
New beginning

A sharp pain, one that is far greater than his arduous training spread through his shoulder. Taking a look at his shoulder in that split second, Tang lei can see the claw of the shadow cutting through his skin and making way towards his heart.



His heart is pulverized by the force and he spurts blood from his mouth as his body is thrown towards the boulder. His strengthened body did very little to save him from the assault. As he crashed into the huge rock there is a slight tremor which shakes the root of a nearby tree.

" hum , go to hell. go to hell you beast!"

Tang lei spat these words as he saw the bear strides towards him. Sadly the last image he will see is that of the fierce beast that will gobble him up moving triumphantly towards him. images of his parents and his aspirations flash before his eyes before everything goes dark.

The bear sensing the aura of life flowing out of Tang lei speeds up in excitement to gobble up it meat.

~bam!!~ ~pow~

brain particles mixed with blood spreads on the ground as the tree which got shaken due to the tremor when Tang lei crushed into the boulder fell on the shadow bears head crushing it.

Now both man and beast are dead, everything is supposed to end. body return to soil and qi return to the world. Except, as the blood of both beast and man flowed on the ground, they made their way towards a triangular prism glowing with an emerald color.

It begins to absorb the blood of both beings. As it does so, it started glowing brighter and marks started forming around it. marks that showed words written in a language. As Tang lei was closer to the object, it absorbed more of his blood.

After sometime, the object floated and went near Tang lei. It passed through the hole in his body and settled where his heart should be. The moment that happened all wounds on his body started healing. After healing the wounds, the object started sucking it blood, only this time it was also giving back nother liquid. It has started replacing Tang Lei's blood!

The emerald colored blood gave an aura of vitality. As the process went on, Tang Lei's body was being transformed. His finger twitched as that went on.

After half a day, Tang lei eyes slowly opened, confusion visible in them.

"where am I?"

He looks around slowly trying to make sense of the underworld he is expecting to see. As he looked on, his eyes fell upon the carcass of the shadow bear. His heart skips a beat. he buckles up as memories start flooding his brain. What happened? why is he still alive? Wait!!! what happened to his wounds and his heart!!

He start to inspect himself frantically, but all that he can see is a tanned and healthy skin. Not even a scar, to show wether there was even a bruise or a small cut.

He felt wondrous, what just happened? Well he decided not to linger around what he couldn't understand. He will take it as the heavens listening to him and live his best. He stood up an walked toward the carcass. Feeling angry he kicked the carcass weighing a ton only for it to be pushed back by a meter. He became stunned. and then he checked his cultivation. only two realized that he has upped by two minor realms. Yes he is a fifth layered establishment realm cultivator! Fortune truly comes in pairs....no it comes multiple times. Counting the dead body, he has a small fortune in addition to his windfall. what can be better than that?

Happily, Tang lei drag the carcass home as it was getting dark ....