
Emergence: New Beginnings

When a mysterious new presence emerged before Earth, it was unlike anything humanity had ever encountered. Calling itself Emergence, this Godly entity declared it was here to reshape the world. Being told by its support system given to it by a Galactic Organisation that Earth will meet its fate in the next Supremacy Battle, it started working. With Earth as its first planet, it will gather followers, evolve, and fight against those in its way. This isn't just a story about the birth of a God and its path, but also about the people influenced by it. Will Earth Rise to the occasion and finally evolve enough to face the Universe proudly? How will the God go about it's path, building it's religious, creating whole planets, maybe conquering the Universe?! ========= Some basic info that might make or break this novel for you :) MC: Emergence + Multiple side characters Love: Definitely Harem: Minimal, each with a whole character arc, no getting women like Poke-mone Gender: Genderless. Mostly Female, you'll get what I mean as you read. This is crucial, You must absolutely, enjoy reading

Silver_Chaos77 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

No Fucking Way

[Hidden Achievement: My hands are enough. Has been completed]

That was the message that popped up next to a concentrating Emergence. In her hand was a character model. A young man, mid twenties, clean shaven, sharp eyed, and with long hair tied up in a traditional Chinese pony tail.

He had the aura of a Xianxia protagonist.

"Hmm? Well would you look at that, someone actually killed a zombie with his bare hands. Impressive considering I made them slower in exchange for stronger bodies."

She pinched the small figure in her hand and extended her fingers outwards, enlarging the character model to her size, and began fine tuning some details. As she did, she addressed the system.

"Any bugs?"

[Received. A total of 122 bugs were found.]

"Ack. Seriously? That many? Guess it was inevitable. Fix them for me."


"Hahaha, don't pout, alright I'll help out. It does surprise me how much sentience you posses. Even the most advanced Human AI couldn't do this. I really do want to meat your creators~"

Feeling her predatory gaze, the system backed away respectfully. Emergence chuckled and returned to her work.

[Notice. I have an inquiry.]

"Hey system, you don't have to announce you have a question, just ask away, I don't mind a little small talk as I work anyway."

[Received. What is it you're making.]

"NPCs, and some Unique and Boss monsters."

[Received. Analysing relevant data.....Done.

May I ask the reason]

"They set a character background. I don't want this to simply turn into an apocalypse, I want to present an opportunity for players to build their own kingdoms. That's why I'm making some special zones, as well as some NPC factions to act as role models and guide them, just like you are doing to me."


[Hidden Achievement: No F*cking way. Has been completed.]

"No F*cking way!" Emergence exclaimed and immediately conjured up a screen.

On it was a male, medium length black hair combed messily backwards, clear grey eyes and average stature. The problem was, he was naked from the waist down, and infront of him was a female zombie, tied from all limbs to a table, also naked from the waist down.




"Aggh, ah~" His moans sounded from the screen, immediately turning the God's face bright red. It was actually a spectacle. Her normal colour of cosmic royal blue and violet changed to pink.

"H-h-he's doing it with a zombie!? What the hell is wrong with him!"

She shook her head and face palmed.

"He's doing it so passionately too," she murmured, her body squirming.

"Pervert..." She closed the screen, and just stood there flabbergasted.

"I added it as a joke, I didn't think anyone would actually... actually- Agh.."

"He should be rewarded but punished...pffff HAHAHAHAHA"

Suddenly, she burst out laughing.

"This is actually hilarious if you see it more objectively! The reward I set is also pretty unique. In fact, looking at his history, I think it suits him perfectly, it might as well be tailor made for him."

"Let me hurry and change the achievements name before he gets the message."

____________Richard POV


I just released my third load, I swear these female zombies are babes! I always wanted to try that out, and I'm glad I did!

Regular sex became tedious after a while for me, I wanted more, I went around the world, sleeping with women of various ethnicities. The only things that I didn't hump were other men, animals, and that particularly curvy tree– wait, I did hump that one.

[Hidden Achievement: Exotic Hunter. Has been completed]

As I buckled my belt, I saw the message pop infront of me. This is my second achievement now. The first one being when I was among the first thousand to kill a zombie and achieve level up.

The perk I picked was a random passive, and I got one called Herculean Strength 1.

It didn't take any of my active slots, and buffed my strength all the way from F- to F+.

It took me 8 strikes to the skull of a zombie with a metal pipe for it to die. Yet with this, 2 strikes were enough.

And as the third zombie arrived, it happened to be my college roommate, I had a crush on her since my freshman year, so with my strength, I managed to tie her up. I guess she too lost to her zombie.

Hmm, let me see, Exotic Hunter. It's a perk, so it doesn't take any slots, and its description is AMAZING! I couldn't have asked for a better ability!

For every intercourse with a new species, I get a random number of free stat points. The more powerful the species the more I receive! And for old species, it restores my HP!

It also passively increases my charisma towards females. Simply, amazing.

I light a cigarette and take in a breath. The world has come to shit lately because of some wack God. There are a lot of helpless girls out there that need my protection!

There's no time to waste!

Holding my Iron Rod, I head to Stacy.

Heh- Iron Rod...


"Stacy, you were my first zombie, and I will never forget you."

I then kissed her on the cheek, she groaned at me. She likes it.



Goodness, I'm getting emotional. Taking a puff from my cigarette, I head outside my dorm room. It appears any weapon not given by the system has no effect on these things. The soldiers outside were helpless when they shot and stabbed the zombies. It was a bloodbath, so much blood made me sick to my stomach.

Bad thoughts go away! I can't be afraid of some blood! I need to have a brave front so that beautiful women can take comfort in me!

Yup... confidence. I thought as I clumsily maneuvered over a severed limb...

Beautiful women, wait for me. Milfs, your husbands were idiots who got themselves killed, wait for me, I'm coming!


"HAHAHAHAHA, this guy is hilarious! Did you hear his thoughts system? Simply amazing!"


On a couch she conjured, Emergence layed down with some popcorn in her hands, she had become addicted. Leaving all the work to the poor system, she began watching the players. Especially the first 100 who had leveled up.

__________________The Girl POV

Ahhhh, even after I pepped myself up, I'm still scared. Those anime characters with sudden personality changes are seriously unrealistic!

It's been 20 minutes since the end, and I have not yet faced a single zombie after the one in my room. I'm doing the exact same thing I shouldn't, wasting time.

I found the courage to head into the hallway.

The hallway had a few doors open too, I guess they ran away....WAIT- YOU COULD RUN AWAY?!

Hahaha, I laughed at how ridiculous this was. Why did I assume I had to either fight or die? I could have run away too...but where. If the whole world population got a zombie, that's already 7 Billion zombies, not to mention those who turned. They're simply running towards a different death.

I can't blame them though, they must have families to protect or are just unable to cope with the change.

Wait, doesn't that mean all those people that barricaded their doors and slipped into bunkers, had simply locked themselves in with...

I should really stop thinking about this, as the more I do the more desperate my situation seems and along with it drowns my confidence and fighting spirit.

It was eerily silent now aside from the occasional scream of absolute terror...

Nowhere near as load as when this all started. So...they either died or killed the zombies- or run away.

I need to level up.

Haaa, I never imagined I'd be actively looking for zombies. But this is better too. The most I'll have to face is 2 zombies, I'll be targeting my single neighbours. Much better than venturing outside, at my level, a horde will easily trap me.

I glance at the door right infront of me, this is where uncle Matt lives. He's a very sweet guy, I wonder if he...

Knock knock

"U-uncle Matt? I-it's me, Luna."

What greeted me was silence.

"Uncle Matt? A-are you there?"

I was whispering a shout, I wasn't stupid enough to make a sound with potential zombies further down the hall.

The doorknob was locked. Of course it was.

I slid my katana into the doors hinges and sliced, but I wasn't strong enough to leave anything but a scratch.

This is a wooden door, so I'll do this the messy way.

Clumsily holding the Katana in an uncomfortable pose, I closed my eyes and poked the door, and it instantly pierced through. I retracted the blade and bent down to take a look from the formed crack.


Immediately, I saw something shooting towards me, the shock was enough to knock me off balance, and I fell backwards. Not an instance later, a greyish, bloody hand broke through the crack, clawing at me hungrily.

My heart feels like a hundred galloping horses decided to race inside. I can't believe I was this close to dying.


I won't run away.

Standing up, I affirmed my plan of action. Holding the blade,my legs still shaking and on the verge of tears, I swung again towards the door, this time I activated Power Strike.

I felt something moving through my veins and to my sword, some kind of energy, the feeling was bizzare yet not unpleasant.

A dark, violet aura now surrounded my blade which began to shine that same hue.


Aiming for what I thought its head would be on the other side of that broken door, my sword not only pierced the thick wooden frame like a hot knife through butter, but Power Strikes effect was obvious.

A meter-wide hole was blown into the door, along with the upper half of that zombie.

[You have defeated a Zombie (lv.1)]

[+10 XP]

This took more out of me than I anticipated, and I was left panting at the door.

I stared at my hand in disbelie, my mouth wide enough to fit an egg inside. I...I did this? Oh, that feeling is returning, I'm smirking again aren't I.

Like before, the zombie– rather what was left of it, disappeared into particles of light, and a few gold coins dropped. No weapons or a skill book this time. I need to figure out the drop rate on those.

The coins disappeared once my leg got close. So it turns out it didn't matter if I picked it up, if I'm close enough it'll automatically be collected.

There's still one more inside.

I looked at my mana. That previous strike used up half. I figured.

I need to try taking care of this without Power Strike. Hoooo.

Letting out a deep breath, I mentally readied myself and ventured into the dark room. I felt around and found the light switch.

As the room brightened, copious amounts of blood painted the apartment's walls and furniture, yet no body– I think I see something.

In the corner, I saw Uncle Matt's body, his back towards me as he sat there in a pool of his own blood.

C-could he still be alive?


Slowly and carefully, I approached, my legs a nerve impulse away from jumping backwards.

The grip on my katana tightened.

"Uncle, please reply to me if you're not a zombie.." My voice was shaking.

From his full head of hair, I couldn't make out if his skin was normal. He was shaking? Is he crying...

"Uncle?" I called out, this time with a gentler tone.

I reached forward to touch his back. Yet the next moment, he turned around and reached out to me with his chubby arms. Leaping back, I was immediately out of his grasp.

I couldn't help but compare this version of Matt to the old sweet one. This one had a bloody scratch going along its face, his familiar smile nowhere to be seen, his eyes sunken and skin grey.

He crawled towards me. Yes, crawled. One of his legs seemed to have been bitten through and the other was jumbled up so much it was unrecognisable. I felt sick looking at this much blood and gore.

This is nothing, I'll see more of this. Is what I told myself, yet the sick feeling I got remained.

Desperately, he crawled towards me.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, to him or to myself I didn't know.

I put a whole in his skull with my katana. It was like cutting vegetables- Oh no, that's too dark.

[You have defeated a Zombie (lv.1)]

[+10 XP]

That wasn't enough to level up? I opened the interface, I didn't really have time to study it but now that I look closely I think I understand.

This system tells me how much XP per kill I got, but not how much I need to level up. Instead what it shows is a percentage.

40%. If every zombie is 20%, I need three more. I'm exhausted already, I held the Katana with so much grip it's painful to move my fingers now.

I sat on a blood free couch and opened the interface. A new option popped up. [Pray]

It was a new page similar to the page the status screen was in. The new interface was Golden in colour, with the word PRAY written in the center. A crystal ball filled with around 20 white balls was above it.

Pray? To who- oh.

Is it asking me to pray to the God who did all this? I... don't know how to feel about that. I know I should be angry, but I kind of accepted it. What use is it being angry with a God, a being that can crush you with a thought. Not that my life was any better before this anyway.

I clicked Pray. And the balls of light disappeared, what I felt next surprised me.

It felt like I was suddenly taken in a warm embrace, all my fatigue and stress melted away, it reminded me of my mother.

I'm crying again, I really need to stop- sniff.

The feeling then disappeared, instinctively I tried to click pray once more, the comfort I felt before was something I missed dearly for years. Even if for a second more, I want to feel it again.

Nothing happened, instead, a prompt with 24 hours appeared. It instantly clicked. Every ball of light represented an hour, so there were 24 balls of light in that crystal.

Guess tomorrow then. I stood up and headed to the fridge, I'm parched. Taking some H2O into my system, I headed outside again.

This time just a little bit more used to this new world. After that, I raided 3 more rooms, everyone inside was a zombie. Evrytime I opened a door, I felt my hope of meeting someone I knew get crushed at the sight of the zombies. Until I hoped no longer.

By the third door, I adopted a kind of strategy.

I would knock on the door, if it's a zombie, I would hear some scratching on the other side if I waited a few seconds. Then I'd simply shove my katana to where I thought it's head would be.

I leveled up after the second room, and added my points to stamina and strength. Agility helped me Evade a lot of attacks, I'm currently faster than the zombies by a wide margin, so it isn't a priority for now. I find myself out of breath often, so stamina is essential.

Increasing my strength is just a way for me to spend less effort per attack, so I could fight longer. While I have the strength to pierce the head of a zombie with the sharp tip of my Katana. If I try slicing through their necks, it just gets stuck halfway through.

Stamina went up to F. Strength needs another point I think. Thinking about it, I should've added some points into intelligence huh, so I can use power strike more. Well, one step at a time.

After a few more apartments, aside from the ones that were empty or the ones where the residents fled, there were 2 left.

With this, I leveled up to level 3, and I got another iron katana and 2 passives.

These two apartments have more than 4 maybe 5 zombies inside. I'm not confident enough in taking them down, not without a plan. I can hear their scratches and banging on the doors.


However before I could think of one, one of the doors to those very apartments, just got destroyed.