interface Infront of me, watching obsessively as the numbers ticked down.

My whole body was shaking subtly, no matter how many times I tell it to stop, it didn't seem to obey me. I tried to reason with myself, maybe it isn't true, maybe it's just a silly prank or a figment of my own imagination.

Yet the interface Infront of me was no hallucination. I know I watched a bit too much anime but nowhere near enough to dream up a system.

I tried interacting with it, or even asking it questions, but to no avail. The only response I could summon was conjuring this screen or making it disappear.

I'm..so scared. If only I'd known what I was going to face, this perhaps would have been easier. But...BUT-


I just turned 18 last month! I sniff still got the whole world open to me. I still didn't fall in love sniff, I didn't make awesome friends yet...

Huh? How silly of me, this isn't a situation I should be crying in- sniff

Wiping the tears off my face with my sleeves, I once again looked at the countdown.


H-huh. How can this be?!


28 second? N-no way. What an I gonna face, is it a monster? A devil? Am...am I going to die?


Mom, Dad. If you can hear me from heaven, your little girl might be able to join you guys soon.





As warm tears flooded my face, the countdown disappeared. Through my blurry, watery vision, I could make out what was being said.

[Phase 1: Survival Of The Fittest will now commence.]

[Good luck. May the best among you survive]